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Posts posted by ginger1981

  1. Whenever I think if Heinz Baked Beans I think of that picture of Roger Daltrey from The Whol Sell Out. It really hasn't done anything for me in regards to the image of Heinz Beans.


  2. Ok, American guy here!

    I don't get the soccer (football), When I was in school I played it all the time and I loved it. But to watch it being played is like watching paint dry. No one ever scores points!

    How can this be enjoyable?

    I've never understood what's so exciting about American "football". Takes like an hour to get from one end of the field to the other!! :P I went and saw the Denver Broncos, never been so bored in all my life.

    Yeah but how is a game exciting when no one wins...just draws...m'dear? :-p You can either win or lose in my opinion!

  3. So what happens if you don't have enough evidence at the interview, do they just have an interview stage RFE sort of thing and reschedule it, or is it worse than that? I guess that's still pretty bad if you have to travel...meh I really need to hit my mom up for tax stuff. I don't know how difficult that is for her to get, just didn't wanna bug her again. I'm lame and barely understand what a W-2 is.

    I read on the London Embassy site the other day that you're not allowed to bring people with you. But it also said that they don't let people wait around outside their building so not to show up more than 30 minutes ahead of time, and that you'll have to wait outside and not inside.

    I think it sounds like people do have to wait outside, but the 30 minutes thing...just makes it sound like they're gonna arrest you if you're there or something :P I don't think they enforce a lot of these rules. I guess it really is just luck.

    Ask your mom if her tax preparer has a pdf of her returns. That way she can just email them to you. I emailed mine to my fiance.

  4. Hi there, I just moved (back) to SC a few weeks ago. I actually lived here before, about 8 years ago, then lived in Florida, then back in the UK and now moved back to SC for a few months before we move on to Kentucky. We're just outside of Columbia right now.

    The humidity in the Summer is pretty icky, it's kinda swampy here. But on the plus side almost everywhere has air conditioning, so as long as you're inside it's ok :) Everything is in bloom at the moment, very pretty, but the pine trees are driving my husbands allergies crazy.

    I mostly like Southern Food, and Cracker Barrel is yummy! I don't like Grits though! But biscuits and sausage gravy are good.

    South Carolina is kind of a slow pace of life, it's quite nice. Most people are very polite!

    Oooo I love the Crack-####### Barrel! As an American I personally believe that the biscuits and gravy are the best thing about this country and that I hope our next president will give them out to foreign dignitaries as an expression of goodwill between our nation and theirs :lol:

  5. Yeah no luck with Irn Bru in Chicago yet. It's easy to find a lot of Irish products but when it comes to Scottish...it's a bit more difficult. I think my DF will be ordering it online! Speaking of which...in 5 weeks he'll be all moved over here (might buy some online to surprise him with when he arrives!)

    As for Nebraska...I'm sorry Debz I don't think you're going to have much luck! You might try to see if any of the Irish stores in Omaha happen to sell it...

  6. Black pudding was my Mom's favourite breakfast! She always got it from the local "Scottish shop" and whenever her sisters visited, they would all settle in for a good helping of black pud. I never really took to it, but what I miss and would love to find is good finnan haddie! Yum! haven't had that since I left Kingston, Ontario where the same Scottish shop Mom went to sold it. I've had other smoked fish since, but it is just not the same.

    Ohhhhhh. I TOTALLY miss a good finnan haddie. :( I've found they have the tinned kippers here. I like to put them in my fish/seafood chowder. The fish and the broth really provides an added boost. :thumbs:

    The place my DF and I were staying at last week gave a big slab of haggis with the breakfast. I tried to eat it...but well it just wasn't setting well with me.

    I don't mind black pudding as much, but give me blueberry pancakes any day!

    Meh, beans on toast is alright. I've had it like...twice. Totally edible and good if you're hungry. Think it is ingrained probably. I love Chef Boyardee spaghetti sandwiches for god's sake, who would I be to talk :P

    I actually have been procrastinating not doing my essay for awhile and just came across this recipe beans sandwich

    baked beans, onion, tomato, cheese and bacon on english muffins :P Hey it's got a five star rating, I bookmarked the dang thing :D

    FYI I went by the store today and Harris Teeter here DOES have Heinz brand (love the purdy color of the can). I think it was like $2.80ish whereas Van Camp's was like 80 cents. Screw that. Thought maybe it'd be cheaper here in the south but noooos.

    Don't feel bad...like like to put peanut butter on my grilled cheese!

  7. I think I put in about 10 pages (if I remember right the application even states no more than _X_ amount of pages). But I put in some of the first, latest, and ones in which we discussed our relationship in particular...such as wedding plans etc.

  8. Okay so...

    The only Heinz beans available around here are "Heinz Vegetarian Beans" in a green can.

    Is this what I should stock up on for him? :D

    He can't stand the Bush's, especially the flavor I like... "Maple Cured Bacon".

    No worries, I'll open one can of Bush's for me and the kids, and I'm sure he'll finish off a can of Heinz on his own!

    This is a pic of the can you'll want to purchase:

    We've found them at Jewel stores in Chicago. However, I would check first to see if your store carries them.

  9. Ohh would love to know what you use for migraines.. i've suffered from them forever though burning peppermint does help.

    Really? I get killer migrains, and the only thing that really helps is a lot of sleep and lots of caffeine.

    I got one for cold sores. Light a match, then put it out in a cup of water. Then apply the burnt out tip to the coldsore and hold it there for a minute. The sulphur in the match head apparently does something that helps reduce the cold sore and makes it go away faster.

  10. Hi - not sure about you going over there, but from my experience, just because your partner was denied previously, does not mean he will be denied coming to the UK again. They will hold him up, but as long as he shows definite ties back to his place of residence, intention to live where he lives and for you to be there with him, a return ticket, a job back home, anything...he will be allowed in. Just have all the evidence...they only refuse if they suspect that he wont leave, and your partner must be sure to show that he will return. They may curtail his permission to stay here until the return date on the ticket, and will check he returned, but as long as you are legit, you will have no major probs.

    And don;t try the Ireland route or anything else that is dodgy....if you're caught, you'll both be in a lot of trouble...be up front and honest, and dont be nervous - you;re not doing anything wrong, as long as he leaves!

    (By the way, EU citizens dont get stamped, so there is no record of EU citizens comings and goings, unless you've been naughty - Treaty of Rome...)

    There is absolutely nothing dodgy about going in through Ireland. They may track you, but you certainly don't get the 3rd degree at customs going via Ireland as you do going directly into Britain. I have done this several times...when you go into Ireland tell them you are flying on to the UK. I've never been asked any further questions other than if I'm flying out through Ireland or UK. When you fly into the UK from Ireland you do not go through British customs as it is considered a domestic flight. I didn't write the laws of Irish/British travel, and it has in my experience always been a quicker and more pleasant route of travel than flying directly into the UK.

  11. Oh it was kinda like that back then too, it was all part of the charm. Maybe it's got sketchier though

    I just looked Berlin's on Citysearch. Under the "cons" section someone wrote "not a place for the shy or unfabulous"

    I'll have to go to Prince night (as in Purple Rain)...that sounds like a lot of fun.

    I once saw a Cher impersonator walk out of Berlin.

  12. I thought that it had closed, but I have not been to Chi-town in a few years. I never knew anyone who went there (or so they claimed anyway, lol). Back in the day, my mother was in town for my cousin's wedding out in the suburbs and we got back to my Lakeview apartment at something like 2am and wanted something to eat. Now where would be open at that time? Gay IHOP! I think she found the experience very educational.

    I currently live in Lakeview myself, and I take friends from out of town there more for the experience than anything else. There are certain requirements for going to the Big Gay IHOP:

    1) You must have a blood alcohol level of at least 2.0

    2) It must be after 2 am

    3) You must be able to put up with the state of the bathroom during the inevitable bathroom breaks.

    I don't spend as much time anymore as my friend who lived on Grace and Broadway has moved away, but I still like to go there on the odd night. Clarks is a bit closer for me, but it can be uber-hipster.

    So when did you live in Chi-town? And did you ever indulge in the deliciousness of cinnamon rolls from Ann Sather?

    Ann Sather! (starts weeping at the thought of the cinammon rolls) I loved Ann Sather

    I lived in Chicago from 1993-1996 - so that was back in the dark ages (or so it seems). I lived on the corner of Oakdale and Clarke.

    LOL at the Big Gay IHOP rules - when I took mom, I was drunk but she was sober. Is Berlin's still there? That was the favored destination for going and shaking your booty to Erasure with the gays back in the day.

    Oh Berlin certainly is open. I live pretty much around the corner from it...I'm about Sheffield and School (but I'll be moving in a month up to Rogers Park). We get a lot of "romantic trysts" from "couples" that meet there in the alley next to me if you know what I mean. I don't know how it was in the mid 90's but it is a really sketchy bar now, and you certainly want to watch your drink when you are in there.

  13. I thought that it had closed, but I have not been to Chi-town in a few years. I never knew anyone who went there (or so they claimed anyway, lol). Back in the day, my mother was in town for my cousin's wedding out in the suburbs and we got back to my Lakeview apartment at something like 2am and wanted something to eat. Now where would be open at that time? Gay IHOP! I think she found the experience very educational.

    I currently live in Lakeview myself, and I take friends from out of town there more for the experience than anything else. There are certain requirements for going to the Big Gay IHOP:

    1) You must have a blood alcohol level of at least 2.0

    2) It must be after 2 am

    3) You must be able to put up with the state of the bathroom during the inevitable bathroom breaks.

    I don't spend as much time anymore as my friend who lived on Grace and Broadway has moved away, but I still like to go there on the odd night. Clarks is a bit closer for me, but it can be uber-hipster.

    So when did you live in Chi-town? And did you ever indulge in the deliciousness of cinnamon rolls from Ann Sather?

  14. Next time he goes to see you he should fly in through Dublin and then take a Ryan Air flight to your UK destination. Irish customs tend not to ask many questions, and then the flight into the UK from there is considered domestic so no customs to go through.

    His passport (him) will be flagged as having been denied entry to the UK so I doubt it would work.

    I don't even get stamped half the time going through. Then again, it could be because my last name is as Irish as the day is long (and I look it to boot) and they think I'm visiting relatives or something.

  15. The Gay IHOP! Just reading that sentence made me miss my Chicago days of a long time ago. I remember the Gay IHOP as the destination of choice for those who spent the evening drinking at The Closet or Manhole (now closed, I believe)

    The Closet is still there, but I'm not 100% if The Manhole is. I agree there is nothing tastier at 3 am than the pigs in a blanket served to you by a queen wearing rouge and eyeshadow.

    That has to be the best club name ever - The Manhole.

    Yeah the Machine Shop is just down the street from the Big Gay IHOP too lol. I'm sure THAT place has a leather room!

  16. Next time he goes to see you he should fly in through Dublin and then take a Ryan Air flight to your UK destination. Irish customs tend not to ask many questions, and then the flight into the UK from there is considered domestic so no customs to go through.

  17. Now, don't you guys think Tesco is more like Giant? We have two giants near us. One is like a regular Tesco, the other one we call Gucci Giant. It's like a Tesco Extra. And it's only 15 days now until I can get in my new car and use my new Tomtom to find my way to Wegman's.... Wegman's is like a cross between Waitrose, and the Selfridges's food hall. Yum yum yum!!! Toshtishtash and I like to get halloumi cheese there...!

    Gucci Giant. Love it. You are all making me miss the US tremendously.

    In Washington (DC) we had Safeway. So there was the Social Safeway (posh Georgetown), the Soviet Safeway (northeast, never anything on the shelf), the UnSafeway (southeast, bad neighborhood), and the Gayway (Dupont Circle....you figure it out.) There is something about naming each branch that makes the chains not feel so soul-less.

    Can anyone explain to me the English obsession with chain stores? I've been in London for two years and keep trying to find a neighborhood with some originality...they all feel like highway exits in the US...same restaurants, same liquor stores, same pharmacies, same bars. Depressing and a little bit weird.


    Homesick American.

    In Chicago realm of IHOP's (International House of Pancakes) we have the Big Gay IHOP in Boystown. I guess we are missing the GayWay...as the only grocery store in the neighborhood is Jewel.

  18. ..... you see a commercial for medication for genital herpes at 5pm

    ..... you're repeatedly asked to spell any word with an 'r' in it

    ..... when you order water in a restaurant you never know what you'll end up with!

    I always thought to myself ...if I was an actress, would I really want to be the face of genital herpes? Just a hypothetical question...

    LMAO... I sometimes wonder that too!!!


    ... you see "lube" shops on every street corner :blink:

    ... you need to go to "liquor stores" and "smoke shops" to get cigarettes and alcohol :lol: (yeah yeah, I know you get them in grocery stores too but still :P)

    I have some instances of an "Aunt Fanny" in the family tree...

    I found a pleasant little restaurant in Newcastle near St. Jame's Park that had me in stitches with it's name:


  19. Being in a queue at walmart and the guy infront is buying guns and ammo

    I still remember hubby's first experience at Walmart where he saw the guns and ammo for sale. He about croaked! :lol:

    I used to work at a sporting goods store (Scheel's for all you upper Midwesterners) and I worked in the "gift lodge" which sold rustic home furnishings and such. We had a wedding registry that mainly was for people who wanted to decorate their home "rustic style." However, one day I had a guy come in and ask to sign up for the registry...which was unusual since it was usually a woman or couples that did that.

    Anyways, after an hour he came back with his registry. I kid you not, the registry was mainly guns, ammo and fishing gear LMAO!!!

    And don't get me started on my stories of working at the Cabela's call center. I remember I had a paraplegic guy call once and during the order he told me the story of how he liked to take pot shots at squirrels from his back deck since he couldn't use a tree stand anymore!

  20. Sometimes you'll find things in the oddest of places too. I went into a corner store up the street from me (that I had previously never been into) and found a whole range of Irish foods. They had imported sausages and rashers, walkers and taytos, a variety of McVite's digestives, steak pies, and just about every Cadbury product (along with some of the British Nestle products...yummm aeros) imaginable. Very strange as I think this small store has almost as much variety as World Market when it comes to food from that part of the world.

  21. if you eat honey made in the local area it contains elements of the local pollen so helps build a natural resistance to the allergens. Works kind of the same way as a virus vaccine. You get a wee bit of it that helps you fight it off.

    It really works and doesn't make you drowsy like most allergy meds

    South Fork Vineyard

    CONTACT: Jackie Hopken

    ADDRESS: 845 Road East D - Ogallala, NE 69153-4759

    PHONE: 308-284-6394

    E-MAIL: southfrk@megavision.com

    PRODUCTS: Honey-pure, comb honey, flavored cream honey, flavored honey stixs. Gift baskets and gift boxes: assortment of pure honey - 8 oz. jars - 12 oz. bears and 1.5 lb. jars; or assortment of cream honey - 6 oz. or 12 oz. tubs and comb and stixs. Any size baskets can be made for any occasion.


    PRODUCT PACKAGING: gift basket and gift boxes

    PRODUCT SHIPPING: continental U.S.

    PRODUCT ORDERING: phone and e-mail


    PAYMENT METHOD: check and money order

    Valhalla Bee Farm

    CONTACT: Warren and Jane Nelson

    ADDRESS: P.O. Box 4407 - Lincoln, NE 68504

    PHONE: 402-466-8173

    FAX: 402-466-8173

    PRODUCTS: Pure Nebraska honey and creme honey. Liquid honey available in various sizes. Honey spread available in 8- or 3-oz. jars. Four flavors are available: plain, strawberry, cinnamon, and raspberry.


    PRODUCT PACKAGING: packaged by the case for use in gift boxes

    PRODUCT SHIPPING: nationwide

    PRODUCT ORDERING: mail order, phone, and fax



    To bee (couldn't let that pun go) fair, there really isn't much of a bee keeping industry here. As the weather gets warmer you might want to go to craft fairs and farmers markets to see if there is a beekeeping hobbyist that is selling their product. Also, some craft stores might sell honey too...there is a local brand of jam called Grandma's and they had a line of honey a long time ago, but I don't know if they still sell the honey.

  22. I love the shooter one!! I can't say it would be my personal choice but it is pretty cool :D

    Yeah I can't really wrap it around my head who would want a James Bond-esque cake, but well to each their own!

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