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Teacher Mark

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Posts posted by Teacher Mark

  1. Unless you live in the woods, most of the metropolitant areas have Asian Travel Agent who can get you Visa to VN by obtaining a good clear scanned copy of your US Passport information page, a scanned of your Passport size Photo, email to the agent. Done deal! Visa will be issued when you come in and pick up the Ticket or mail to you with your tickets.

    Sending passport to the consulate/embassy is "old school"! I am with you on not-trusting ANYONE with my passport. People may question "how can the travel agency be able to 'issue' Visa to you?", no they don't, travel agency apply sign up with the Consulate for pre-approved Visa form, all they need is to match up the ID/Passport with the name, write the name on the PINK visa form, glue the passport photo on it, and there you go, your brand spanking new VISA to VN. $30!

    Question I had before, how do they know if people don't make fake Visa to VN? The question here is, what will happen to you if you try to enter VN with a fake Visa? :) Thinking of 100 ways VC can make you suffer... for starter, lock you up for a few days/weeks without "1-Phone-Call" to your lawyer/US-Consulate? Then kick you out, banned you forever to return to VN? Or they can say: Visa is invalid, turn around and head home!

    So back to the original question, I trust USPS not with all my heart thou! Nobody complains that they lost their passport before, at least on VN-HCMC Board!

    Can't you see by my picture that I do live in the woods?

  2. The two trips I've taken this year to Vietnam, I have sent my passport to the San Francisco Consulate. I sent it USPS Express mail. One busines day to get there, one busines day for processing and one busines day back. It's also $45 for a 30 day tourist visa from them. The Vietnam Embassy in Washington said it would be longer and more expensive so I sent it to SF instead.

    Peter and Thi

    I-129F Sent : 2007-05-26

    I-129F NOA1 : 2007-06-11

    I-129F RFE(s) :

    RFE Reply(s) :

    I-129F NOA2 : 2007-10-26

    Touched: 2007-11-02

    NVC Recieved: 2007-11-16

    Consulate recieved ??????

    Packet 3 sent 2007-12-11

    Packet 3 received 2007-12-24

    Packet 3 returned 2007-12-28

    Thanks for the advice! The one thing that got me about this part of the process is trying to find out the current fee. I finally reached someone who told me it was $65.00. I just said O.K. and sent it out.

  3. Yep, sure have! Obviously this is a personal choice and several factors led me to believe that this was the proper thing to do in our case. What powers that be may think of this really didn't factor into my decision. If she had been able to enjoy the same comfort level that I enjoy then I would not have offered assistance (which is what I did, she has never asked for a penny). If this action were to delay the processing of the visa, then it is something we would have to deal with. I would rather wait a little longer than have her struggle.

  4. We started this Journey In July so it really hasn't been that long and I am 41, so a few brain cells have been wasted on the way.

    P.S. Who says I'm white?

    "The Tet holiday's like the Fourth of July, Christmas and New Year all rolled into one. Everyone in Nam, North and South, will be

    banging gongs, barking at the moon and visiting his dead relatives".

    Lt. Lockhart, Full Metal Jacket

    I turn 40 on the 16th. It just doesn't seem important at the moment. Not at all. I'm just waiting for that approval, and that visa.

    Yeah, maybe I should have said Americans instead of white guys. It absolutely floors me how I can say a few simple words to a waitress in a restaurant, and she will gush on and on about how wonderful I am, I can speak Vietnamese! Well, no I can't, not really. I get lost in a conversation easily. But why does it have to be that way? Most men (and I say "men" because I have yet to meet a single American woman who is trying to marry a Vietnamese man) seem to make very little effort to learn the Vietnamese language. Or Chinese, or Thai or Tagalog, whatever.

    To my mind, how can you really know your wife too well if you can't understand a little of her language? You will never know how she thinks naturally without translation. She has made great effort to learn English, shouldn't you return the favor, at least for the sake of her family? Hats off to those who go the extra mile, I know it's not easy, but is anything that's worthwhile easy?

    I agree. I am still trying to decide which learning program to buy. I was looking at a few yesterday. I have to be able to download and burn to C.D. since I am away from home for months at a time and can't have them readily delivered.

    When I was in Germany (86-88) I started out by learning all of the foul language, then the insults and finally any terms that might apply to me so I would know if I was being insulted covertly. 20 years later I'm not worried about foul language and insults but I still want to know who's talking about me!

    P.S. I am White. Just busting your chops!

  5. O.K. I don't want to clog up cyberspace so I will respond to everybody w/o the quotes. I have provided her with support for the past few months and I was just wanting to make sure that it was enough. I have researched prices there and felt that $300.00 p/m should be enough to remain comfortable. Just wanting an independent opinion (or opinions). At the same time I scoured craigslist there ( craigslist.org / 5th column over and down ) and found some things to be comparable in price. I think that some people will try to get western prices for whatever they are selling/renting though.

    Yes, I'm thinking about moving there. Basically it is a contingency plan if there are problems. My hair brain scheme goes something like this. Go there February 20th, get married March 2nd, come back, work hard, save money, go back there for the interview (which should be around November 2008) and leaving when, and only when, Thuy has the visa secured.

    What about you guys? Ever think of saying the hell with it and jumping on the next flight out?

    Anyway. For some reason this company will only pay me if I do my job, so I go drive now. I hear Kansas is lovely this time of year. About to find out.


  6. Interesting links. Thanks

    Peter and Thi

    I-129F Sent : 2007-05-26

    I-129F NOA1 : 2007-06-11

    I-129F RFE(s) :

    RFE Reply(s) :

    I-129F NOA2 : 2007-10-26

    Touched: 2007-11-02

    NVC Recieved: 2007-11-16

    Consulate recieved ??????

    Packet 3 sent 2007-12-11

    Packet 3 received 2007-12-24

    Packet 3 returned 2007-12-28

    You're welcome.

  7. If you read the first article through to its conclusion, I really can't add anything beyond that. But, even I had trouble following through the whole thread given my current state of mind. So I will try to summarize for the rest of you.

    My fiancee uses "Vietnam" when she writes in English, vs. Việt Nam. Also, Hanoi instead of Hà Nội, Saigon instead of Sài Gòn. Although, for the last example, she would probably write HCMC (Ho Chi Minh City). In Vietnamese, this would be Tp HCM. (Thành Phố Hồ Chí Minh).

    This is really a convenience for English speakers/writers. Through a quirk of history, Vietnamese is written with a space between every syllable. This leads some to believe that Vietnamese is a monosyllabic language, and you will read this in many tourist-type guidebooks/dictionaries. IT IS NOT, believe me. You'll find that out real quick when you're looking up words in a real dictionary. Việt Nam is one word with two syllables in the Vietnamese language. It makes sense we would write it as one word in English.

    So, in summary, I will continue to write Hanoi, Vietnam, Saigon, and HCMC when writing in English.

    P.S. Why do so few white guys speak Vietnamese? I'm not that great at it, but I do try. C'mon, it is NOT that hard. Please make the effort to get to know your wife a little better. With not too much effort, you can see the fog lift between you. It's wonderful!

    Thanks for the replies Gentlemen. I am making the effort (though I admit I could do a little better) to learn Vietnamese MP. Obviously I am interested in her and her country or I wouldn't be on this site asking questions. Before we met my Vietnamese consisted of lines from Platoon (did you know Johnny Depp had a small role as the Interpreter Werner? http://imdb.com/character/ch0004725/ ) and Full Metal Jacket. I can get them on them floor or clear a room in a hurry!

    We started this Journey In July so it really hasn't been that long and I am 41, so a few brain cells have been wasted on the way.

    P.S. Who says I'm white?

    "The Tet holiday's like the Fourth of July, Christmas and New Year all rolled into one. Everyone in Nam, North and South, will be

    banging gongs, barking at the moon and visiting his dead relatives".

    Lt. Lockhart, Full Metal Jacket

  8. When we began this journey one of the first things I noticed was the difference in the way Americans spelled Viet Nam's name. Does anyone know why it is different?

    I'm so bored that I'm answering my own posts. I finally punched in the right Google combination and evidently I'm not the only one losing sleep over this!



  9. 1.) Does the State control internet service? I am wanting to provide in home internet access for my fiancee'. Who does she contact? What is the average cost?

    2.) Is there insurance available in Viet Nam (for a Citizen)? Would I be able to provide health insurance through a company there?

    3.) This one is purely subjective and will probably cause a lively debate. How much money (U.S.) would it take for a single person to live "comfortably" in HCMC?

    That's it for now!

  10. In the past day I have noticed several posts that discuss sending money overseas. Without getting into a debate over whether or not this is beneficial in the quest to document an ongoing relationship I would like to post my experience.

    1.) American Express Moneygram.


    I only used them 2 times. The money got there w/o a problem. That is always a good thing! I am impressed with the fact that they know that Viet Nam is actually 2 words. I never knew that until we started this journey. They are convenient in the fact that you can go to any Wal Mart to send the money. Thye charged me $10 for a $100.00 transaction. I never researched how much it was to do it online, but I am assuming that it would be $14.00 to send $100.00 to VN since that is the price that came up when I used their calculator (why more when you eliminate the human interaction?). Regardless I found that:

    2.) Western Union was cheaper.


    They also suit my particular needs better since I am a truck driver. You can go to any Pilot truck stop or travel center between 7am and 11pm and complete a transaction.

    The thing that I did not understand (and some of their agents AND employees don't know this) is that they have a service called Western Union Direct Connect (Pilot may be the only place to do this type of transaction). Call 877.984.0473 and they will ask you for the information. They will then assign you a Money Transfer Control Number. You then take the control number to the desk and give them the money. YOU CANNOT DO THIS AT ANY W/U. They must be a direct connect agent. It is only $6 to send up to $300.00? to Viet Nam. I used the regular service once and it was a little more. The reason was that it was not direct connect. What amazes me is that it is actually much cheaper to send money there that it is to send it to the other side of the world! I am sure that they make a little on the exchange rate but it is nominal. You can also opt to have your loved one receive U.S. currency. I was also amazed to find out that they wanted $20.00 for an online transaction (once again why more?). You can also sign up for a preferred customer card and get a free transaction occasionally plus phone card minutes. I think they may have made changes to that program though. The thing I like about the card is that I only have to give them the information once. In my subsequent transactions I provide the Customer number and they have the information from the previous transaction already. Which brings me to another problem I ran into with them once. It was the formatting of the name for the receiver. This was a Viet Nam specific problem (Last, First, SPACE Middle). We had an instance were my fiancee' was unable to get he money (temporarily) once because of this. I was actually the one to blame there. I took it upon myself to format the name properly. They switched it automatically and things got all screwed up. You should give them the information in your local format and they will change it automatically. If you run into a problem call the International Desk (make sure and ask them if it is the I/D at the beginning of the conversation as sometimes their lines get crossed) at 800.752.6077. They resolved my problem quickly (on a Friday night/Saturday morning). I now make sure and check my receipt to make sure everything is correct. The only other problem I have experienced is the outsourcing problem that has permeated customer service in America. I mean no offense to anyone but sometimes it is hard to understand their agents (I think they are in Mexico).

    I don't want to sound like a Western Union pitch man here but this has been my experience. They pissed me off on more than one occasion because their agents seemed inept. I threatened never to use them again and found myself right back there the next month because of convenience and safety. Sprint customer service has hardened me to the point that Western Union is like a walk in the park! The fees that they charge are very reasonable considering the time and distance involved. I am sure that every country has different fees. Check the exchange rate and make sure they are not taking advantage. I hope this information can help somebody. I had to learn through trial and error!

  11. Sending out a prayer right now. She should be in the process right now.......


    :dancing: :dancing: :dancing: :dancing: :dancing: :dancing: :dancing:!!!VICTORY!!!:dancing: :dancing: :dancing: :dancing: :dancing: :dancing: :dancing:

    I'm really happy for you two!

    P.S. I'm a Trucker in the Entertainment Industry. I was sitting at a venue last night when I made the post listed at the top of the page. The moment I hit Enter another truck backed into me! I thought "Oh, boy. That's not a good omen"! I think when Thuy interviews I may have to have the same guy back into me again. Evidently two semis coming together gets Gods attention!

  12. Bonehead! Yes you!

    Hiring a lawyer is NO crime here! Accusing others of cheating the system without proof is low.

    Marc Ellis, the most respected and beloved by many HCMC VJers. I've never had to retained his service but I know a number of folks here got through VJ with his assistance. I also PERSONALLY recommend M.E. for people in needs of a little legal "push" if need to be, again, it's not a crime and nothing wrong with it!

    Reading the posts..... there is No need for putting down others because of their choice to retain an attorney. To hire or not to hire an attorney is strictly personal choice and based on your level of comfort to deal with organized documentation, follow up, meet deadline tasks. Some are good at it, some aren't so good. I am thankful I've never had the need for a lawyer yet, but I'm sure will not shy away if the need arrives! So what if someone is a firm believer in lawyer and you don't, let him hire and bring up the topic wherever he feels like. I only worry about people who do hire a lawyer and receive no service from him. You can check out the lawyer's credential all you want, if he wants your money, he's got it! People here only try to recommend a GOOD EXPERIENCE lawyer whose business mainly through word of mouth and through people who actually got the VISA. PM me if anyone needs M.E.'s contact. And No, I did not use M.E. for my case simple because I didn't have to.

    Good luck with your cases, you're fighting because of the long wait. This VJ process takes brutal beating on your emotional toll. Save your strength and fight the system instead!

    Chuck and Kim

    Thank you.

  13. Here we go again. God only knows what they are looking for. If you have submitted every piece of evidence you have, which I am assuming most people would do from the beginning, then what does that leave you? This seems to be a routine stall tactic if they have doubts about the relationship, which they seem to doubt them all. It literally seems like "Guilty until proven innocent" is the code there.

    I wish I could give you some advice here. I know what I would do at this point. See some of my other posts and it will quickly become evident.

    Good luck.


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