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SMOP and LMoKy

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Posts posted by SMOP and LMoKy

  1. On 2/26/2022 at 1:25 PM, Jonathanh said:

    I would get there an hour early. When you get there there will be a single line, get on that line. Keep an eye out for someone who works there and tell them you are a K1 visa. They will put you right to the front of the line. The security people with the guns and other hired Peruvians won’t be able to help you or know that you can move to the front. Look for an American that works there. They will have badges that hang from a lanyard on their neck. After you go up the the visa window all they do it check your appointment and your ds160 confirmation page ,passports and rubber band them all together. 

    they then send you through the door and you pass through security. Follow a path for a few hundred feet then come to an area that is outside with chairs with a bunch of people sitting and waiting. These are the people for tourist visas. Go right up the the person up front and tell them you are there for a K1 visa, they will give you a card with a number on it and tell you to go to window 10. Windows 10-15 are for K1 visas. Sit down there and wait for your number to be called. Once it’s called you will either go to window 10,11 or 12. At this window they gather all your paperwork, DS160, passports, i134, taxes, w2s, visa photos, birth certificates, etc. You then sit down and wait to be called up to windows 13,14 or 15. This is where the interview will take place. 13,14 are actually at the window and 15 you go back through the door to have the interview back there. Myself, my fiancé and her child were there. We all went to the window together and he asked if I was the petitioner and I said yes and he asked me kindly to sit down. I could overheard everything. He asked my fiancé if you would like to talk in Spanish or English and she said English. I was able to hear everything. The questions were very basic. What doesn your fiancé do for a living, does her have any children, what are their names, what city and state will you be living in. What do you plan on doing when you get to the United States. That was basically all the questions. It took a matter of less than 5 minutes. He told her that he will be issuing the Visa and it will be ready in 7-14 days and we will be notified. 

    I hope this helps

    Thank you once again so much from both of us  for all your information shared!  This will be very helpful to my fiancé next week at his interview.  Best blessings to you and yours.  

  2. On 2/24/2022 at 5:55 PM, Jonathanh said:

    Message me if you want any other specific questions about the interview in Lima. It was easy btw and spend most of the time waiting in lines 

    Congratulations on the successful interview!  Thank you so much for all the information you have shared from it.  Is it difficult to find where to go once you arrive at the Embassy?  Any tips?  

  3. Hello there.  My fiance's K1 interview is coming up in March 2022 in Lima, Peru.  He is collecting required documents.  For the police records, he obtained his police and penal records online and for the judicial record he went in person to the office.  Does anyone know if the embassy accepts the online versions or must he go in person to get all three of them?  I tried contacting the embassy but they responded with an automatic e-mail saying they cannot respond to individual requests.  Anyone out there with knowledge on this?  Thank you!  

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