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Mark H.

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Everything posted by Mark H.

  1. I want to chime in here with what Me and My Fiancé have been doing, and MAYBE someone can comment on it and give you a SOLUTION. My fiancé’ is in Brazil, and I saw her Last year. While there I contracted COVID, and had a really hard time with NO MEDICAL ABILITY available to me as they are on Socialized Medical… (just referencing). So, when I got to the USA, we use “WHATSAPP” video calling almost EVERYDAY. We have an ACTIVE VISUAL, and a INTERACTIVE personal Relationship. I was in the Military, and deployed overseas for several years and thats how I remained in CONTACT with MY FAMILY during that time period of hardship. Me and My Fiancé talk about bills that need to be paid, and at times,…I have sent her money through the money sending app “WISE”, to pay for her bills, or for birthday gifts… etc… (I dont recommend that you send MONEY, but me and my Finance’ are COMMITTED and have progressed to our comfortable level of give and receive”). Anyway….. it costs WAY TOO MUCH for me to try and fly and see her often, because I cant just leave and fly across the World,… I have medical complications (disabled Veteran) that makes traveling very ‘difficult’. So,… by Video calling and speaking everyday which is documented in both my and her phone records, WE have maintained ALMOST CONSTANT CONTACT VISUALLY, and PERSONALLY without daily lives and THAT should show for SOMETHING to the IO at the Embassy I would hope. If you all reading this have input on this, as to whether or not this method of “KEEPING FACE TO FACE in this MODERN WORLD, to a point it should be CONSIDERED “just as good” to be having a personal relationship VISUALLY by VIDEO….. this COULD BE the help and ANSWER to the Original Posters Question. Thank you 😇
  2. Skatz...... There is a long shot.... it will do two things. Your father has a business and employees. So, If your Father wants to “do business” with another company HERE in the US, ...... maybe a company about 20 minutes from where you live......he can try the old “im expanding my business” hail mary pass. He would need to talk to people that would know about HOW to do business WITH a business that is US based. Maybe your Dad would consider a “PARTNERSHIP” business. Then, he would be able to try to get a Visa so he could come and “CHECK OUT HIS NEW PARTNERS BUSINESS”, or Just to come periodically for “BUSINESS MEETINGS”. And while he is here for his BUSINESS MEETINGS, you all could go to dinner together, or he could spend the nights at your house instead of a hotel. im just thinking outside the box. I do. Ot know even if this is possible, but my Cousin owns a VERY LARGE FIREWORKS BUSINESS in the Mid West. Every year for 1 week, his BUSINESS PARTNERS from CHINA, cone and stay at his house while they plan on how many fireworks shipments they will have. Seems to me, if business people can fly from CHINA, and stay at my Cousins private home for 1 week each year.... your father could maybe do the same thing, AND..... it might help his business GROW!!! Good luck!!
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