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  1. AOS? Cr1 or AOS? Hi there, 29f and my bf 27m. My boyfriend is a US citizen, I am a Canadian citizen. Dated online bout ten years ago for a while and just recently got back in touch and have been dating since March, met for the first time 2 months ago for a whole month in the US! I am visiting him right now for the second time for a few weeks before we both start our new jobs, and we don’t know when we’ll be able to see each other again due to having to wait months for vacation time at work. This is where we both are really just not wanting to be apart, I just want to stay with him. My question is, am I able to stay here and just file for AOS, or should we do Cr1? I don’t want to do anything illegal or risk being banned/denied. I had absolutely no intent to stay when I crossed the border, I have a new job lined up, new car insurance etc and it would be a pain to get my car down here and all of my stuff etc but i would do it just to be with him. I know I wouldn’t be able to work for a year if we did AOS but money wouldn’t be an issue, I’d just have to stay busy. I guess I’m just asking if the AOS would be legal and if we would have a solid chance. If not we would get married and I’d have to return home and wait months to see each other which is super depressing but obviously I’d do it if we have to. Thanks so much.
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