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Posts posted by BlakeandOlha

  1. Good Morning All! We start of the day with another January approval -

    :dance::dance: Congratulations to Paola & Chris :dance::dance:

    January 4 filers who were approved on the 6th but just updated their timelines. It seems like the e-mail notification of the NOA2 isn't working quite right (as noted by Rachel) so for those who were touched last week but didn't see anything e-mailed to them - make sure to check your mail, there could be a present there for you.

    Cecile - this is your week! :thumbs:

  2. We have a couple more January filers updating their timelines - we've now had 20% of all January filers approved and we're only a week and a half into the month. Congratulations go out to Plami & Krasi as well as to WW & MM on your approvals. The updated list is as follows:

    Remaining 79.7%......... Approved 20.3%

    Name……………. Filing Date


    1 Bryant & Aliona* 01-01

    2 Raghu & Swathi* 01-01

    3 Ayako & Nathan 01-01

    4 Badr & Aimee* 01-01

    5 Cecile & Bryan 01-02

    6 Belen & Tim 01-02

    7 Ten & DJ 01-03

    8 Paola & Chris 01-04

    9 Thanh & Cao 01-04

    10 Zrinka & Eric 01-05

    11 Lili & Matt 01-05

    12 PT & J 01-07

    13 Ajay & Komal 01-07

    14 Matt & Robin 01-08

    15 Maria Ameliza & Eric 01-09

    16 Judee Anne & Reynaldo 01-09

    17 Irina & Zubzare 01-10

    18 Erica & Scott 01-12

    19 Sarah & Rudi 01-12

    20 Bruno & Carol 01-12

    21 Myriam & Gary 01-14

    22 Russell & Dakotah 01-14

    23 jj & sh 01-15

    24 Elena & Sergey 01-15

    25 jen & jay 01-16

    26 Hilda & Chris 01-16

    27 Steph & Gareth 01-17

    28 Oscar & Joselyn 01-17

    29 Marina & Eugene 01-17

    30 Agatha & Robert 01-17

    31 VRP & SK 01-18

    32 Levi & Heather 01-19

    33 gabbie & erv 01-22

    34 Chris & Therese 01-23

    35 nr123 & nm123 01-23

    36 Laura & Scott 01-23

    37 Joanna & Dale 01-23

    38 Lean & Emil 01-23

    39 Nick & Sarah 01-23

    40 yan & isa 01-24

    41 Lucy & Damon 01-24

    42 a & o 01-24

    43 Greivin & Courtney 01-24

    44 Jeroen & Michelle 01-24

    45 Olga & Blake 01-25

    46 Lea & Ron 01-25

    47 jennie & matthew 01-25

    48 Paul & Joanna 01-25

    49 Rymma & Vadim 01-25

    50 WE & CE 01-25

    51 Supida & Supida 01-25

    52 Lena & Val 01-29

    53 Susan & Chris 01-30

    54 Ersila & Ilir 01-30

    55 Mary & Carl 01-30

    56 Benny & Cassi 01-31

    57 Ge & Haibo 01-31

    58 Benny & Cassi 01-31

    59 Richel & Michael 01-31

    * mailed in Dec.


    1 Gerald & Vinera….….01-04…...04-22

    2 Bing & John…………01-12…...05-02

    3 Shirley & Steven…….01-07…...05-02

    4 J & Paulie……………01-04…...05-02

    5 Rosi & Chuck……..…01-04…...05-02

    6 Hesham & Tanya…….01-14…...05-02

    7 Pamela & Joshua……..01-11…..05-05

    8 Eliciana & Benjamin…01-11…..05-05

    9 Robe & Victoria………01-09….05-06

    10 Wayne & Nueng*..…...01-01….05-06

    11 Yuliya & Brian………..01-03….05-10

    12 Rachel & Alex………...01-11….05-10

    13 Relyn & Patrick*..…….01-01….05-10

    14 Plami & Krasi…………01-01….05-10

    15 WW & MM……………01-12…05-10

  3. I am so pleased to post the updated list.........

    Remaining 82.4%......... Approved 17.6%

    Name……………. Filing Date


    1 Bryant & Aliona* 01-01

    2 Raghu & Swathi* 01-01

    3 Plami & Krasi 01-01

    4 Ayako & Nathan 01-01

    5 Badr & Aimee* 01-01

    6 Cecile & Bryan 01-02

    7 Belen & Tim 01-02

    8 Ten & DJ 01-03

    9 Paola & Chris 01-04

    10Thanh & Cao 01-04

    11 Zrinka & Eric 01-05

    12 Lili & Matt 01-05

    13 PT & J 01-07

    14 Ajay & Komal 01-07

    15 Matt & Robin 01-08

    16 Maria Ameliza & Eric 01-09

    17 Judee Anne & Reynaldo 01-09

    18 Irina & Zubzare 01-10

    19 Erica & Scott 01-12

    20 WW & MM 01-12

    21 Sarah & Rudi 01-12

    22 Bruno & Carol 01-12

    23 Myriam & Gary 01-14

    24 Russell & Dakotah 01-14

    25 jj & sh 01-15

    26 Elena & Sergey 01-15

    27 jen & jay 01-16

    28 Hilda & Chris 01-16

    29 Steph & Gareth 01-17

    30 Oscar & Joselyn 01-17

    31 Marina & Eugene 01-17

    32 Agatha & Robert 01-17

    33 VRP & SK 01-18

    34 Levi & Heather 01-19

    35 gabbie & erv 01-22

    36 Chris & Therese 01-23

    37 nr123 & nm123 01-23

    38 Laura & Scott 01-23

    39 Joanna & Dale 01-23

    40 Lean & Emil 01-23

    41 Nick & Sarah 01-23

    42 yan & isa 01-24

    43 Lucy & Damon 01-24

    44 a & o 01-24

    45 Greivin & Courtney 01-24

    46 Jeroen & Michelle 01-24

    47 Olga & Blake 01-25

    48 Lea & Ron 01-25

    49 jennie & matthew 01-25

    50 Paul & Joanna 01-25

    51 Rymma & Vadim 01-25

    52 WE & CE 01-25

    53 Supida & Supida 01-25

    54 Lena & Val 01-29

    55 Susan & Chris 01-30

    56 Ersila & Ilir 01-30

    57 Mary & Carl 01-30

    58 Benny & Cassi 01-31

    59 Ge & Haibo 01-31

    60 Benny & Cassi 01-31

    61 Richel & Michael 01-31

    * mailed in Dec.


    1 Gerald & Vinera….….01-04…...04-22

    2 Bing & John…………01-12…...05-02

    3 Shirley & Steven…….01-07…...05-02

    4 J & Paulie……………01-04…...05-02

    5 Rosi & Chuck……..…01-04…...05-02

    6 Hesham & Tanya…….01-14…...05-02

    7 Pamela & Joshua……..01-11…..05-05

    8 Eliciana & Benjamin…01-11…..05-05

    9 Robe & Victoria………01-09….05-06

    10 Wayne & Nueng*..…...01-01….05-06

    11 Yuliya & Brian………..01-03….05-10

    12 Rachel & Alex………...01-11….05-10

    13 Relyn & Patrick*..…….01-01….05-10

  4. Thanks for your quick replies and help ;)

    I went to the Embassy website in Kiev nad downloaded the packet 3..you are right there is no mention of mailing anything. Seems like its just show up with the documents. So I guess I will call for her interview once she has her police report.

    Awesome!!! :thumbs:


    The embassy in the Ukraine has very specific instructions on what to do. You must call using a calling card that you can only buy a a certain bank chain there. Read the instructions carefully and have your SO get the card $12 for 5 min and make the phone call. The Ukraine does not have a packet 3 or a packet 4, it just sends a information request packet listing the documents to bring to the interview - that you schedule by phone.

  5. Good Morning All. I see there were three updates over night, which is good. One of the problems with all the approvals last week is that any updates with a NOA2 date prior to May 2 are invisible on Igor's list, they just show up on the summary stats page. My feelings are like Cecile's as well. I don't have an expectation this week or next of getting approved so I'm more interested in seeing my friends and others getting the magical e-mail. I know that it seems that no motion is taking place but there is... I've moved up to 116 and more than half the January filers are under the 100 mark, October, November and December filers are becoming scarcer as they take the next steps on their journey.

    It's time and I want to post more updated lists.... just waiting on the CSC to get the ball rolling again.

  6. Congrats Blake! I just had 3 pints of strongbow cider at my american local pub down the street and now kicking back with some canadian labatts (what can I say I am an import girl all around heh heh! import my beer and cider and my men ;) LOL)

    GOD what is CSC doing to us?!

    Miss Yoko those flowers are gorgeous how darn sweet! I just got a camera I been wanting from my man for my birthday early as wanted it to take pics at Gabby's party this weekend (my other camera just looks like it needs to sit upon a tripod so wanted something more compact!).

    Off to bed as well yeah my pints are hitting me quite hardddd!

    Thanks Sunny - I'm off to find my own ale right now. Let's see what the weekend brings. Good night to all, off for a wee bit of celebration. :dance:

  7. Alex and I are summer babies :luv: We'll miss this year's but we'll definitely be together for next year's! (I hope!) I managed to be with Alex for one of his birthdays (his 20th).

    On an unrelated note, I'm only three days younger than his sister. That was slightly awkward meeting her; I wondered what she thought of me dating her 'baby' brother.

    Hugely impressed, I'm sure of it.

    Well the interview went great and they offered me the job - so now I'm working for the Brits :D Great story about the conference call with the CEO, she was in her car on her way to the pub when we started, and she was sitting down ordering a pint by the time we finished. I think I'm gonna love this company :whistle:

    Well at least that's one huge worry off my mind, now to focus my energy on this problem here at the CSC.

  8. Oh and I think blake need a big HUG!!!!

    Hey! Don't worry ... things will come! soon. I know it. :)

    I think he does too! Are you alright, Blake?

    Beeeautiful flowers, Miss Yoko. Mm, and chocolate, too. :luv:

    I'm ok, just stressed. I'm interviewing for a new job (UK company) this afternoon - a conference call with the UK CEO - and I'm trying to get things all set here so that I will not be missed too much. Just so much going on that I'm having to deal with professionally, and it's Olga's birthday sunday and I have to miss it, and this dang processing center is not living up to expectations. So, hugs are appreciated.

  9. OK, as promised the updated list follows. Now, I've added Raghu as a January Filer and also added the approved Wayne and Nueng. Both of these filers consider themselves January filers even though the date the application was mailed was at the end of December. We're an inclusive group and so since they consider themselves January filers then, for goodness sake, that's what they are. This does change the percentages a little bit :D

    Remaining 86.1%......... Approved 13.9%

    Name……………. Filing Date


    1 Bryant & Aliona* 01-01

    2 Raghu & Swathi* 01-01

    3 Plami & Krasi 01-01

    4 Ayako & Nathan 01-01

    5 Cecile & Bryan 01-02

    6 Belen & Tim 01-02

    7 Ten & DJ 01-03

    8 Yuliya & Brian 01-03

    9 Paola & Chris 01-04

    10Thanh & Cao 01-04

    11 Zrinka & Eric 01-05

    12 Lili & Matt 01-05

    13 PT & J 01-07

    14 Ajay & Komal 01-07

    15 Matt & Robin 01-08

    16 Maria Ameliza & Eric 01-09

    17 Judee Anne & Reynaldo 01-09

    18 Irina & Zubzare 01-10

    19 Rachel & Alex 01-11

    20 Erica & Scott 01-12

    21 WW & MM 01-12

    22 Sarah & Rudi 01-12

    23 Bruno & Carol 01-12

    24 Myriam & Gary 01-14

    25 Russell & Dakotah 01-14

    26 jj & sh 01-15

    27 Elena & Sergey 01-15

    28 jen & jay 01-16

    29 Hilda & Chris 01-16

    30 Steph & Gareth 01-17

    31 Oscar & Joselyn 01-17

    32 Marina & Eugene 01-17

    33 Agatha & Robert 01-17

    34 VRP & SK 01-18

    35 Levi & Heather 01-19

    36 gabbie & erv 01-22

    37 Chris & Therese 01-23

    38 nr123 & nm123 01-23

    39 Laura & Scott 01-23

    40 Joanna & Dale 01-23

    41 Lean & Emil 01-23

    42 Nick & Sarah 01-23

    43 yan & isa 01-24

    44 Lucy & Damon 01-24

    45 a & o 01-24

    46 Greivin & Courtney 01-24

    47 Jeroen & Michelle 01-24

    48 Olga & Blake 01-25

    49 Lea & Ron 01-25

    50 jennie & matthew 01-25

    51 Paul & Joanna 01-25

    52 Rymma & Vadim 01-25

    53 WE & CE 01-25

    54 Supida & Supida 01-25

    55 Lena & Val 01-29

    56 Susan & Chris 01-30

    57 Ersila & Ilir 01-30

    58 Mary & Carl 01-30

    59 Benny & Cassi 01-31

    60 Ge & Haibo 01-31

    61 Benny & Cassi 01-31

    62 Richel & Michael 01-31

    * mailed in Dec.


    1 Gerald & Vinera….….01-04…...04-22

    2 Bing & John…………01-12…...05-02

    3 Shirley & Steven…….01-07…...05-02

    4 J & Paulie……………01-04…...05-02

    5 Rosi & Chuck……..…01-04…...05-02

    6 Hesham & Tanya…….01-14…...05-02

    7 Pamela & Joshua……..01-11…..05-05

    8 Eliciana & Benjamin…01-11…..05-05

    9 Robe & Victoria………01-09….05-06

    10 Wayne & Nueng*..…...01-01….05-06

  10. Ugh was so hoping to see some approvals when I got home from work.....darn darn DARN! WAKE UP CSC....approve some VJ'ers puh-leaseeee hahaha....

    I am disappointed by the day's performance also, but do not despair anyone, just remember to keep breathing. e-mail notifications generally go out at the end of the CA working day and since (it seems) most of the active participants here are the overseas SO's they may not pick up notifications until morning for them. In all liklihood we'll see some approvals tomorrow (for today) and then the standard 5-7 updates that take place for this week as we go into next week. Let's see what this looks like in the morning.

  11. Thanks for asking.... well, it's been over 3 weeks already. :o We're deffinately not in January anymore ;) but I'm so busy that time really passes quickly. After so many years of waiting, we feel so close! Hopefully it wont be much longer!

    I think CSC's is going to clear all of you out asap! You are almost there! :)

    I'm quite busy today so I will not post a new list until tonight - I'm excited by the touches, I feel a wave approaching.......

    Good Luck to all the January Filers!!! :thumbs:

  12. Thanks so much, BlakeandOlha! I know I'm not much for posting, but I'm on here almost every day just trying to get through the waiting. It helps so much knowing that we are not alone, that there are other people out there just like us playing this horrible waiting game. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you, and I'm sure we'll all be approved here in just a little while! :)

    Thanks, and, ahem.... speaking for all of us, Blake obviously has got a great name! :thumbs:


  13. On a happier note - we had another January approval - Congratulations to Robe & Victoria!!! :thumbs:

    Remaining 87.1%......... Approved 12.9%

    ……………. Filing Date


    1 Bryant & Aliona 01-01

    2 Plami & Krasi 01-01

    3 Ayako & Nathan 01-01

    4 Cecile & Bryan 01-02

    5 Belen & Tim 01-02

    6 Ten & DJ 01-03

    7 Yuliya & Brian 01-03

    8 Paola & Chris 01-04

    9 Thanh & Cao 01-04

    10 Zrinka & Eric 01-05

    11 Lili & Matt 01-05

    12 PT & J 01-07

    13 Ajay & Komal 01-07

    14 Matt & Robin 01-08

    15 Maria Ameliza & Eric 01-09

    16 Judee Anne & Reynaldo 01-09

    17 Irina & Zubzare 01-10

    18 Rachel & Alex 01-11

    19 Erica & Scott 01-12

    20 WW & MM 01-12

    21 Sarah & Rudi 01-12

    22 Bruno & Carol 01-12

    23 Myriam & Gary 01-14

    24 Russell & Dakotah 01-14

    25 jj & sh 01-15

    26 Elena & Sergey 01-15

    27 jen & jay 01-16

    28 Hilda & Chris 01-16

    29 Steph & Gareth 01-17

    30 Oscar & Joselyn 01-17

    31 Marina & Eugene 01-17

    32 Agatha & Robert 01-17

    33 VRP & SK 01-18

    34 Levi & Heather 01-19

    35 gabbie & erv 01-22

    36 Chris & Therese 01-23

    37 nr123 & nm123 01-23

    38 Laura & Scott 01-23

    39 Joanna & Dale 01-23

    40 Lean & Emil 01-23

    41 Nick & Sarah 01-23

    42 yan & isa 01-24

    43 Lucy & Damon 01-24

    44 a & o 01-24

    45 Greivin & Courtney 01-24

    46 Jeroen & Michelle 01-24

    47 Olga & Blake 01-25

    48 Lea & Ron 01-25

    49 jennie & matthew 01-25

    50 Paul & Joanna 01-25

    51 Rymma & Vadim 01-25

    52 WE & CE 01-25

    53 Supida & Supida 01-25

    54 Lena & Val 01-29

    55 Susan & Chris 01-30

    56 Ersila & Ilir 01-30

    57 Mary & Carl 01-30

    58 Benny & Cassi 01-31

    59 Ge & Haibo 01-31

    60 Benny & Cassi 01-31

    61 Richel & Michael 01-31


    1 Gerald & Vinera….…..01-04…...04-22

    2 Bing & John…………...01-12…...05-02

    3 Shirley & Steven…….01-07…...05-02

    4 J & Paulie…………....…01-04…...05-02

    5 Rosi & Chuck……..…..01-04…...05-02

    6 Hesham & Tanya…….01-14…...05-02

    7 Pamela & Joshua……..01-11…..05-05

    8 Eliciana & Benjamin…01-11…..05-05

    9 Robe & Victoria………..01-09….05-06

  14. Was this the number you called?

    Yes it was..........I will try what you said above regarding trying to get someone that knows something........

    I am out of town right now and won't even be there when the mail gets to my house......really bumming right now..........

    Aw man :( Do you have family/friends who could check your mail and at least let you know what it's for? Maybe if it doesn't require your signature they could just send stuff back for you. When do you get back home?

    Get back this coming Monday (and I'm having my mail held by the post office). Just called again with the tricks to try to get someone.......lol

    I got further through the chain but basically was told again that I will have to wait till I receive the letter to actually find out what the RFE is about. Also, when you enter your receipt number (on the phone) and there are the letters at the first of the number, just select the buttons that the letter corresponds with the number on the phone (I know, probably easy for everyone else to figure out but took me a second).......

    Well, I will be nervous till next Monday now.......acutally Tuesday, because the mail is being held till then......BUMMER

    Well, again, I'm sorry to hear about this. If it's an easy fix it shouldn't delay you much at all. Keep us informed on how you're progressing.

  15. Well Blake,

    I called and the guy says they have no way of telling me what the RFE is for and that I have to wait until I get the letter from them regarding what the request will be for.....what a bummer......

    Did you get through the automated switchboard or did someone just pick up the phone when you dialed the main number?

    Here's the famous (or infamous) RFE "trick" used to get to a case officer that might be able to shed some light on an actual RFE. It was posted by T-bone.

    The keys are to [1] reach a correct person, and [2] speak USCIS's language.

    Call 800-375-5283, then hit 1,2,2,4,2,1; enter your receipt number; hit 1,1. (There is no need to wait for all of the recorded options to be read before you hit these buttons.) The recording will almost certainly say that "additional evidence is required," but don't necessarily believe it.

    When the phone rings, you should be speaking with an actual Immigration Officer (not a clueless front-line screener who can tell you only what you already know). If the recording said that "additional evidence is required," ask the ImmOff exactly this: "Why does the recording say that I have a Request For Evidence?" He/she will almost certainly tell you that there's no record of an RFE; thank him/her profusely.

    Then (or first), ask exactly this: "Will you please tell me exactly where in the Division my file is?" He/she will tell you. Then say exactly this: "I'm aware that several files received after mine have already been approved, and the USCIS website clearly says 'we process applications in the order we receive them.' Will you please send an e-mail to the floor, and ask the person at the ____ station [whatever the ImmOff told you] to please hand-carry the file to the next station?"

    The ImmOff will appreciate your "speaking the language," because it is so different from the usual plaintive "do something!" that they hear all day, every day. The e-mail should at least cause one of the processors on the floor to handle your file, and your record on the USCIS Case Status website may soon reflect a "touch."

    The procedures that I have recommended are worth it, and you should feel better afterwards. Depending on how long ago you have submitted your application (the longer, the "better"), you can repeat this process every 10 to 14 days.

    Do NOT mention that you are part of an on-line community; this is not necessary, and mentioning it could hinder your success. However, feel free to post your stories on VJ!

  16. Ugh........just checked CRIS and we got hit with RFE.......sending today.......damn!

    I'm sorry to hear that. Have you called them to find out what the nature of the RFE is? It could be something as simple as a missing signature or more proof of having met in the year prior to filing. If it's an easy fix it will not delay you too much, you'll just have to provide the information immediately before your file is stuck in a box or placed under a pile of other petitions. Please keep us posted on how this progresses - We're rooting for a quick resolution to this problem.

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