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Posts posted by KellyAust89

  1. 3 hours ago, Lil bear said:

    I have brought your request to the attention of the moderators. Sorry your previous contact was unanswered. 

    So there’s no delete button? Someone has to sit down and remove it manually? 

    I’m just tired of the aggression towards people who are simply trying to help people get through their immigration journey. I don’t see why processing numbers that are freely accessible to all, can’t be shared especially when it’s not a service offered on VJ. No one here is benefitting financially from sharing it and the ones that are, you’ve banned already 🤣


    Every time I come here it’s an icky experience and I do not want VJ to benefit from my immigration journey.

  2. On 12/13/2023 at 4:31 PM, TBoneTX said:

    A post openly arguing with a Moderator and VJ Moderation procedure has been removed.  Disputes with either a Moderator or a procedure are to be handled respectfully by private message.  The policy affecting the publication of outside URLs has been made clear in this thread.  Violations of the site's Terms of Service or of other procedural protocols, including further public argument, will incur administrative action.



    for VJ Moderation


    How does one delete their VJ account? I can’t seem to find any option for it in account settings and the “contact us” request was left to the void and no one ever replied 😂

  3. 21 minutes ago, TBoneTX said:

    Everyone reading here is referred to this thread, pinned in the K-1 Process forum and similarly in the CR-1 Process forum:

    In addition to the above, bear in mind that the most experienced members are typically participating in a great many threads all across the forums, trying to be concise while openly providing advice gained from personal or forum experience.


    If a response seems unnecessarily blunt, read it again, picturing a brotherly or sisterly or avuncular arm around your shoulders as the words in the post are spoken.  Doing this can restore the elements of "tone" that are routinely lost when words are merely typed.  If you perceive more helpfulness after reading the post in this way, then you have your answer as to whether the post was well-meant.


    Everyone is invited to review the site's Terms of Service, found here:


    If a post truly violates a provision, hit the "report post" button at upper right and explain your reasoning.


    Folks, this legal-immigration process is dysfunctional at best and broken at worst.  The tension and frustration become unbearable, seemingly with no way to fight against it or relieve it.  Please remain unfailingly supportive of each other.  Remember that if you hold one pencil and snap it, it will break; conversely, if you hold a handful of pencils and try to snap them, they'll remain undamaged.  It's best to hang together through this journey.

    Remember, too, that those of us who are finished with this infernal process are hoping and praying for your progress almost as intensely as you are.  You're not alone, and you're never forgotten.  Take comfort and find renewed strength in this.

    So if we all must remain unfailingly supportive of each other, then why do people get banned here for tracking and presenting accurate data and creating effective support systems in regards to this process?

  4. Hello everyone!

    I hope you’re all doing well! I noticed that the waiting times on the USCIS website have gone up to 16.5 months. I know they’ve been speeding up processing, especially within our category of petition. So why is this going up and not down? If we follow the data we’re looking at December approval, but it doesn’t line up.


    I just need some reassurance and someone who is better with numbers to maybe give me a run down and explain it to me.

    HUHHHH 😂😂😂

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