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Posts posted by Frank+Jocelyn

  1. My rule on financial assistance is that once the attitude of the receiver changes from gratitude to entitlement the money stops forever, no exceptions. I have used this rule with my own family here in the U.S. and it works quite well.

  2. You make a good point about being born here. I guess the question is when does a person stop identifying with the heritage of their ancestors? By that I mean, when does a person stop calling themselves an Asian American or German American and just identify themselves as Americans?

    Most African Americans are just as Americans as any other American, but most still identify themselves as African Americans, even though their family may have been in America for hundreds of years. But it would be unusual to find a person of German decent whose family has been her for a few hundred years but still considers himself German American.

  3. The American Indians came here about 11,000 years ago and are Asian in original origan. Mongolians to be exact. But I would say that 11,000 years pretty much makes them native. Asia was populated about 50,000 years ago, so technically Asians are not native either if you want to take the argument that far.

    I guess you could say the only native people are the Africans, since all of us came from there if you go back far enough (1 or 2 million years, depending on who you ask).

  4. I know this doesn't sound very romantic, but I think that only about 25% of it is about finding the right match and 75% is just good old hard work and dedication.

    If you are attracted to each other and committed to the relationship then you can make it work. You are not passengers back in seats 65A & 65B. You are pilot and copilot and you decide together if the plan flies or crashes.

    Marriage is not about taking a chance; it is about two people making a decision and then sticking with that decision.

  5. There are are a lot of ignorant Americans who slept through history class. They don't seem to know that we were all immigrants at some point. All except for the improperly named American Indians, who we systematically slaughtered so we could take their land.

    It is no coincidence that this, the most powerful nation in history, is entirely made up of immigrants. It is sad that some people are so ignorant they they don't understand the value of having peoples from various cultures continue to invigorate the American bloodline.

    She obviously has some experience with Filipinos or she could never have guessed the accent. Her husband probably divorced her because she was such a b***h and then married a sweet, sweet filipina!

    Just laugh at such ignorant people and be glad you don't carry such hatred in your heart.

  6. Here is my positive thinking that helps pass the time:

    1. This was my last Christmas without my filipina.

    2. This will be my last New Year's without my filipina.

    3. This will be my last winter without my filipina.

    Haha. And the other day when I was scraping ice from my windshield I was thinking that I can't wait to ask my beautiful Jocelyn to do that job for me. Haha, I just laugh at that vision. But really I don't think she would do a good job because she would only be able to reach a little bit of the windshield so I would be looking out the far left side of the windshield as I wait for the defroster to melt the rest.

    Can you tell I'm bored of this waiting?

  7. You said "I notice quite a bit of intolerance with issues like 'illegal immigration'."

    Of course there is intolerance with illegal immigration because it is ILLEGAL! The vast majority of us are here because we are working hard to LEGALLY bring our loved one here.

    There are plenty of other sites dedicated to criminals who would look for ways to break immigration laws.

    BTW, I think the moderators do a great job on this board.

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