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Posts posted by Shemmy

  1. Hey Shemmy

    how you feeling this morning? I have such a headache so D is cooking for me my favorite liver, irish yam and dumplin and I just snuck a glazed donut and now I feel guilty. :dead:

    I'm gonna DVR Bridezillas right now LMAO

    Oh no...not a donut. Are you wearing a white dress for your ceremony? I am trying to find a pic of the bride with her lashes. She all was bling bling so it didn't look bad.

    I feel good this morning. Damien doesn't feel well...he shoveled snow for 5 hours last night. His whole body is aching so I get to play nurse :devil:

  2. Thanks Sis you are right but I know she doesn't want me to leave :angry:

    One of the biggest issues is that she takes sides with all of us, me Q and A and it drives me crazy she treats A like a King and us like peasants. All of a sudden having them over is an issue and she wants my Dad to stay here while we are gone but I'm gonna be honest he is flaky I mean he will be here but watching :blink: LAWD. She has a 7 bedroom house and because her boyfriend has an issue they aren't staying there and now some drumming class takes precedence I'm just done Tee

    Sorry about the family drama...that sucks :angry:.

  3. Hey guys i hope u all are having a warm safe weekend.. hence the northeast snow!! I have a question...my friend a (permanent resident) filed for their husband in Jamaica... her dad passed away and the funeral is this coming Thursday. Do you think that he would qualify for an emergency visa to attend the funeral?

    Hey Hon. Is your a a permanent resident or a citizen? I seriously doubt the Embassy will issue an emergency visa in such a short time. Plus he'll have to proof strong ties back to JA.

  4. Morning all! At the airport - it's snowing but still on schedule to leave. I got caught this am though, lol -- I told my terminally late pain in the butt that my flight landed 2 hrs earlier than it does - he called, and couldn't believe I hadn't boarded the plane! I told him I was boarding right then - when in reality I was sitting in the hotel, lol

    Have a good week all, and good luck with weddings / interviews

    That's great. I was worried about you. We are getting 20 inches down here.

  5. (L)(L) February is such a beautiful month. Not only because it contains my birthday (Feb. 28 :whistle: )...But because so many beautiful yardies are getting married and renewing vows. My heart is filled with joy because there is so much love in the air. (L)(L)(L) Here's a run down of all of the special events this month. Please let me know if I missed someone.

    1.) YankeesGirl 2/9/10

    2.) RegAl 2/12/10

    3.) EricJew aka (Mama/PapaJew) 2/13/10

    4.) DensWifey 2/14/10

    5.) Philly 2/14/10

    6.) Always 2/14/10

    7.) My2 2/27/10

    Congratulations to you all!! May God continue to bless your union. (L)

    Thanks. I can't keep up :wacko: .

  6. Hey Nat. Clipping coupons and saving money on groceries is definitely my area. Its time-consuming, but well worth it. When I shopped at the regular grocery store (kroger) if I don't save over $30 on my $100 grocery bill, I was a little upset.

    Grocery Saving 101

    1.) Clipping coupons is essential. Buy at least two newspapers every Sunday to clip your coupons

    2.) Find a good coupon organizer to organize your coupons

    3.) Take advantage of savings cards i.e. (Kroger cards)

    4.) Make a shoping list, but ensure that it is very specific by creating a daily menu of what you plan to eat over the following weeks

    5.) Also take a look at the weekly mailer for each grocery store to see what is on sale (some stores will price match)

    6.) Compare your coupons to what is needed on your list. Try to use coupons for items that are already on sale. If you have non-essential items that are not on sale, wait until the next grocery trip.

    7.) Try not to make purchases outside of your list

    8. Try not to be brand specific, some store brands are just as good.

    8.) Watch the sales monitors to ensure that all coupons are counted. If they say it doesn't work, tell them to figure it out!!

    9.) Watch your savings grow!!!

    You guys will have to excuse me. I write manuals at work....I hope this helps!!

    Thanks. Our grocery shopping is so expensive. This will help us :thumbs:

  7. Except if they don't nickname a him VAL. What if they nickname him TINY? Setting them up for ridicule with that one, I think. I thought long and hard about my kids names and possible taunting. Kids can be rough.

    TINY LOL. I feel the same way ... I gave my daugther a short name...nothing like mine. I've been called Sha-Monkey, Sha-Funky, Sha-Mama..everything.

  8. The nightgown

    A husband walks into Victoria's Secret to purchase a sheer negligee for his wife. He is shown several possibilities that range from $250 to $500 in price -- the more sheer, the higher the price. Naturally, he opts for the most sheer item, pays the $500, and takes it home. He presents it to his wife and asks her to go upstairs, put it on, and model it for him. Upstairs the wife thinks (she's no dummy ), 'I have an idea. It's

    so sheer that it might as well be nothing. I won't put it on, I'll do the modeling naked, return it tomorrow, and keep the $500 refund for myself. 'She appears naked on the balcony and strikes a pose. The husband says, 'Good Grief! You'd think for $500, they'd at least iron it!'

    He never heard the shot... Funeral on Thursday at Noon... Closed coffin.

    I love that joke :rofl:

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