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Posts posted by sarahaziz

  1. dang why is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ such a bioootch on all the threads???

    I don't care if I'm bluntly pointing it out but these are some rude members I'd petition to get kicked off the threads for good. Is it the lack of having a man to "lessen" the anger, divorced and bitter, no brains, parents didn't smack u or teach u what respect is? I'm honestly curious as heck why such rudeness???

    I believe that too if we can have pointless threads called MONDAY TUESDAY WENDESDAY why can't we have threads about gossip in peoples lives. Ganja girl is one of the coolest people on here. If you have a spouse abroad ready to come within the next month you pretty much have nothing else to talk about! i understand that NOW! :devil:

  2. Keep looking for a good job, Sign him up for English classes. Get him working as a certified english translator he can make at least 55-60$ an hour depending which state you live in.

    The financial situation he is in personally is most likely what is bugging him. He probably feels ashamed to talk to you about it. I would definitely make it known that you as his wife are there for him no matter what and if you weren't you wouldn't have stuck by him through this long process for so long. Make him know he has alot to offer than any body else to you. Never let your spouse go through times like that where there is silence between the two of you. That comes off as not caring and if you don't get what you need somewhere you will look somewhere else for it. Be there for the spouse!! :thumbs:

  3. I like the above poster's comment wherever you go be gracious.

    Algeria isn't strict as it's comming off as. It's french colonized we salaam unlike most muslim countries with the opposite sex who is familiar vs Saudi where you can't even put your arm around your wife or PDA in public without getting arrested. My babe puts his arm around me everywhere and kisses my forehead in a respectful manner. I wear American clothes. Just as any other muslim country you have your bad people and good people. I personally have never seen a man hit a woman there all my life but that's disgusting behavior. Men's respect is partly carried by his wife since you don't have to do much there to gain respect (i.E. dont need a lot of money to be respected) Algeria is a humble country and humble people. ;)

    I can't really answer my original question because i love algeria to death. Studying in France would be cool and living in Algeria would be the best but I make so much easy money in USA :innocent::P

  4. Well rather than it being an interview related finishing point, you can't put a price on your wives health. I'm sad nobody has pointed that out yet. I understand alot of people have problems with money but that money's not worth anything if you don't have your health.

  5. I'm with the lady on this one. He did something extremely stupid and he might just start asking her for money if he's spending his own like that and he's out of work. She has every reason to be right if she told him how something was going to go down and he decided to go in his separate way. Marriage is 50/50 and have to meet in the middle.

  6. Hey if theyre checking for HIV/AIDS, Gonorrea, Syphillis, Clymidia, etc I think it's extremely helpful, before comming if treatable they can get it treated before comming here. A friend of mine always tells me you can't trust any body or their past just get them tested bec your own health is the only worthy thing that keeps you going. You'd give millions to save it.

    Some advice or story sharing to anyone, me and my spouse havent had any sexual pasts with anybody before each other but to be on the safe side when we were fiance/fiancee he asked me before i came to give proof I was a virgin (i doubt that exists) or proof I have clean blood and to get tested. He also went after me and got his done there. It wasn't expensive there like 52.00 USD but here it was like 150.00 for me? anyways it put alot more trust and proof in our relationship I suggest everyone do it if pending on that decision ever comes. You rather be safe than sorry!

  7. I agree with you wahrania that's the worry that made me post this topic. In cities or high pollution areas I believe they're strictly connected with breathing > oxygen to the brain which also affects the heart.

    The diets , some men eating only 1 or 2 times a day and not even a sufficient portioned meal big loaf of bread, meat everyday and sometimes vegetables being served. Extremely bad for cholesterol levels. Coffee like freaking 7 times a day with alot of sugar and that coffee is STRONG.

    I think walking is what helps reverse the diet's affect a bit I don't really know!

    I guess more with the people living in poverty or middle class where a father or a son has to work to support the whole family. A whole family is considerably more than a family in US if you have like 5 sisters 2-3 brothers. I think if a man is working extremely hard to keep food, water and other expenses going in the house what's wrong with him going to a late night cafe. They don't have much to look forward to like men here do (i'm talking about good men with morals no disco,partying,etc..)

    That's my thoughts!!

  8. I haven't had that said to me yet, but I don't think anyone should get upset over that it's just people thinking outloud to you about how they'd feel if they were in your shoes. The only reason someone would calmly explain why they felt that is because they cared about you and love is blind ALWAYS. Everyday people and you yourself will see women/men getting used for greencards with ruined lives and people immigrating here illegally bringing our economy down. Then again you have those wierd losers who are - jealous.

  9. Sarah you just brought up another topic that was a little bit of a misunderstanding and argument for me and DH. I said that as well.. That I want to add him to my health insurance as soon as he gets here and called the insurance company and asked what they wanted to see: marriage certificate and translation or US Spousal visa, etc - Meaning what did they want as proof we were married so I could put him on my policy and DH was like :unsure: what are you going to do that for? So I explained the insurance to him and he was like ah okay it's through work that's fine - and I thought it was settled.. And then he goes - Does that cost you anything? And I explained the monthly pre tax deductions and premiums to him and he went nuts ... "You are going to pay money every week from your salary for "incase" I get sick?? What if I never get sick? What about all that money they took and I never even needed to use it or had a problem?!"


    What a mess that was - He finally came around after I explained to him that if he broke something for instance and had to go get a cast, or any number of things, car accident, etc that the medical bills could be in the thousands of dollars and there is no way we could guarantee that we could pay that up front or have it to pay later, etc.

    For now I'm hoping we settled it but I have a feeling it's another argument coming when he gets here and I go to send off the paperwork lol

    MENA men seem to have REALLY hard heads :whistle::lol:

    Gonna add him to my health insurance soon as possible :clock:

    Yeah that's the stubbornness of arab men or "dumbassness" as I tell my spouse. They love to be right about anything and everything b/c they know we've been exposed to extreme street and educational intelligence in the US. I guess they feel threatened! But I'm sure it will wear off here when they understand how everything works. Damn I'd love to only pay 30 dollars for a health visit lol We need more affordable healthcare in USA.

  10. I haven't heard of any country in MENA having an average age of death starting in the 40s-- most are in the upper 60s/low 70s for men and women both. If you're looking at a demographics chart, they ALL look like that for every country-- a spike around birth for infant mortality, a decline which pools in the 20s and sometimes 30s, then a steady increaase across older 30s and 40s, until some point in the 50s, then a spike in the 60s up until past a century. This is regular human demographics across the world.

    Jenn-- that is true to a certain extent. Diet can affect your dental health and so can disease. There is a correlation not between dental health in general, but enamel hypoplasias and overall health. Back when it was still OK to experiment on the "others" (whomever that would be from our nation's POV), they did an experiment on dental health and Egyptian children. In the control group, they monitored their permanent tooth formation, erruption, and composition. In the experimental group, they gave them a protien bar-- just one per day. In the control group they maintained the regular dental health with slightly delayed erruption and enamel hypoplasias. In the experimental group they found that the children had normal erruption and a complete lack of hypoplasias. Obviously, the Egyptian diet was protein deficient in that particular group of children.

    Sarah-- it is likely a large combination of reasons, including environment, diet, and disease.

    I disagree, probably bc I didn't elaborate what I looked through, I researched the mortality rates throughout country villages where mountains, many trees (extreme percentage of oxygen is present vs city's)

    You have women living at about 70 years but the men seem to be dying extremely early. Personally speaking I have too many widows in my family now from both sides of family. My husbands family also has many widows. It's like a little pattern going throughout the villages that so many women surpass the men.

    You know what I'm guessing the stress of supporting a huge family gets to the men if that's the case sometimes? Stress is a start of diseases!! I'll be extra nice to hubby. :star:

  11. I buy organic natural shampoos which dont contain sodium lauryal sulfate (sp?) and a couple of other i can't think at the top of my head, it causes cancer and hair loss.

    MENA men have alot of hair loss and I don't know if that's connected to cancer or other illnesses? I'd recommend them using natural shampoo. I have one uncle who only scrubs his hair with water it's so gross but he has a full head of hair at 50 years old lol

    We try to stick with organic foods (organic sugar, flour, fruits, vegetables salads, cheese, meat) as much as we can but eating outside is something we can't avoid

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