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Everything posted by bullettandmo

  1. if i cant get her deported. Then can i file for spousal support as part of the divorce. since i now am going to be living in a standard below what i was living. she made almost triple what i made.
  2. hello. I writing this because I have been abandoned by my wife who is the green card holder. I asM as us citizen. We have been married less than 3 years. She has totally left our marriage and refuses to pay our rent at our apartment. She obtained a well paying job so we moved into an apartment that i cannot afford by myself. She refuses to pay the rent. Now she is wanting a divorce and so do i, but i feel as she used me to get a green card. She now prefers to party with her friends from work instead of being a wife. i would like to raise an objection to her being able to get the 2 year condition removed from her green card. is there anything I can do? i would like her to be deported?
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