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Everything posted by GreyGergei

  1. My husband was the one who was postponed it as we were concerned with travelling to the US if we started paperwork (I'm not sure why we thought that). And also he's been extremely busy with his business and now the war. We're just not sure when/what to do next but miss each other terribly. I am unable to travel as well, as I recently became a caregiver to an injured family member. But appreciate all the replies. Will keep researching.
  2. Thank you all. He is Armenian and his friend( who is also is Armenian and lives in Russia) was able to get the tourist visa in Armenia a couple of weeks ago. My husband's situation is only different in that he is married to me, a US citizen.
  3. Hello, My spouse and I married last October but we haven't started any of the CR1 paperwork and are considering waiting and doing the IR1 later. During this time, my husband wants to try to apply for a tourist visa to come visit me in the US for a few months end of this year. My stepson would be coming with him. I am concerned because he is from Russia and with the war, I feel he may be more scrutinized. I am also unsure what he can say when he arrives. He has family in Florida (and I'm in Minnesota) so I'm wondering if he can say he's here to visit family, in general? My husband does have a business in Russia so he has every intent on returning there. And my stepson has school. I am sure we can get documents from both of them showing their intent to return but just looking to see if anyone has any guidance. We would also plan to purchase round trip flights to help show our good intentions.
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