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  1. Hi there, I've been reading through the forum today and decided to make my own post to get some advice just to ensure my own situation fits. I arrived about a month ago on an ESTA to visit my boyfriend. Last week he proposed and we're discussing how we should proceed. I've pushed my flights back by a bit (still within my 90 days) to give us more time to enjoy the engagement and see what we want to do. We're mainly looking at us getting married and me applying for AOS. I still have a lot going on at home including a job, car, pets etc. that will all have to be considered but just want to see what options are available to me. I've seen something about a 90 day rule in terms of getting married and some people say its real or that it's not. I'm just wondering if that's a thing I'd rather not overstay my esta and would rather file before it expired. Any advice would be much appreciated. I mainly just want to know would it be ok for us to go ahead with getting married and applying for AOS?
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