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Everything posted by Adil_Nola

  1. Jeanne, Adil knows :). What you said about being away for too long is a 100%. Thank you.
  2. Thank you all for your advices. @powerpuff @JeanneAdil I am the USC petitioner, my Moroccan wife is the beneficiary. So I should be OK with the USCIS if I let the I-130 get approved and later decide to withdraw the "petition" with the NVC? To do that, should I just write to the NVC that I intend to stop the visa process? @JeanneAdil @Jorgedig, I don't have anybody lined up for the time being. One at a time.. Same country? I don't think so. I'm originally Moroccan but lived in the US most of my life 28 years+, but I don't recognize women back in Morocco anymore. They're not what they used to be. Nowadays most are all about money, hidden agendas, Instagram ... I was looking for someone with similar cultural background. Screw that! I might as well find me some nice southern belle with traditional values...
  3. Friends- After one year of waiting, and being only 2 weeks away from our I-130 case decision, according to USCIS website, my wife wants a divorce. Long story short this one year wait has been a major factor in ruining our marriage. The wife just couldn’t manage it. I tried my best with her. Now my question is, is it better to withdraw my petition before the I-130 gets approved just so it doesn’t “go in my record” with the USCIS? In other words If I don't stop this petition within the next two weeks, will it impact any future petitions I file, i.e. Petition approved vs. petition withdrawn? TIA.
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