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Jesse and Hema

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Status Updates posted by Jesse and Hema

  1. Hang in there, Dude. I'm sure your K-1 visa will work out fine, it's just not quick! You have a bit of a wait ahead of you, but don't let it get you down. Maybe you can even get some more visits with your honey in the interim?

  2. Thanks for the friend request. :)

  3. Hey, is that another Trinidad VJ user? Good to have you on board.

  4. Hey, there! I see another VJ'er dealing with Trinidad! Hope all goes well for you!

  5. Hi, Kate. Just wanted to say that I hope things for you are progressing well and that you are doing great!

  6. Basically all she has to do is present her passport and the package given to her by the consulate at the port of entry. It is easy sailing from there onward. :-) They might ask her a couple of questions about how you guys met etc, but that's about it. :-) Best of luck in everything

  7. I had no idea comments had character limits.... sorry...

  8. Hey there!

    Hema (Jesse's wife) here. :-) So hello!!!! Congratulations on being approved! It is so much easier on the heart and mind to get every little step over with.

    Regarding my entry into the US, it was fairly simple... save for the long lines at the Texas airport. Oy! Not a difficult process at all though. All she has to do is present tha

  9. Things are great here. We were married on Apr 26, and are now just buying a house and waiting on a green card.

  10. Man, congratulations!! When's the wedding?

  11. hey, congratulations on your approval! Hopefully it's all downhill from here.

  12. Yo, yo... I see you got an RFE!! Sorry to read that. Hopefully it's something easy to straighten out. Once they get the requested information, it won't be long, though! Good luck

  13. Hey, man... Just droppin' a comment to say that I hope everything goes well with your K-1 case and that time doesn't seem to slow down too much. Don't forget to update as you hit those milestones!

  14. Your experience, knowledge, and willingness to help are great assets to all the VisaJourney community. Thanks!

  15. Hey, Man.. Sorry you guys have to wait until late May for an interview! You two have been waiting a long time to be "together".. Hoping the final leg of the wait goes smoothly

  16. Haha! Love the new pic, man! Happy new year

  17. Thanks for the updates! Yes, our God is awesome and will provide in His time!

  18. You guys hear anything on your petition yet?!

  19. Just wanted to say that I'm sorry you're having such a long wait to get your I-129f approved!! Really hope something resolves soon! The separation is HARD! Be persistent, hang in there, pray about it.. It will work out eventually! God bless!

  20. Accidentally introduced on the phone by your aunt... Interesting!

  21. Thank you so much for the comment, Gill. I see you got approved too!! So congrats you you as well!!

  22. Trucker at heart, eh? Interesting

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