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Posts posted by Cowbeau

  1. 13 minutes ago, Crazy Cat said:

    That is FRAUD!!!   Fire that attorney.  Report that attorney to the state board.

    I had absolutely no idea. I knew it sounded just a bit too easy... I didn't pay him a single cent, thought. Actually he never even took any of my information formally.. I'm so glad I didn't wait!!!


    18 minutes ago, Crazy Cat said:

    You must have either sufficient current annual income, sufficient assets, or you must have a well-qualified joint sponsor.  There is no way around that for either a fiance or spouse visa.

    I read somewhere that when looking over annual income, they take both of ours into consideration if I list him as a dependent. But I can't really do that if he isn't with me, so it's very confusing. Do you know what the minimum is, if it's just me?


    25 minutes ago, Crazy Cat said:

    You could marry via a Utah Zoom Marriage, meet, then start the spousal visa process. Your spouse would return home for process...except for short visits.

    I could do that while living in Louisiana? And I didn't know he could still visit me during process, that's reassuring.

  2. Hello everyone,


    I'm not really sure where to begin this, so I'll just lay out my situation.  I am a transgender man and a US citizen. My fiance is from the UK. We are both in our twenties and work entry level, minimum wage jobs. He got his job very recently, not even a month ago. We both live with our parents, but are not financially supported by them otherwise. 


    I've been reading over several threads on this site for hours, and while some make me hopeful, I am left with more and more questions. I really just don't know where to begin.

    I had a free consult with a lawyer who suggested we have him stay here on a 90-day visa waiver (which he can get easily), be married around the 60 day mark, and then start an AoS. That explanation of events sounds far too simple compared to everything I've read on here. And I don't even know if that means he could stay with me!


     If I may be so bold, I'd much rather be stuck in limbo together, than waiting through this process apart if that can be helped. He's a homebody, anyway. But then comes the concern of money. I don't believe I make enough to say I can financially sponsor him, And I don't have anyone who would willingly cosign, if that's even an option here. He only just recently started working again, but he does however have some money in the bank, if we could somehow prove we can afford this with that. 


    Per the fact I am transgender I mentioned earlier, not all of my personal documents match on information. I live in a state where getting your birth certificate changed is complicated, however I believe I've found a loophole I'm looking into. My passport does have the correct information though. I feel as though this is a dumb question to ask, but I should probably make those match before even starting all this, right? I figured I'd change my driver's license properly after we are married to avoid doing it twice. (I hate the DMV just like everyone else 🙃)


    I believe that's all my thoughts on the matter. At the time of writing, I'm quite overwhelmed, so I hope this isn't too disorganized and confusing. Should I follow that lawyer's advice? Is it really that simple, or should I start working on a different Visa ASAP? I appreciate everyone reading, and hope you have a good day ☺️

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