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Everything posted by thysuki237

  1. Thank you so much. I'm starting to seriously consider the CR1 again, I chose the K1 on advice that it would be shorter and that you can't visit the US with a pending CR1 which I am now seeing is possibly false. However, with my fiance's situation, he won't have a lease or a job to prove his intent to leave. He does have medical appointments scheduled he could show them, and a job offer for after he returns. I'm concerned that won't be enough.
  2. Thank you very much! I appreciate your reply. I'll look into zoom marriage, though I'd highly prefer not to, it may be worth it to avoid border issues if I do take that route.
  3. I'm seriously wondering about that now that the processing times should be similar. I'm not sure how to get him in the country for a wedding without lying about intent, though. I'll have to come up with some form of entry proof. More research I guess. Thanks for the advice.
  4. Really just hoping for some moral support posting here, hopefully it's the right section. We went with Boundless Immigration because there are a few special conditions with our case I was unsure of how to file solo. This process is taking longer than I thought, and I'm hearing rumors that processing times are going to be much longer than current estimates, which is really sinking my morale. The immigration company is saying 13 months for the country my fiance is from, which is okay, but I'm hearing rumors of two or more years... Anyone else in the same boat of staring down a long wait? I've done quite a bit of research here and elsewhere but is there anything I could be missing that would result in an RFE? The company said that if my fiance isn't currently in the US I don't need to submit I-94s. Is this correct? That's not how I interpreted the section on I-94s, but they seemed confident.
  5. Thank you both. That link was quite helpful and it cleared up a few things for me. I'll read the rest of that page too.
  6. Hello, My fiance and I want to get married a.) Very soon and b.) In the US if possible. We are wondering if it would work to have the wedding in the US so my family can come and then exit the US and apply for a spousal green card. Again, this is NOT meant to skirt any laws or procedures, and we might not even live in the US which is part of the reason I don't want a K1 visa, we just want a wedding there. This is specifically related to the VWP and whether it's allowed. If so, what proof do I need to convince officials to let him through? A letter from employer, a return ticket, would a signed statement from us both help? Hopefully this is in the right section. Thank you.
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