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Jesse and Hema

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Posts posted by Jesse and Hema

  1. I wonder if a federal gov, standard form 50 with start work date, salary, and all relevant info would suffice for a

    employment letter? Its not a "letter", but it has all the information. It has a place to sign at the bottom.

    Yes that sounds like it will work for you.

    That sounds good enough.

    The I-134 directions say to include an employer letter, which is why everyone brings one. I think they just like seeing a second person's signature verifying that what you DO have a job. I don't think it's a crucial and hard requirement to have exactly that, though...

  2. Greetings!

    So here's my current predicament:

    • I'm running out of personal checks. So, I should order more.
    • Since I'm getting married in a month, I might as well get new checks that have both our names on them (I have enough checks to last until then.
    • I'm also hoping to buy a house and move this summer, so it'd be silly to get checks that have my current address on them.
    So my question is: Do personal checks HAVE to have the address and phone number in the upper left corner? Or can I just put our names there? This is probably common knowledge, but again.. I am uncommon.


  3. I've never taken part in an engagement ceremony, but I'm sure his sisters will help. :yes: From what I've heard, it's similar to a wedding but less formal. It's kind of like some renewal-of-vows ceremonies. It will vary with the people and the culture, though, so best to ask his sisters for advice.

    Side note, though.. I'd recommend against mentioning the ceremony to USCIS. If they confuse it with (or suspect) a wedding, you could be denied for a K-1.. (surely you already know that).

  4. Really? The evilness of humans, whether it being towards another human or an animal, never shocks me. The human being is capable of limitless cruelty. Just look through the annals of history and you will see cruelty and unspeakable acts of evil.

    We ARE the nastiest things on planet Earth.

    Aye... Well stated

  5. I don't think that should be a problem... I opened the perfectly sealed envelopes of both of my police certificates... I just needed to check if everything is accurate and in order. You know, I don't want to be at the interview to find out that there's an error with my police certs e.g. wrong name, wrong date of birth...etc etc.... :star:


    Cool... Good to see someone who has experienced the police report in a sealed envelope.

  6. :rofl::lol:

    Seriously, this thread is funny. I think the majority of people, well women at least, think they're heavier than they really appear.

    I don't know.... I see many graciously-sized women wearing too little clothing, too often....

  7. Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always preserves."

    1 Corinthians 13:4-

    Glad to see someone take my side :yes:

  8. Well first I'd confront him about it if I found out.

    It all depends on the situation if I would be willing to work it out (Like if it was an isolated incident or something happening over a long period of time) but with my Nick....

    I would be completely heartbroken and devastated but if he was genuinely sorry and wanted to work it out, I would do what I could to work through it.

    I would never forget but I think if we were able to work through it, we would be that much stronger.

    Now I'm done thinking about this subject cause it makes me sad.

    Are you ok hon?

    Of course they cheating party will be apologetic. They always are. That's not the issue here. The issue is that the cheating party does not have an accurate understanding of what it means to be committed. Not only are they likely to do it again, but even if he/she does not, other aspects of the relationship will start to fail. This will either be fallout from the compromised trust, or from the lack of commitment that caused the adultery in the first place.

    Consider this. If your partner can't stay loyal to you now, what about if you develop some health condition that requires caring assistance? Would you really count on his/her loyalty then?

    In cases where these things happen, it's not true love.

    No second chances...

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