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Everything posted by TXRancher

  1. He's showing leadership from the world superpower. The US is back in business of leading the world, after a hiatus, hiding in the bathroom.
  2. Because as the American president, it's his job to put Putin in his place and to support Ukraine against the illegal invasion. The "corrupt Zelensky" is still in his country and available to his entire cabinet, whereas Putin continues to act like the dictator of a "gas station masquerading as a country."
  3. Efficient way to tell the world you don't know the difference between two words. On brand.
  4. They were never much of anything to begin with. They're invading a country in a war they don't believe in and being defeated every day by the Ukrainian army.
  5. Of all the things that never happened this is a contender for top 10
  6. Coincidence. I was going to ask if that was true or something redstate.com published. You sound very much like you are.
  7. Terrorism by any other name, is still terrorism. Lock them up and throw away the key.
  8. So, what do you make of Auntie Fester's half-baked rebuke? That is a pageantry of gross no one should have to suffer.
  9. There are over 300 channels in America. Imagine choosing to watch the SOTU address, only to complain about it.
  10. The POTUS wiped the floor of the chamber with the gorgon from GA. The GOP reply,, delivered by Auntie Fester, was a huge joke. America wins again.
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