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  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Texas Service Center
  • Local Office
    Tampa FL
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  1. Asking on behalf of a friend. How much time it takes for US citizens to bring Siblings (Pakistan) to bring them to USA by sponsoring them? Does it matter if they married or single? Thank you
  2. Asking for a Pakistani friend. How much time it takes for a USA citizen to bring his Siblings to USA by sponsoring them. Thank you. 

    Does it matter if the siblings are married or unmarried?

    1. Kuchiki


      Around 15 to 20 years.

  3. I know few people that applied for spouse visa for their first cousins. It got accepted from the US States that don't allow cousin marriages. But yes after approval They had to go to another State ( that allow cousin marriages) to get registered as married couple or you can say to do an American wedding in order to get Marriage certificate. So my question is why can't it work for K1 (Fiancé) visa? Why can't Petitioner take his/ her fiancé to another state to get marry if their home state doesn't allow it. Thank you
  4. My sister also married first cousin living in Texas but they applied for spouse visa like 8 years ago. It got accepted but they had to go to nearby state to get married. So my question why they give spouse visa but not Fiancé visa? Maybe we should get married and apply for spouse visa? but I will still want to wait for positive or negative response from USCIS as its been 11 months since we applied K1 .
  5. Hey. My Fiancé (petitioner) have applied for K1 visa for USA. We are first cousins. My fiancé lives in a state that doesn't allow cousin marriage. We have signed an affidavit that states that we are planning to get marry in a State that allows cousin marriages and won't break any law. Has anyone gone through same situation and still got the visa? Or do you know some one else how faced same situation like us. Any suggestion or advise will be appreciated. Thank you
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