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Posts posted by Roberts123

  1. 4 minutes ago, royryan said:

    From the CDC website:


    Categories of noncitizen nonimmigrants that meet the criteria for an exception under the Proclamation and CDC’s Order include:


    Persons with valid visas [excluding B-1 (business) or B-2 (tourism) visas] who are citizens of a foreign country with limited COVID-19 vaccine availability


    So, how is it that Russia has not made the list of limited availability despite having NO approved vaccines?  It can't be because they have over 10% of Russians vaccinated, because I don't believe that 10% of Russians traveled to get an approved vaccine. 

    In my opinion Fauci is cooking the books.

    Not only that, but making Poland the country Russians need to go to. When getting a Schengen visa is not easy. Especially now.

  2. 4 minutes ago, powerpuff said:

    The consulates you mentioned are unwilling to take transfers from Moscow. Besides, Warsaw is officially the designated consulate for Russian nationals now. In the regional sub forum you will find threads where people have done it. It’s possible but not easy. You will probably have to get a Schengen visa through Greece as they’re issuing them for tourists. 



    This is the main question. It is at the discretion of the consulate to re-issue visas.  You can try but be prepared if the answer is no. In which case you will have to start from scratch. 

    I am genuinely shocked they would make Poland the location when they know Russians can't go there without a visa. Especially since Russian is more widely spoken in other countries and they don't require a visa.

  3. 1 minute ago, dwheels76 said:

    She needs to have her petition transferred to Warsaw. Once there Visa fee needs to be repaid and New Medical.

    Thank you. Can we move it to another country (Khazastan, Belarus, Moldova {visa free for russians}]? Getting a Schengen visa for a Russian visa with this pandemic and lack of proper vaccines seems near impossible.


    Also, can it be moved when the visa is already issued? Wasn't sure if that was possible at this stage. Thanks again.

    1 minute ago, royryan said:

    Probably this is less than helpful, but if the Moscow embassy reopens you might be able to have the visa re-issued.  You would have to pay the mrv fee and redo the medical though. 


    Yes, I hope so but from the automatic emailreply i got from the embassy it says it's indefinite...

  4. Hello, I am in a very strange situation and haven't heard back from the embassy or anyone really.


    Our K1 visa was approved in the summer of 2021. She was finishing her university degree and was going to come in October. Unfortunately her medical test didn't give us the full 6 months since it was done before the interview. She got covid and couldn't fly. Now the visa is expired and the Moscow embassy is closed due to political reasons and doesn't do visas anymore. We applied in 2019 and her interview was suppose to be in March 2020 but the pandemic delayed everything. Any advice would be helpful. 


    Thank you for your time sorry if i posted this in the wrong place.

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