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Posts posted by melusine

  1. Hello there,

    I have my friend who is going through the London embassy.

    They received the packet 3 but are not ready to fill all the requirements for the affidavit of support.

    Is there some kind of max delay before they send the whole thing back ?

    Or is it better to send it all even if the Affidavit will most probably will deny, go to the interview and update the Affidavit after deny at the interview ?

    What would be your advice ?

  2. Hello All,

    Lots of you know me already And I did personally filed for AOS right after our wedding.

    But I want to know what your opinions are on the subject.

    The Scenario is a couple with a spouse coming on a K1

    Married within 90 days

    If there is no financial issues, nothing hurt to file right away but what about if there is financial issues ?

  3. I don't agree with some of you here....and I did read the whole last long thread from Valsu.

    And I would like everyone here to think about the situation a minute before being so judgmental. I am the spouse but whoever I am, I am in a couple and whatever how long I would have to wait for my papers to be filed in case of a financial issue, I would probably have wait as well (without really knowing I would be out of status... is it true anyway ?) and if kids where involved, I would have wanted to get to know them a little more.... It's not like a full cleaning/cooking pattern either but just to do a part of the common chores while dealing with my own adjustment issues.

    The first problem I see in their situation is that she doesn't seem to speak English that well which lead to misinterpretation (the : it's not good, it's great etc.) So as a husband who care I would probably check if it would be possible to get some (low cost/free if money is an issue) class to learn English.

    I do think Valsu have part of the blame to not have been fast to understand what was going on with his wife and the feelings she is dealing and also for the choice of having crazy hours at work/getting a house too expensive (for the record, whatever my culture (european+canadian) and my level of english which is not too bad, I do also sometime feel trapped even tho my husband is the sweetest, more caring person on the planet (and I don't have any kid to look after, I don't cook but I do clean a bit, but we are living with his parents, in a nice house far from everything and without a car for me.... basically the big excitement of the day for me is when the mail person come to drop the mail...yeehaa... and when my hubby come back from work, at least this is what's going on when I am looking for a job (most of my industry is through short term contracts))...but anyway....

    I do also thinks that She have all of a part to be blamed for ! (The over reaction, not looking for discussion, escaping (??!) etc.)

    Then some life, it's not the fault from anybody have their blame as well (the knee injury, loosing the baby etc..).

    Also, from what I understand.... she called him the first two times (after like a couple of weeks with no news) to wish happy birthday to one of the child and various talking and a promise to come home if the mom was gone... it's not like her first contact was about to get help... it was a genius thought.....

    Too bad ICE came in the picture 2 days after....

    So it's not like she called for help like some people said earlier.

    (There is still something to clear up is the why she was where she was and what happened for ICE to come in the picture).

    Anyway Valsu, I wish you good luck !And I also would strongly ask to ICE if you could go see her (wherever she is) to at least give a comforting hug and then to figure out things with a lawyer or so.

  4. At least something good happened, she is willing to come back

    Now, it's just the ICE situation etc... just .. hmmm... uneasy to deal with but I am sure you two can go through it. (lawyer or not, My knowledge is not good enough to advise you on it)

    One thing wich will happen on a more personal level is that most probably she will blame you for it (because (and for whatever reason) you didn't file the papers before etc...)... I would suggest to not fight it and take on yourself and take the blame for it.... whatever the why. She is probably quite scared and would probably go nuts if she have to hear the reason of why it's not your fault (even if it's not really your fault anyway), hug her tight, say that you are sorry and that everything gonna be good now to re-assure her... This is my own 2 cents and you are free to keep it or leave it, really.

    Immigration related, She is not Illegal here and lots of people are filing the adjustment later down the road for financial issues as well anyway.

  5. I have dual right now

    French (give access to europe + all my family) + canadian (I immigrated and stayed there 9 years ago) (and from my opinion it's the best country in the world)

    I plan to keep both and add US when the time will come :D

  6. Hello there and welcome,

    I would highly recommend to not mention your wedding (and at the same time beeing true in your answer) or else you will just be denied (is there a risk for a ban as well ?).

    In all case, take full proof that you will come back in Canada after your trip. I thought the only visa to get married within the states was K1 but I don't know much about the CR-1 so I don't want to give you any bad infos.

    Good luck !

  7. Now the problem is if he goes back to canada... his wife and kid will want to follow....

    Well... it's just that Canada have also immigrations laws and it takes about a year and like 2k for one person....

    I don't have much compassion either...

  8. Hello Coria,

    It's the first time I am writing in this thread and I read all what you said from start to finish.

    It's kinda bad to say that but I am happy for you that it didn't worked out. Believe me, Love is one thing... But a marriage is not just about love, it's about respect, dedication, compromise, understanding. If the guy reacts psycho because you don't follow HIS plan... it's a really bad sign.... (there is no care or respect in that kind of answer) It sound like whatever his nice words were at a certain time became somehow the one of some kind of dictator.... This is who he is now....imagine how it would have turn 10 or 20 years down the road....(ugly bad)

    Now is time to focus and respect yourself, to have fun with your friends and to start the new year fresh with a million of other projects, whatever work, school.... ...You will hate to hear that but ..... you are young and really, get some time for yourself to enjoy every minute of it !

    I wish you a great XMas and New Year !

  9. Woooo !! Congratulations for all the green cards, work authorization and interview letter received ! That's great news !!!

    On my side, I just finished my first contract in the industry and it was awesome ! I made a couple of great industry contacts and got some $ at the same time !

    It will also allow me to start the 1/6 part of an online program i really wanted to do in January while working on perhaps my second contract !

    I wish I would get that interview letter soon !

    Talk to all of you soon !

  10. here.. no news....

    Ultra busy with work for another 2 weeks...

    Then, Ultra busy with looking for another contract after this one :D

    last update on the AOS is 08/01/2008

    nothing to report more than that,

    I know some of you seny me messages. I am sorry if i didn't answer yet.... i have been waaayyy too busy thoses last couple of weeks.

    I saw some movement in the list, that's a great news ! Congratulation to All !!!

  11. here.. no news....

    Ultra busy with work for another 2 weeks...

    Then, Ultra busy with looking for another contract after this one :D

    last update on the AOS is 08/01/2008

    nothing to report more than that,

    I know some of you seny me messages. I am sorry if i didn't answer yet.... i have been waaayyy too busy thoses last couple of weeks.

    I saw some movement in the list, that's a great news ! Congratulation to All !!!

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