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Posts posted by silvanski

  1. OK... we sent a cover letter signed by both of us which lists the included documents, stating that these are in response to the RFE, and that they are in addition to the documents already sent with the I-751

    ..and copies of:

    -Utility bill statements (printouts from online transactions) : cable is in my name, electricity in Kathleen's, but both show the same service address.

    -More bank statements covering the past two years, especially those attachments showing copies of cheques signed by either one of us.

    -Receipts showing use of joint debit/master cheque card by both of us (groceries, gas)

    -The coverletter for the tax return transcripts we requested.

    -Two signed affidavits, from brother-in-law and family friend.

    -More mail addressed to either one and both of us... even junk mail offering credit cards and the likes...

    Of course with the RFE and its attachments on top of this pile... I kept a copy of the RFE for my files.

  2. Silvanski, can you do a favour for future reference? (pretty pretty please!)

    I've copied your original evidence list below -- would you mind letting us know what you end up sending as supplementary evidence to the RFE (once you get it all compiled)? I think it would help others in the future.

    -2 year GC (both sides)

    Documents with various dates, showing cohabitation during the past two years:

    -TX DL of me and my wife, showing identical address

    -Joint Tax returns

    -Retirement plan and health and term life insurance through my job, showing my wife as beneficiary

    -Joint bank account

    -Joint car insurance

    -Mail adressed to both of us

    -Joint 'Sam's Club' account

    OK... we sent a cover letter signed by both of us which lists the included documents, stating that these are in response to the RFE, and that they are in addition to the documents already sent with the I-751

    ..and copies of:

    -Utility bill statements (printouts from online transactions) : cable is in my name, electricity in Kathleen's, but both show the same service address.

    -More bank statements covering the past two years, especially those attachments showing copies of cheques signed by either one of us.

    -Receipts showing use of joint debit/master cheque card by both of us (groceries, gas)

    -The coverletter for the tax return transcripts we requested.

    -Two signed affidavits, from brother-in-law and family friend.

    -More mail addressed to either one and both of us... even junk mail offering credit cards and the likes...

  3. I did not get my biometric letter yet ... got my NOA1 3 weeks ago already ... just as well I am flying home to visit saturday for 2 weeks ! I would hate to re-schedule .................

    Did you read today more people got RFE so it is the new trend ?

    The bio appointment shouldn't take too long now ...

    More RFE's? Maybe the adjudicators received new guidelines.... :unsure:

  4. I see you went to Houston for your biometrics this time ? Didn't you do to San Antonio first time for AOS ?

    That's right. I don't know why they asked me to go to Houston this time... It didn't matter as it's roughly the same distance from where we live.

    A buddy of Kathleen's son and a brother-in-law will provide letters of support to include in the stuff for the RFE

  5. Send the utility bills; even though in only one name they do at least show each of you at the address. I don't know what all you sent but even send driver's licenses, junk mail with each of your names, etc.

    Hope you figure out what to send and good luck from here on out!


    They have copies of our driver's licenses.. that was one of the first things I put on my list

  6. Heeey chanchan ;)

    I hope yours passes smoothly... it just might :-)

    Yeah, it's frustrating... being convinced we sent a well documented case... the RFE doesnt' specify what exactly it is they still wanna receive... OK we didn't send utility bills cuz the cable is in my name and electricity is in hers... but we got a joint car insurance and bank account showing both our names in the address portion... my wife is listed as beneficiary on my health and life insurance...

    We didn't send affidavits... look we don't know that many people and really don't wanna bother them with that

  7. Ik zit met een ei en ik moet het kwijt.

    Heel die immigratierommel is voor mij vlot verlopen maar nu dat de finish in zicht is beginnen ze ineens moeilijk te doen. Na twee jaar was het dus tijd om een aanvraag "removal of conditions" aan te vragen.. zo gezegd zo gedaan, formulierke, een pak geld en ne hoop papperassen opgestuurd ... vingerafdrukken en een nieuw fotooke laten nemen, alles vlotjes en geen vuiltje aan de lucht... OK dus ikke relaxed wachten op mijn nieuwe green card...no problemo want ik heb een automatische verlenging van een jaar gekregen...

    En nu krijg ik ineens een "request for evidence" aan mijn been gelapt, gaan ze wat met mijn Belgische voeten rammelen...

    Wat willen die sjarels nu nog? Ze hebben massa's documenten in mijn dossier... gezamelijke bankrekening, autoverzekering, ziekte- en levensverzekering via mijn werk met mijn vrouw als begunstigde etc etc...

    Ze zouden wel eens meer specifiek mogen zijn omtrent hetgeen dat zenog willen zien zenne...

    Sorry zenne, maar het moest eruit :blush:

  8. Allokes,

    Ik ben hier al een tijdje op VJ en ineens dacht ik:"EE, Der zijn mischien nog andere Belgskes in America,.."

    En ja, mijn brein had gelijk...

    Ik ben hier al een jaar of 8 (werk) maar ben nu met mijn AOS begonne. Mis Belgie wel enorm, het eten, de nonchalance van het dagelijkse

    leven,etc....En mijn Vlaams begint te sufferen...

    Jeej, Ik ben blij am jullie hier te vinde :dancing:

    Hallookes, succes met de AOS :thumbs:

  9. The February 16, 2005 new RFE Memo directs an adjudicator to issue an RFE, rather than a NOID, if a necessary piece or pieces of evidence are missing. According to the Memo, "the highest quality RFE is one that limits the request to the missing evidence. Generally, it is unacceptable to issue a RFE for a broad range of evidence when, after review of the record so far, only a small number of types of evidence is still required." The new RFE Memo recognizes that RFEs requesting a full gamut of information when only a small amount is needed to make a final decision "overburdens the USCIS' customers, over-documents the file, and wastes examination resources through the review of unnecessary, duplicative, or irrelevant documents." This directive is obviously a welcome one and, hopefully, something that will make its way into actual practice.

    So it's obvious that most RFE's are low quality ones :lol:

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