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Posts posted by culture1

  1. Lawny i thought u would have to do everything in Kingston?

    He's near Mobay, so avoiding a trip to Kgst is best for him. but yu do what yu got to do! let me know if you find out more....and how much is that fee? thanks, C1

    I say..get everything done in Kingston...I know the travel is a hassle....with going to Kng he would have to make 2 stops. Does he drive? u can get express which is about 3 days for $2000 or 2 wks for couple hundred

    He's going to go, yes he drives...he just would like to avoid losing a day of work if possible.

    Fees? anyone know how much for the police record? Money is the real issue for all these details to be completed.....and I just got an IRS tax letter, i'm behind ...and what's more important?...what if i pay them but can't afford to go for the interview?...

    feeling my neck tighten and shoulders go up...............we're close...need some push...... :(

  2. We're hoping for an interview in January, cause i'm guessing that things slow down for the last 2 weeks in Dec...and cost of flying will go down, so better for me to be able to go....this is the nerve wracking time, and the money is so tight, and the various fees to pay, but...............Soon Come!

    Great way to start the new year, so i'm hopeful and thankful and if i were better on the computer, i'd throw in some graphics of cocktails glasses clinking with the sunset in the background....good thing we still have imagination!!!! :) culture1

  3. Sus, that is funny.

    Just Got my NOA2....! Sum thing to celebrate! hope i can afford to come back ....maybe January for interview ???(all i want for xmas is another ticket...and more paid vaca time)......Hoping all this process is over before my retirement fund is completely gone....was my only 'nest egg' and it's half as much over the last month! Robbery! Wall street thieves....watch out.... i hear they are hanging out on beaches all over the Carib..

    Anyway...big up the VJers for the immense amount of help i got from just swimming around this site. Just goes to show who you can count on in the world....lovers, not bankers!

  4. It will be okay, S. Just hang in there.

    I have to laugh at Tre. I said the same thing to her over and over again in pretty much the same tone when she was freaking out. She's paying it forward now! My little grasshopper has become the teacher!!!!!

    This is so true. And to all the newbies here, I did everything they told me to do and all is good. Especially advice before your SO gets to the states.

    Well, i'm getting us ready for this next stage, and i'm hoping to learn from y'all. My SO is on the road most of the time, so how/where do they contact him with the next step? will he get mail at the PO in Falmouth, which he rarely checks? Once i get NOA2, should he be checking that weekly? Does the PO contact him when mail is in for him? i know these are just little details, but hey, that seems where the problems come up. advice?

  5. Starting this thread to learn more about our loved ones Culture and the History of Jamaica, land we love :)

    Out Of Many Cultures The People Who Came

    i'd love to share what i've recently been reading: 'Martha Brae's two histories' by Jean Besson...which is heavy on the academic approach to verifiable history but mixed with real stories that only real ancestors tell...i'm loving it. It's some sweet, bitter sweet history. I also just finished a great novel 'True History of Paradise" which has great historical and geographical references...a great read, especially if vacationing in Treasure beach. For me, knowing these stories, as well as each one told and heard along this great trod...enriches my love of this land, its people and its future. blessings and hope. Culture1

  6. Happy birthday fellow Gemini. I hope your day is very special and I wish you lots of blessings.




    You know yall are crazy right!!!??? :wacko::wacko::wacko:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hey... Im a gemini (well... june 21..debateable) and I really AM a teacher... strange

    Happy B-day!!! (F)(F)(F)

    Well, I am gemini too, music teacher, kind, youthful, inteligent....(kahm), all of the above and much more :whistle:

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