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Posts posted by Chanan1111

  1. And one more thing I would like to know.  Many members here have the same problem as me. I looked back to 2011 and they never updated more after they  asking questions. I wonder if their problem is solved or not.  or still facing the same problem  Or have they already given up?

    I wish they come back and update it. 

  2. steveinbostoni130 

    At first I thought that it was better to know now than to wait a long time. But I feel it's not worth paying that much for a lawyer to get a denial.

    I think that maybe I just keep summit an e-request. Even though i know that i will get the same answer every time, but maybe one day they might change the answer.

    Even you don't have the answer for me but thanks anyway.

  3. Hi I’m new here and I can't find a solution for this.

    I have read many cases here falls under AWA they have been waiting for so long and most of the case has been denied.

    My fiancé is an American citizen who has been registered for sex offenders (He was a teacher at 24 and was accused of inappropriately touching a 15-year-old student And he's black, I don't know if that's related or not I searched the internet after he told me the story matches)

    (We have lawyer who have no experience with AWA.)

    -We file I-129f on October 5, 2020

    -received NOA1 on October 25, 2020

    -Case was transferred to Vermont on November 19, 2020 and that’s the last update 

    And now it's been 1 year and 4 months. We submitted an e-request 4 times (last time is March 2, 2021) got the same answer that they are still waiting for background checks.

    I consulted a lawyer about this and he said we could just wait or we would file a lawsuit.($250 per hour) I really don’t know what to do at this time I feel hopeless and there is no light for me.

    He could not move to another place because he still need to be checked once a year by the police and still have 5 years to be checked.

    He couldn’t even come to visit me in Thailand (Some countries he cannot go, including Thailand we met somewhere else like Hong Kong, Turkey) I just want him to meet my family.

    If someone has this kind of experience please give me some advice so that I don't have to be sad and cry every day.  Anything to help me fight.

    And of course I think this information will be useful to people who are experiencing the same problem and I will continue to update if anything changes.
    Thank you so much.

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