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Status Updates posted by docdoc

  1. Hi;


    I and my bf are applying for fiancé visa. He has applied 2 times for tourist visa before; the first one got denied because of not providing strong ties with home country and the second one is pending. In both of tourist visa applications we have put his starting work date 10/2016; however he started being insured at his job in 2019. This is a family business; him and his parents are engineers and work together at their office.  Now that we are applying for fiancé visa we don't know which date to put and if it will be a problem of the dates not matching. Do you think they will look at fiancé and tourist visa apps and compare the dates? We want to put starting date in 2019 because that's when he started being insured and if they need proof; he will have it. The reason we put 2016 before is because he's actually been working and helping the family since then; but I guess we did not think it through. He also has a second job and is properly insured there as well. Do you think the dates will matter much and they will penalize him because of not matching dates? Or will they verify that he works and everything is honest. 


    If anyone has had the same experience, please advise. 

    1. JeanneAdil


      for the beneficary ,  the work history is not what the embassy will be concerned with

      it is the work and income history of the USC that is the main focus especially since he can not work in the USA till AOS . EAD, and AP are approved because u are going thru K1 petition.  The EAD is the work authorization part of the 3.  His insurance in foreign country not part of all this /  u need to have the income to buy health here or insurance thru a job that allows you to add him

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