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Posts posted by silvanski

  1. y'all southerners and northerners can have your civil war all over again. just leave us westerners out of it. we are just fine drinking our wines by the beach thank you very much. B)



    And we Texans can always declare our independence ;)

  2. Not So Fresh

    Not perfectly clean, but not incapable of being washed off, either. If you were a dinner plate, you'd be coated with the remnants of last night's fettuccine Alfredo. Nothing wrong with that -- just make sure you throw yourself in the dishwasher every once in a while. :lol:

  3. Hey man, Congrats!!!

    I always wondered what ever happened to you!!!! (L)

    Where are you workin now? Don't know if you have heard or not but I am back in Corpus... long ugly story.

    Oh wow, long time. And I just saw your sig. That blows :( Hope you're doing OK

    Sorry about the thread hijack, Silvain. :blush:

    That's allright Asu ;)

    I PM'ed Vikki about my job thingy

  4. Hey man, Congrats!!!

    I always wondered what ever happened to you!!!! (L)

    Where are you workin now? Don't know if you have heard or not but I am back in Corpus... long ugly story.

    Vikkiiii! :star: Long time no see

  5. cogratulations man. :thumbs: truly am happy for you. mayour life here be a happy and properous one. :yes:



    Thanks Daniel and all. The support from fellow VJers and family and friends back in good ol' Belgium have helped me to get through this journey without difficulties.

  6. Well said I bet you've listened to Yvan Heylen and Urbanus

    Not really....but i DO remember this song!

    k Heb de mot in me laif

    'k Zijn voor niks nie meer goe

    Elke vinger stao staif

    'k Krijg me broek nie mer toe

    'k Heb d'n bibber veur draai

    Alles rammelt in mai

    'k Zijn verdroeigd en verdurt

    Just nog goe vur 't sturt

    'k Hem gewerkt en gevruut 'lijk 'ne zot

    'k Hem gespaord en vergaord en gepot

    'k Heb er niks dan petaten mee sprot

    Nooit kwam d'r eens 'n pintje deur m'n strot

    'k Hem gesjacherd en mensen bedot

    Mijne spaorpot da was maine God

    Mur nah dien ik eenieder tot spot

    Zie m'hier, 'k hem gedaan, 'k hem gelot

    'k Zijn verdroeigd en verdurt

    Just nog goe vur 't sturt


    That's what you get from working too hard! ;)

    Hahaa I know that song. It's in the dialect of my former hometown, the one with the "Vogeltjesmarkt" ;)

  7. Aaahw Michelle (((HUG)))

    I just read your posts in the other topic. It's been a rough ride for you guys.

    It's such a shame that Craig couldn't keep his job while waiting to get his CDL.

    Knowing about his problems adapting I'm sure his trip to the UK will be a morale booster, but of course the separation will be tough.

    Hang in there , both of you, cuz you're such great peeps :thumbs:


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