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Everything posted by MaegZ0322

  1. Yes, my husband would be the only immigrant. I live with my mum along with our 3 children. So I counted Myself, my 3 children, my mum, and my husband for household. So if she filed as joint sponsor, she would only list a household of 2? As a joint sponsor, I take it I fill out a form as well? How would I list my household? So sorry for all these questions. This is the main area that I want to make sure I get it right and not cause a longer delay. I've not worked for over 17 years so the jobs I can get don't pay the best. Hoping I can get training to move up but that won't be done in time. I can't thank you enough for helping me again. Very thankful.
  2. I moved over to the stars a few months ago to get a job and sponsor my husband moving from the UK. I only earn about $30,000 but total household is 6. My plan was to be able to combine my income with my mums. That is the only way I will meet the requirements. She is retired and has a decent amount of savings. Her retirement is about 25,000 a year. What would be the best route to making sure we can meet the requirement in our situation? We do not have anyone else we can ask. We own half a house in the UK which will be sold one my husband gets approved. That will get us about 100,000 usd. scenario 1 is we go in as co sponsors to combine income. scenario 2 my mum fully sponsors him, meaning she would use her earnings and savings. Can’t remember if we would need 3x or 5x the difference so that would be $75,000 or 125,000? Or about there. She would meet either amount. I know I have asked questions before but I’m trying to be more specific. I don’t want to spend over a year away from my husband if our financial situation isn’t acceptable. Last time he came over, we used scenario 1 and that was accepted but that was 17 years ago.
  3. I was just reading about it and there is no real current timeline for the application. Boundless esitmates about 19 months so really, a similar timeline. The state website says it depends on the case and the processing but obviously, it comes with less restrictions than the I130. Another website said it is between 4 and 19 months. I would give it a go but I have to live at my mum's house for at least 6 months before I can combine my income with hers for the affidavit of support. It also looks like you end up with an additional fee but well worth it to get our loved ones here! Let us know what you decide to do.
  4. It's crazy. You would think it would be somewhat accurate as this is our lives right now. Families living apart or some trying to get their GC so they can work. I'm a complete mess not being able to be with my husband and my children cant see their dad. So much is going to be missed out on on both sides. 21 years of marriage and we have never been apart for so long. Thinking that it's going to be a year or more before I see him hurts my heart so much right now. I know it will be worth it in the end and we are over a month in so it's still progress, just need to keep that mindset. Ticking off the days.
  5. Aww, crying with you on that one. Even though we know they aren't accurate, its worse seeing such a high number. Hopefully, that will drop next time you log in. I'm holding on to the estimates on their site and the estimate I got here. They both are about the same.
  6. My visa journey website estimate for I130 March 9-28 2025 US citizen moved back from the UK to apply for the I130 online Married 21 years as of 2024 I-130 March 18, 2024 Application submitted online I-130 March 18, 2024 NOA1, PD USCIS MyProgress: March 18, 2024--2 Months April 12, 2024--2 Weeks April 15, 2024--3 Weeks April 22, 2024--2 Months April 24, 2024--5 Months
  7. I haven't recieved one of those messages but today, my progress changed to 5 months from 2 weeks and then 2 months. It's quite interesting to see the numbers change so much and all over the place. At least with the changing, it gives me something to look at on my account. I'm in a similar situation, married to my husband for 21 years and sent something to document our lives together over the 21 years. I probably sent way too may photos though!
  8. Thank you. I thought that might be the case and I hadn't really dug into that part until now. So it's good to have that sorted and know what to do now.
  9. That is what I continue to read every day here, lol. I thought if I put this out there and keep it up to date, members can see how it really is and help answer their question on that short time. Mine has been all over the place and I'm not even 2 months in. As much as I would love that short timeline and get my husband over here, it gives me time to sort my finances out and combine with my mum.
  10. Yes, completey get that and understand. I will certainly read them a few times before I submit the form at the time needed. I thought I had read somewhere on the page that yes, it's all unmarried children under the age of 21 no matter where they are unless they would be considered an adult where they normally are domicile. However, by the time we are ready to submit, he will be settled and domiciled here in the states with me and that is the part I wasnt really sure about, if it was domicle when filing the I130 or the affidavit of support. But combined with my mum, we will be good for 5 or 6 in the household. I admit, I could have easily misunderstood about counting the household members but will make sure that I do it properly as they need it. Thank you so much for your help. Edited to add: So if we combine, I would count myself, my immigrant husband, my mum, and 3 children? So sorry if that is a stupid question.
  11. Seeing there are lots questioning the USCIS website timeline and the times being all over the place, some long, some very short....I thought I would make this post to follow along with any updates on what I'm getting in 'myprogress' tab. The advice given here was that it currently takes about a year for the I130 process. I'm posting this in hopes that it will help others who were given very short timelines see that it's not always accurate. I have seen others say that sometimes they can be processed sooner but that doesn't seem to be the usual case. There's always hope though, right? Anyway, as I go along with my application, I will update my data here to keep it current until my I130 is completed. As you can see, my dates are all over the place. My visa journey website estimate for I130 March 9-28 2025 US citizen moved back from the UK to apply for the I130 online Married 21 years as of 2024 I-130 March 18, 2024 Application submitted online I-130 March 18, 2024 NOA1, PD USCIS MyProgress: March 18, 2024--2 Months April 12, 2024--2 Weeks April 15, 2024--3 Weeks April 22, 2024--2 Months
  12. Boiler, you are highly respected here. Is my plan going on the wrong path or do you think I have misunderstood something? I know 100% I won't make the financial requirement on my own. But I can if my mum co-sponsors, be it a household of 5 or 6. I will go back and re-read it all. I def. don't want to mess this up. Thank you for taking the time to reply.
  13. My household is 5, possibly 6. My 19 year old son has moved over with us but was considered an adult of legal age when we left the UK. So I don't know if his legal adult status will be from the UK or from here. I take it if he is living and established here at the time of the affidavit of support that we will have to include him in on my household number. However, my financial requirement is going to be high for even 5 so will need to combine my income with my mum. Thankfully, she is happy to do that.
  14. Thank you. That must have been the reason but I felt bad that members had been giving me advice and I couldn't reply to them. It would have been great to go down the DFC route, our situation was so bad but thankfully he was removed from the house by social services and the police. I really feel he was a psychopath and I don't use that term loosely but nor am I a professional. We were just left in a stituation where we were asking for help and they just protected him. By the time his case was sent to CPS, he was in a care home and manipulating staff to hand feed him and change/clean him. We knew from the beginning that he wouldn't pay for his crimes due to his age and mental health but he knew what he was doing. He took his manipulative ways too far in the care home and he never recovered, he died Christmas morning. Now, we just count down the days as we wait for our I130 to be processed. Exciting times ahead!
  15. Thank you for sharing, I'm fully expecting it to change but it does help to see how others is coming along. We just keep ticking the days off the calendar. I'm content with what the real time statistics show, just confused, lol.
  16. Hi there, I filed my I130 18 March 2024 with the same date for IOE. My initial progress time was put at 2 months and then a few weeks in, it changed to 2 weeks. Then last week it went to 3 weeks and back at 2 weeks this past week. I am the petioning wife, moved to the states about 6 weeks ago with our children to get a job and to be able to combine income with my mum. British husband is in the UK. Everywhere you look, it says the process is about 11+ months for the i130 so it's confusing to see such a short timeline on my account. I'm keeping it in my head about the 11+ months so if it is sooner then that would be a bonus.
  17. Hello to all of you who replied to my post. I don't know what happened but no matter what I did, I couldn't reply. I could see your replies but as soon as I logged in, it would block the topic. It seems to be working now so I wanted to say thank you all so much for your support and responses. They were all very helpful. UPDATE: I ended up moving back to the states about a month ago. I applied for the i130 on the 18 March 2024. I came over with my 2 children and we are living wtih my mom. It's been such a relaxed time being with her. I have got my driving lic updated, a new bank account, and my children are registered to start school in the fall. All taxes are currently being filed along with the FBAR's. They have been signed off by the agency so will head off this coming week but had an amendment to make. Because my husband had a green card, he was required to file his taxes as well. So we will be all up to date on both sides. Now that we are all set up here and sorted, I will start my job search this week. The market here is excellent so should be fairly easy. Looking at the affidavit of support, once I'm here for at least 6 months, I can combine my income with my mums and with both our incomes, we will meet the financial requirements. If we can't combine, she will be able to meet the income requirements between her income and savings. Feeling great about our process but not so great about being apart from my husband and our children being away from their daddy. We are just counting down the days and even though we are still at the beginning, we are closer than we were back on the 18 March! Thanks again so much for all the help.
  18. Ok thank you, I must have read that wrong but I’m really struggling at the moment with concentrating. So is it her income and savings she could use? im also trying to figure out if I’m the main sponsor even thoug I don’t work, do I have to count our 3 children? I have asked above as well. If she doesn’t have enough in savings, could we possibly get another person to sponsor in addition to my mom? thanks again
  19. If I’m the primary sponsor does that mean I have to put my household count for myself and our 3 children? My oldest is 18. Thank you for helping.
  20. I haven’t filed taxes since I left as I haven’t worked. the house is where she lives thank you so much
  21. Hi, thank you so much for replying. He no longer has his green card. At the time, he was instructed to hand it over or destroy it. I think he had about a year on it. he has not been back to the us since. Only I have gone back a few crimes simply due to costs.
  22. Hi, I’m new and just registered here in hopes of help. I am a USC with settled status here in the U.K. My husband is a British citizen. We have been married for 20 years. Between 2003 and 2007 my husband was living and working in the US but we moved to the U.K. in 2007 because his parents could no longer travel. We have lived here since and I have not worked at all as I was raising our children. A year ago we were put into a position to move in with my father in law after his wife died. He is a psychopath and confessed to raping a child in the 50’s. Although the police are still investigating they have said he won’t go to prison. This triggered a memory of my husband being sexually abused as a child. Police have involved social services here and FIL has told them he wants to kick us out so he can go to a care home. Despite all that has come out, we still provided his care. He has been verbally abusive to us and our children, we have biometric locks on our doors. As the rents have gone up so much we are struggling to find anything that is at our affordability. So we have decided to move back to the states. I’m still in shock over being kicked out by family and I can’t seem to wrap my head around getting back home. My mom has offered to sponsor but is just below the minimum requirements. She does have a house that would meet the requirements. We would be living with her until we sort out husband working. It is just her in the house and only one application. Would that work as his sponsor? Would I have to be main sponsor even though I don’t work here in the U.K.? Where do we start? I feel so silly for asking but between the tears and trying to read it all, I can’t concentrate enough so I am very sorry for that. I take it my husband has to have a green card before he can work, if so, do we apply for that at the same time and is there an estimate of when he might get his green card? It may be I have to go back to work and he stays with our children if need be. When he moved to the states in 2003 his green card came so quickly but that was so long ago. Thank you so much for reading this. I know it’s quite long but that is our background. Just want to feel some hope in a very difficult situation. m thank you
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