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Everything posted by dhouse89

  1. When it comes to how I'm going to show proof that I will move back to the US. I will show bank statements, credit card, flight ticket, etc. I've been following what other people posted in this website and it went well in my NVC stage. My concern is my unemployment benefits end about a week after the interview. I'm not sure if I should delay the interview or not because I'm afraid the Interview Officer might ask if I'm taking unemployment benefits or not. Also, I'm afraid the he/she denies my spouse her US visa. Does anyone know if the Interview Officer ever ask the question if we are taking unemployment benefits or not while being unemployed? While searching in this website, the people who were taking unemployment benefits where doing it in the US. Thank you and I appreciate any suggestions/feedback.
  2. My spouse and I are both unemployed and getting unemployment benefits after our job ended a couple of months ago. We are not getting the benefits from the US, but in the country that we are residing in. We have a CR1 interview within a month. We prepared everything and it seems like everything we have to get the visa is great. However, we have been getting unemployment for a couple of months after our job end. Like any country that gives people unemployment, we have to find a job in the current country that we reside in to get the benefits. So my question is will getting unemployment benefits be an issue when my spouse does the interview? We are willing to get out of the unemployment benefits once my spouse gets the visa. Also, financially, we are stable and have more than the requirements for the poverty guidelines.
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