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Posts posted by roninlongshanks

  1. Thank you everyone for your help & advice.  I've been searching for quite a while & I've been burnt before.  I've been scammed in my early 30's.  I'm not ashamed to admit that I've been naive'.

    I'm forty now.  I am a legal born American.

    She's different because she's actually interested in me, & we have the same hobbies... Mostly martial arts. I'm a P/T instructor that teaches Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu & Systema as a hobby job.  We spend time exercising with each other on video chat at least 3X a week.  She is Kalenjin, so she comes from this runner warrior type of background... She very humble also... She's very supportive, & hasn't asked for a dime.  She has a job as a sales person selling sim cards. She's 26. Right now our relationship is a mentorship/friendship where we just tease the hell out of each other.  She's trying to teach me Swahili. I got her into Warhammer 40k.  If that's not love idk what is lol.


    We're also both Christian.  I know it's true because she told me straight up, on day one, that we aren't sexting or exchanging nudes.  She also gets on me if I cuss which I think is adorable.  We've both never been married & we both want it to last forever, & we're both family oriented.  We both keep joking about making little caramel macchiato babies lol.


    I can't go see her because I'm over the $2,500 limit in child support.  I am willing to work extra to do what I gotta do though.  Is there a way for us to just get a tourist visa for her so we can meet for the first time & not get married?  I'll do what I need to do to keep things legal even if it means to wait for a while... As long as I can make it happen eventually.


    Can she try to find a job or teach over here?  Is there an avenue that I'm completely oblivious about?

  2. I found a woman that I want to marry from Kenya.  We both have a lot of the same values, & interests.  We've been video chatting almost every day for quite a while now, & want to take the next step.


    My overhead is about $1,100/month to live that includes the child support that I'm paying.  I make $2,100/ net.


    I don't know anything about the process except for the hours of research that I've been doing & it seems like a lot of the info chronology is contradictory.


    Can anybody please tell me what to expect, or anything that's not on websites?


    Do we have to meet each other first?  Can we do online marriage?


    Should we do a tourist visa first?


    Thank you for your time.

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