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Everything posted by BBBJ

  1. What kind of status change you mean, like from received to approved? If that's what you want to track then it's best to have one or two apps on phone that will notify you almost instantly when your case gets status change.
  2. Here https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1-KrCTr9vliewjQfS0omnCI7eW8IqiLPJ2US4rRtpxAE/htmlview#
  3. Wednesdays and Fridays are always lower for some reason. Mondays being always the best. As far as I noticed.
  4. We are probably the rarest group of people on Earth - the one which actually hates weekends and hollidays.
  5. Wait, I'm in 110000 range and I'm a July 9th filer. Something is not right with either first range you put or the number of cases? There's almost 3k july cases up to 116500 range. Or am I missing something? *you probably meant 106500.
  6. I'm having dificulties connecting to the Adobe's service. In any case i cannot listen to it so ill be grateful for seminars highlits.
  7. https://vicdus.github.io/uscis-case-statistics/?center=WAC&form=I-129F&mode=data_center_year_code_day_serial&fy=21 I went to look for any changes from yesterday on this chart, all I see is two expedites denied. In all 10xxxx range. Edit: Xiaova reported approvals in 102000 ranges and this chart doesn't show that. Having enough of numbers, charts, sheets, posts, tweets yet can't stop checking for any good news few times a day.
  8. Uscis is a federal agency so Cali not recognizing a holiday probably doesn't mean much. But still, not a single line about being closed or not.
  9. What's the conclusion for today, Uscis working or not? I don't see anything on their media...
  10. Without an attempt to put emphasis on K1 visas from our side, there's a high chance that the light will be directed towards forms and backlog that Uscis actually managed to reduce and clear which would turn this webinar into an hour of mutual back patting. Maybe I am subjective, and stand to be corrected, but I see only form I129f suffering more and more delays and backlogs, from 6 months to 14 and still not showing signs of improvement. Is there any other form which waiting time has doubled in 6 months? Now that is something we need to hear about and what are the steps to deal with that. Last time we heard that "a lot of people are complaining that K1 processing times are too long and 10 months really is." And that was all. I don't want to hear that again with 14 months now mentioned.
  11. I was thrown out of topic immediately, something is fishy there 😀. Thanks guys, sorry again for going off.
  12. Don't want to go off topic, especially when people are waiting for todays numbers, so ill just leave this for amusement in the meantime. Not sure what's the interest of those admins for sharing this informations. Maybe we are all approved already but "our perception is wrong".
  13. Am I allowed to post outside links here? This could go in any of the april/may or june topic but I want more of us to see it. I got into on FB argument about current state of Uscis backlog, provided data that Xiaova and the rest of you guys provide us daily and I got a response that got me very, very confused. Wouldn't pay much attention if it wasn't someone who states that knows this matter very good. Maybe I'll just quote what he said here and you be the judges: " I was a member of Visa Journey since 2015. I know and even admin some groups with admins from there. Case Tracker only reports exactly what is on the USCIS site. There is nothing special about it but they do sell your info if you decide to log in. I’ve used that for years too. You are 100% wrong on how the timelines work there but that is your opinion. Yes. We also scan sites and Bryan puts up monthly reports here. There is no info you have that we don’t and we have. Some of what you are saying is skewed and some is just wrong. I’m glad you like Visa Journey so much. It is a great site with amazing mods and admins. That doesn’t make your perception correct. " He basically says that Excell sheets shared here, and daily approvals we follow daily are skewed and 100 percent wrong. I'd really like someone to prove this wrong.
  14. Scanned July groups yesterday, those we see in this sheet, minor changes since last update - one approval more, two denials more and three less "other" .
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