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Everything posted by Flora88

  1. Hey there is just was advised your embassy is Armenia as well and sadly you as well have not been approved yet. Any idea of what can be going on?
    Especially with everything happening in Armenia now I want my Fiance out as soon as possible. Im scared 


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Flora88


      Thank you so much

      I got approved today finally 


    3. Optimist19


      Congratulations, that's amazing--I'm sure you are so relieved!! 🙏 Good luck with the rest of the process!

    4. Flora88


      Thank you so much. 

      It is a big relief 


  2. Someone was able to get in and did the calculation and provided them in the WhatsApp group chat. Here it is JULY 28 TH 93500: 3 APPROVALS 4 RFE 94000: 4 APPROVALS 4 RFE 94500: 3 APPROVALS 4RFE 95000: 2 APROVALS 95500: 4 APROVALS 96000: 8 APROVALS 1 RFE 96500: 1 APROVAL 2 RFE 97500: 1 APROVAL 2 RFE 43 total
  3. July 25th updates 93500- 4 Approvals 3 RFE 94000- 2 Approvals 1 RFE 94500 - 11 Approvals 95000- 10 Approvals 2 RFE 95500- 4 approvals 96000- 18 Approvals 8 RFE 96500- 16 Approvals 2RFE Total 81 cases touched today Great start to the week lets hope it continues this way
  4. Don't give up. I completely understand you. I am a June 10 filer and there are days I cry because I just don't know what else to do. We are almost there. We got this
  5. Me too I'm hoping at least by next week they will get to our group
  6. Thank you for these numbers. We are finally starting June somewhat. Anxiously waiting to see when we will be lucky to get approved. I'm 98000 group. This has been a long, depressing and overwhelming wait. That I am hoping will soon end I wish everyone lots of luck for everyone to get approved soon to be with their loves.
  7. I'm at 371 days. Trying to be optimistic and positive every day saying we are getting closer and closer as every day passes. But as soon as i get on the forums to check I get discouraged. I am very happy for everyone that got approved, but when the approvals are all over the place. The fact that they started the looking at June from the 21st and that just got me confused as to what order they are going. What does that mean?' I think everyone is just getting overwhelmed. I just cant imagine couples' that are still waiting from March. This is the hardest thing I think that any couple can go through. I am hoping that this helps all the couples be stronger and not break them up due to the distance. A major obstacle that we should all overcome. Best of luck to everyone and hope everyone soon gets approved.
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