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Everything posted by ElyseD

  1. Hi, I am a Canadian Citizen with an E3D visa that expires Aug 1, 2023 and an extended approval of status (E3S) until 2025. My husband is an Australian citizen with an E3 Visa and the same expiration but approval of extension until 2025. We own a home and work in Los Angeles with our 2 kids (one canadian and one American) and a baby on the way. I booked the soonest Visa appointment I could find in Canada but it is not until August 28, 2025 in Ottawa! We requested an expedited appointment in Vancouver for next week and were denied because of capacity limitations. This is my last chance to get back to see my family before our third baby arrives and my mother cannot travel here until next year as she has hit her 6 month limit in the US as a Canadian visitor. We were planning to return to Canada and update our visas but since that option has been denied I am trying to see if I can return to the US with the documents that I already have: a new Canadian passport (does not contain a hard copy E3D visa or any stamps as I lost my old passport), E-3S approved status until 2025, I94 and documentation showing our travel history in the US. If that doesnt work, what is the possibility of being denied entry as a temporary visitor from Canada to the US if I am traveling with my family who can re enter under their status? If I re enter as a visitor can we apply for new visas while in the US and ship our passports to Australia to get our visas processed? Any guidance here would be helpful. We have already lost the $630 in visa application fees as well as our families flight back to Canada should we not be able to return to the US.
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