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Posts posted by AnaAndDaniel

  1. It is pretty low to be twittering about something as frivolous as this Sotomayor soundbite while the guy is touring Auschwitz.

    Supreme Court nominations aren't frivolous.

    It is when you're at the scene of one of the worst examples of state sponsored racism in recent history - and have the nerve to take a 2 sentence quote completely out of context and call it racist.

    It shows that he understands nothing.

    He (or Palin) will be the next President.

    only if the repubs find their balls and have this nomination withdrawn or defeated. and Newt better be leading the fight!



  2. I think a lot of people have only had overcooked scallops. They are absolutely disgusting when they're overcooked. It's just a big rubbery blob that is not nice. If they're cooked right, they just melt in your mouth.

    yeppers. "yes:

    when you come to Cali, we will buy scallops and you cook'em?



  3. bro guano,

    here is how i see it:

    Prior to Prop 8, the issue of same sex marriage in Cali was undefined. Thus, when Newsome and others started handing out marriage license t osame sex couples, it was ruled ok because it was undefined in the constitution.

    So, same sex marriage opponents drew up and had passed Prop 8 which defined marriage as between man/woman.

    Prop 8 opponents then took it to court (today's ruling) claiming it was incorrect way of amending the constitution. The court struck that argument down.

    (As a side, they further validated the marriages pre prop 8, those couples are legally married in Cali)

    Furthermore, this marriage business is undefined at the federal level. Thus Cali, and any other state, can define it as they wish. That plus, same sex couples are not a 'protected class'. So any equal protection that could be offered by the federal constitution does not cover them here. So, it is a-ok with the courts.




  4. gracias por los deseos y pistas. :yes:

    parte del paquete de despedidad era uso de una agencia de busca trabajo. ellos ya me enviaron una lista de muchas paginas web pa ese asunto.

    este 5 de mayo , vivia mexico hijos de la %$^&^*((*! , se va repetir el examen para desarolladores de software para el estado. tengo confianza que hare bien. solo falte que el estado tenga conque contratar gente. bueno, eso seria una ruta de chmba. por el otro lado buscare con empresas privadas.

    3er opcion sera aventarme como contratista.

    gracias a Dios por el momento estamos mas o menos bien financiamente asi que no hay panico. pero quiero encontrar algo pronto.

    lo mas dificil es adaptarme a la realidad que no estoy chambeando. es una pinch.e joda. ;)

    bueno, losleo al ratin.

    se cuidan mucho



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