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~Laura and Nick~

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Status Updates posted by ~Laura and Nick~

  1. Things are okay I guess.

    Nick still hasn't found a job. He's actually at an orientation now to see about going back to school.

    I'm very very homesick and am having problems getting out of bed in the mornings. Things aren't what I thought they would be here at all.

  2. You changed your name! :o!

  3. Thinking of you as I always do.

    I hope you are hanging in there!!!


  4. Just wanted to say congratulations on your approval and best of luck on the move home!!! :)

  5. Wishing for approval for you so soon!!!

  6. You are such a sweetheart :)

    Thank you for the support!!

    :D Best of luck with everything

  7. Thanks hon!!!

    Best of luck to you too!!!


  8. I can't believe it!!

    Congrats on getting married too hon...what an exciting time!

    Best of luck to you always and forever

  9. Just sending love your way

  10. Are you still stalking me? You better be!!!


  11. Thank you for being amazingly supportive during my entire journey.

  12. Hey guys!!!!!

    So, how was it???

    I'm sure it went so well!!

    Let me know!!!

    ~Laura :)

  13. Hey guys!!!

    Loved meeting you!!!

    So what happened? I'm sure you'll just have to mail in that document and you'll be great....please email me and let me know!!!


  14. It was awesome meeting you!!! How did it go?!?! I'm sorry I never got to say bye!! Please write me soon!!


  15. Hon, Just wanted to say hang in there!

    I keep checking your page for an approval. It's coming, I know it. You are so helpful and supportive of everyone on this site getting approvals before you. I wish you so much luck!!!

  16. How did your interview go???

  17. Happy Birthday!

    We share a birthday :)

  18. Thanks lovey!!!!

    How are you?

  19. well you stalked me on the right day today because I GOT MY INTERVIEW DATE!!! June 20th!!!! WOO HOO!!!!

  20. I see you stalked me a little bit yesterday!


  21. Holy #######! It's about time you added me as a friend!!!!

  22. Thanks hon!!

    I'm still waiting on package 3 to get to my house..I know it's been put in the mail...I think it's lost honestly.

    How are you doing?

  23. You aren't stalking me cause I'm stalking you and I don't see much stalking coming from you these days...

    I'm sad now.

  24. How is it going hon? :)

    Message me and let me know what's happening.

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