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Everything posted by AneB

  1. Hi 😊

    Our interview is in the same date in Rio.

    You are the petitioner, right? Do you intend to accompany your fiancee?

    I'm asking because, a few months ago, my fiance asked if he could be with me and they said yes. Now we wanted to confirm, but the consulate is not responding. Do you have any idea about it?

    1. EdwinShinobi




      I'm the petitioner yes.


      I didn't attend the interview.


      I heard sometimes they don't let them in, even if they get a confirmation email.


      Kinda weird.

  2. Aww... Since your fiancee is brazilian too, that might be because of Carnaval. The Consulate didn't open until yesterday this week. This is the e-mail that we used for inquiries, if you want to try: immigrationrio@state.gov (for Brazil only, guys! Other countries can probably be found on the respective embassy/consulate website). They take up to 3 business days to respond. Just give them your case number and date of your FTP letter (that e-mail from NVC telling you they have sent it) and ask if they have it already.
  3. Hi, everyone 😊 I just got the e-mail from the consulate, that I believe it's the packet 3. I'll write down some informations about my case that I believe can help other people 😊 1- Our NOA2 date was november 05th, 2022. Two weeks later, we started weekly inquiries on NVC website to get case number and invoice ID. 2- We got case number, invoice ID and benefitiary number on january 19th, 2023. We didn't need this invoice ID or benefitiary number for anything so far. 3- My fiance, the petitoner, got an e-mail from NVC forwarded to me saying our case was sent to the consulate on january 31st, 2023. We didn't get any wellcome letter, and it seems not be necessary. As long as you get your case number, you can log in to ceac. On this date, we started to fille the ds-160. Apparently, the ceac thing that you need the case number to log in is not really important before your interview, I think this is basicaly only for you to check where your case is, but it's a little confusing anyways. Wasn't very helpful to us. We didn't need it not even for the ds-160, only the petiton number (WACxxxxxxxxxx). 4- On february 2nd, the ceac updated to "ready", so we started to do weekly inquiries directly to the consulate here in Brazil. They responded quickly, but always saying they didn't have our case yet. Last update on ceac remained on the same date for a long time. 5- On february 4th we decided to schedule my interview anyways, and that was the best decision, because the closest date available was april 10th, 2023. I would encourage any couple in the phase to do the same, because if you have a terrible luck and don't get the packet 3 on time, you can reschedule the interview. So why not?? This is the website we used: https://ais.usvisa-info.com/en-br/iv/information/iv_services 6- Today, february 23rd, 2023, I saw that the last update on ceac changed, and later we both, me AND my fiance, got the e-mail with instructions from the consulate, as I mentioned before. Both e-mail were exactly the same: it's a confirmation that they received the case and some explanations about ds-160, fees, documents, ASC and doctor's appointment...... basicaly things that most of us already know. We did not get any physical correspondence since the NOA2. That's it for now. I hope it helps 😊
  4. For me, it took 74 days from the NOA2 date. I did weekly inquiries until I get my case number, and they responded all of them kinda quickly (maximum took 1 week). If you don't ask, they might not say anything.
  5. I did that too. Still waiting for the consulate instructions 🙄 But I think we will be fine, there's a looooong time before the dates that we got hahah
  6. Through inquiry form on their website: https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/visa-information-resources/ask-nvc.html They don't really give you the exact date though, but you can have an Idea when they respond that they received it. I did inquiries weekly. Also the timeframe they provide for case creating is not quite accurate, so it's better to check often.
  7. Ohhh, sorry, I only saw this post now hahah I am the beneficiary, and no, I don't think they asked for my e-mail on I-129F. My fiance is the petitoner, he got the e-mail from NVC, but it was addressed to me, as someone else mentiined above. Same thing. I still don't know who's gonna get contacted by the consulate, we're still waiting for this part. I'll post here when it happens, ok? 😊
  8. Hi! I think they did ask for his e-mail on the I-129F, but I'm not even sure anymore, we did it soooooo long ago hahahah But we both did some inquiries to NVC while waiting for the case number, so maybe that's how they have it. We didn't get any physical letter from NVC yet.
  9. Thank you for responding 😊 So, I tried to do that, but it only shows that I need to fille the ds-160. That's why I think I did something wrong hahahah it also did ask for the Invoice ID for login..... Can you give me the link of where you did your login? I think I did on the wrong place 😅
  10. Did you ask for the Invoice ID through that inquiry form? I got mine on january 19 together with my case number, but I did ask for both. My fiance got an e-mail today saying our case was sent to the consulate, but I couldn't see anything on the ceac page. How did you find out yours is in transit? I probably did something wrong 😅
  11. I did it with my fiance and it was a loooooooot of work, but not really hard, to be honest. The most important things are to pay A LOT of attention to every detail, be organized and say the truth ALL THE TIME, or you can get caught in contradictions. When you get the form, make sure to do it from the uscis website, so it's updated (https://www.uscis.gov/i-129f). Right under the link to download the form, you can find the instructions for that specific form. There are also special instructions towards the end of the page. Follow them all carefuly and triple check everything in each step you take while you're filling it. You should also check and follow the instructions on this link: https://www.uscis.gov/forms/filing-guidance/tips-for-filing-forms-by-mail They helped us a lot to not make any mistakes and to assemble the packet in a way that would make it easier for the officer to go through it and maybe make it move a little faster. After filling the form itself, we gathered the required evidence (proof of his citizenship, a passport style pic of each of us, proof of meeting in person within two years and our statements of intent to marry), including different types of proof of relationship (pics of us, pics of him with my family, pics of our engagement preparation and day of, boarding passes of all his visits, airbnb's, credit card statements, gift receipts and screenshots of some of our conversations showing our id's and also conversations with othe people mentioning each other) to attach. We organized them with page markers with a name for each type of content and a description sheet for some of them. We also wrote a short description under each picture (we used two or three for each day we've been together) and added post-its on some of the evidences with short explanations or references to other evidences attached. In the end, we checked eeeeeeverything again and asked a third person (his aunt) to read for us too, to make sure it was making sense for who is not part of the couple and we didn't forget anything. Then we sent it and waited forever......... We were nervous that maybe we did something wrong, but we got our aproval a month ago 😊 I hope it was helpful and wish you a good luck!
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