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Posts posted by SpiritAlight

  1. I don't watch nor own a TV, however I do catch snippits and ull shows on youtube and other online sites.

    I love a Canadian show called:


    and I'm going to highly recommend it.

    Watch both seasons before catching the new one starting soon.

    And I love Craig Ferguson and Jon Stewart just to name a few...



  2. Okay, forgive my jumping in here and only reading this last post since it's been a while and there are so many pages since I last read.

    What you said Kathryn is so right on...a world of different philosophies and culture.

    And it is disconcerting because on the surface there are so many similarities not to mention how comfortable most Canadians are with the U.S> being we travelled in and out all of our lives.

    Living here is so very different than visiting, isn't it? :)

    And so...

    any immigration is huge.

    Getting married is huge.

    Moving is huge.

    Finding new work with a new social number (as if we were just born) is huge.

    There is so much...all huge!

    So listen...

    we all need to remember one thing:



    (L) (L) (L) (L) (L)


  3. Aloha Wonder-Full VJers,

    It's been a while and truly too challenging to dig in all the threads and find out how all of you are.

    And so, I will send out energetic hugs and hope all is well in your worlds.

    (F) (F) (L)(F) (F)

    As for meeeeeee...

    someone must have lit a fire under CSC's butt and got many of us July filers taken care of, and wayyyy before people from months earlier.

    No rhyme.

    No reason.

    A usual day for immigration.


    We filed July 7th, and got approved August 23rd...card already in hand.

    BTW it is sure nicer looking than the old one.

    It's even green, and legible!



    Congrats MrsCat as well, as I know she's arrived to end of this horrid and expensive process as well.


    We're done here.

    Good luck to all of you awaiting any results from your visa journey into the U.S.

    :star: Spirit :star:

  4. I wonder who lit the fire under CSC's butt?


    All of sudden I come back here to tell you all that it felt like I was expedited or something...got email of approval on Monday the 23rd, then another email a few days later, that said that more clearly, then the card arrived yesterday, after they said to look for it in two months. Wow.

    No complaints as my other one expired near the end of August.

    Congrats to all of us, and those of you waiting it is your time soon.

    Best of luck all new landed permanent residents.

    So very grateful this process is done. Could they make it any more expensive? Feels like it was a cash grab. bleh :unsure:

    Over and out,

    :star: Spirit :star:

  5. Oh, good, another one of the 'let's hold hands and sing Kumbaya' good folks.

    Try taking a trip into North Korea from the South Korean border. Or crossing into Pakistan from India. And then come back and tell us how your experience was. I'd also be interested to know if anyone bought your 'we're all children of this earth, like animals we can roam anywhere we feel like. I have a divine and inherent right to be here' schtick.


    Do you need a hug?


    So we have a difference of opinion.

    So what.

    If I wish borders didn't exist that is my prerogative.

    Remember: divide and conquer.

    Not my thing.

    I'm into community, compassion and acceptance of differences.


  6. Mahalo Ant!

    Every One please forgive my strong statements if they felt offensive to you in any way.

    Not my intention.

    I am into INCLUSIVITY as opposed to EXCLUSIVITY. (L) (L) (L)

    Still....the thought of being asked for papers because one happens to be unwhite is unethical, dangerous, inhumane, and demeaning.


    The blame is ABSOLUTELY on the person doing the hiring.

    It is money driven and perhaps a hole was/is getting filled. Who knows for sure.

    I mean seriously, all the jobs I've applied for and worked for (when I'm not freelancing), have asked for my "green card" and other I.D.

    Who are these employers not asking???? Bah.


  7. Good Morning Wonder-Full VJers,

    I am needing to express my opinion as well.

    Being stopped and asked for papers because one has brown skin is completely unconstitutional.

    It is racist.

    It is ridiculous.

    Let's face it, there are blond, blue eyed undocumented workers too.

    The prisons are full of brown skinned people who did nothing more then look different from what is considered innocent.

    (see stats on colour ratios in U.S. prisons...it's appalling)

    Okay, here's the thing...well two things:

    1. Employers should be fined and jailed that are hiring undocumented workers. Case closed.

    (People have always been opportunistic and survivors.)

    2. I have had more anguish crossing the border between Canada and the U.S. since I became a resident.

    BUGGERS!!! (If I could go back to just being a guest/visitor, I would. That used to be fun at the checkpoints.)

    Strong statements?


    BTW, I'm olive-skinned and get really dark when exposed to our glorious sun...as I am now. Greek heritage.


    PS I do not use the word "illegal" when it come to human beings as we were all born on this planet making us all have a right to be here...wherever we choose to roam.

    (F) (F) (L)(F) (F)

  8. I get what you're saying Sprailenes.

    I would have to know the person for years and have some deep history with them to be able to even attempt to deduce any real conclusion.


    Things we each say are taken from our life's experience, and that is all.

    Yes, even the gross over-stereotyping Rob. Hahaha!

    Forgive me.


  9. People are all too quick to label others as "depressed", or even themselves.

    And "professionals", i.e. doctors, are quick to medicate because that is the Western way, and how they have been trained.

    For example, see a surgeon, and they want to cut; see a psychiatrist and their job is to put you in a box, and to prescribe pills. etc etc etc...

    We all know Prozac has failed and only caused more depression, more suicides.

    So, yes, I am not a pro and I do not have authority over any one else and their decision making.

    I do a lot of research.

    My own levels of emotional depths and heights are off the charts, and I have experimented with what heals me, because I made that my priority.

    I work each day to find balance, and I do not succeed all the time.

    No expectations.

    I just try to be with what is...always in process.

    This is why things like yoga and dancing where I have to be full present help tremendously.

    Moment by moment.

    This is a long conversation....and over some words strung together on these posts cannot reach the true heart of it.

    I may be sorry I tried.

    Or not.


  10. Hello Wonder-Full VJers,

    Without having read all the pages here, I'm diving in with some more words.

    Here's something I have learnt.

    As a stubborn, opinionated first born sister, my path has been to carve my own way and not ask for advice; at least not often enough.

    Although I am all that and more, these words of wisdom have been tested over many many years:

    There is no such thing as a mistake.

    Every situation, every thing is simply an experience.

    It is up to the individual to choose their attitude and how they will react (or not) to something happening.

    Depression over loss of all things known, needs not meds, it needs TLC (L) , it needs fun :dance: , it needs activity, it mostly needs this:

    to be extra gentle with the self.

    Do things for yourself consciously and deliberately...even if it's the tiniest thing...like a cup of tea, or have an artist date with yourself. :)

    Being away from your close friends and family and feeling your support network dissolve, is the hardest thing to go through.

    Find/make/create new community...this is most important.

    This takes a huge effort, and the "pay off" is grrrreat!

    Am I on my high horse?


    My intention is not to preach or wag a finger.

    I have sat in such depths of despair and sadness and anger and and and...I have gone deep into self inquiry.

    My ever growing self-awareness then resonates outwards and I see the world quite clearly.

    Yoga and walks in nature have helped me heal myself.

    I'm far from totally there and may never be.

    Who cares.

    That's not the point.

    The point is this:

    there are moments of such joy and the knowing that one cannot keep it.

    It is elusive.

    Enjoy what you can when you can and know that when a "bad" (challenging) wave hits, it can roll over you if you "soften".


    That is a given.

    There is truly no such thing as right and wrong in so many instances...all of it is subjective.

    The filters we each look through. Your life's experience colours every thing.

    Well, enough for now.

    I wish you all are well in your worlds.

    :star: Spirit :star:

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