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Alex & Rachel

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Posts posted by Alex & Rachel

  1. The author never mentioned Czechoslovakia which was a peaceful and amicable split between the two countries, he/she only mentioned Yugoslavia which right there showed just how much of a hack piece that article in the OP is.

    The differences between Orthodox Serbs, Catholic Croats, and Bosnian Muslims were terrific not to mention the past history of genocide between those three parties and as recent as WW2. Hack piece doesn't even begin to explain that article.

    Well, it does, but admittedly it only off-handedly mentions them in one paragraph:

    If Scotland leaves the UK, argue pro-independence Scots, it and the rest of the UK would both be equal successor states, as the union England and Scotland joined in 1707 would have been voluntarily dissolved by both parties. The relevant precedent is Czechoslovakia, where both the Czech Republic and Slovakia were deemed to be successor states after the 1993 "velvet divorce".

    But yes, it seems incomparable to Yugoslavia to me... that's why I couldn't even begin to comment!

  2. Lynne - I feel my mother-in-law is going to be an effective substitute doula! I know not many women would agree to have their MIL present at the birth, but she's very supportive and assisted her sisters and many of her friends in home births, so she certainly has the experience. She's a very calm and practical person, whereas Alex - bless him - I'm not trusting to do anything except panic and perhaps faint. ;)

    Tracy - thank you! I do, too. I can't wait!

    Also I phoned my mother yesterday, and she said that apparently women in our family are very susceptible to streptococcal infections, and that as she'd had rheumatic fever she actually received an IV and antibiotics by default with all of her births. Was interesting to hear as I know it's certainly not routine in the UK!

  3. While I don't feel qualified to comment on the comparisons the author makes with the former Yugoslavia/Czechoslovakia, I thought the article nicely balanced and fairly written with regards to the English/Scottish divide.

    I'd be interested to know what would happen to the monarchy in the event of a split, given that it was a Scottish king who united the two kingdoms.

    Really, though, I can't help but feel that the issues ARE very different. For a start, as the article itself points out, the Scots and English have not persecuted each other within living memory. Secondly, and this is purely anecdotal, but every English person with whom I've ever discussed ancestry has at least one recent Scottish ancestor, and I know of so many English families who've moved to work/live in Scotland and vice versa that I always think the two countries are considerably more co-mingled than these type of articles like to make out. I'm not saying a split is impossible - I see it as quite probable, actually - but I'd certainly be very interested to see how things played out.

  4. Also - I'd rather not get an epi because it can stall labour, and because I'm a little afraid of not having full and total control over my body.

    Having said that, my mother had an epi with the twins, after one induction + gas (with me), two completely natural births (with my brothers), and one birth with a different pain relief (my sister, with whom she also had an abruption, not to mention my sister was born with the cord wrapped around her neck and needed treatment for jaundice - my sister is just followed by a black-luck cloud!). And she said the epi was AMAZING! So I shall bear that in mind. ;) She did require a vacuum to get one of the twins out, however.

  5. Hail all of us indeed! ;)

    I am also glad women have a choice! Don't get me wrong - I am VERY glad we have medical interventions when necessary. And I'd definitely rather give birth in a hospital in case an emergency arises.

    The benefits of not having an epidural, as I understand:

    1. Even quicker recovery/more alert baby, although this is rendered moot after a few hours! But I know some women really appreciate it.

    2. I've heard a few negative stories from women where they were left with permanent back pain, or problems months after birth, or the epidural never ended up working and so they were, 'why did I even bother?'

    3. The natural endorphin/high released when not numbed after an epi is supposedly amazing, I've heard of women who've haemorrhaged or had a fourth-degree tear and haven't even noticed, they were in such a state of bliss!

    Anyway, I am apparently GBS+, boo! So I shall have to ensure I reach the hospital in time to have an IV placed with antibiotics. :( Still, I think my OB has prescribed amicipillin instead of penicillin, which is supposedly easier on the veins.

  6. We had a wedding 'for our family' - and I do not regret that. It was a great way to introduce our families to each other (my parents and brothers and sisters were all able to fly over), and people seemed to really enjoy themselves and have a good time. It was also my first time meeting a few of Alex's relatives.

    Having said that, it was ONLY worth doing for the pleasure it gave to our families. The photos are hideous (and now relegated to a dark, deep drawer; I'm only keeping them just in case there's a legal need for them!), we were so tired that we barely have any memories of the actual day, and I don't feel there was anything particularly special about the ceremony that we'd have missed out on in a courthouse. So, I disagree with EminTX in that regard.

    But - if you think your family will be upset without a wedding, please do consider holding one for them! I think it's so important to have a good start to your marriage, and for some people the family's support is essential. Alex's brother had already eloped on his wedding day, and so this was my in-laws' last real chance to see a child of theirs married - it was incredibly important to them, and I'd definitely go through the day again just for them. :) My MIL still talks about the wedding even if I don't! And our wedding was really not that expensive - small hired hall, food (and flowers) from Costco, paper tableclothes and plates - it all added up to under $2,000, and that was for 60+ guests. :)

  7. Oh yes - I'd go for the epidural over any other pain medication! I'd try to hold off on the epi - stories of it wearing off, or not working to begin with, etc. - but if I feel I can't manage, I'll go straight for that over anything else. Anything that might mess with my brain = no way! I took some strong prescription-strength painkillers once and the numbing feeling was so horrible I'd have rather coped with the pain.

    My MIL and mother managed all-natural births, but then they also had five-hour-maximum labours! (Counting from first regular contraction). I'm keeping an open mind; I've certainly read a few stories recently where the epidural REALLY helped the woman in question. A few of them even slept through the entire transition stage, which sounds pretty sweet to me!

  8. Being the sole breadwinner is tough! Although in my case Alex does work - but at the moment it's pretty much pocket money for him/money to pay off his credit card. You have my full sympathies, Tracy!

    Also, I am going to TRY to go unmedicated! However, if I end up having to be induced... I think I'll opt for the epidural as pitocin contractions do NOT sound fun! Really, my desire to go unmedicated is largely due to knowing how I react to pain medication - i.e. very poorly!

  9. Hurrah for three-day weekends! Enjoy it, Jewel!

    Julie - I really can't complain. Ankles slightly swollen, lungs compressed, and occasional heart-burn/back pain, but that's really about it! Not too bad for my 8th month of pregnancy. :) I'm still relatively mobile and able to work, thank goodness.

    I hope I know when I'm in labour. I've heard so many stories of people thinking their water's broken only to discover they've merely peed themselves, and also a couple of stories of people going in for a regular check-up only to be sent straight to L&D because they're about to deliver!

    Dizzy - I'm thinking the same way you are! It's too late to turn back now, so really all I can do is press on!

    I've considered only working a 6-hour day after my maternity leave ends, but honestly I'm not sure we can afford it at the moment. Even though Alex is hopefully switching to a schedule where we wouldn't need his mother to babysit for as many hours a day as originally expected, we'd still want to pay her the same - we know she's going to be relying fairly heavily on the income we give her.

    Oh - it turns out my OB doesn't even attend vaginal births or emergency c-sections! He's actually only there if you have a scheduled c-section; no wonder he is so pro them! Honestly this is a bit of a relief for me; I like him, but was kind of hoping he wouldn't be in attendance at the birth. ;) Fortunately the hospital seems really great. They have private rooms, they allow you to labour in whatever position you're comfortable in (so long as you don't have an epidural, of course), and they're very pro skin-to-skin contact after birth. :)

  10. Aw no! Having to accrue the time off does suck. I'll hope for your sake you have many more good days than bad from now on!

    And thank you! The poster was from our local Blockbuster's when it was closing down. It's actually very thin cardboard, so it's nice and light (hence I was able to hang it on the small picture nails we have). I figured it was appropriate for a baby room. ;)

    I am excited too! Just playing the waiting game now. I joined babycenter a little while back and it's amazing how many ladies due in April 2012 have already given birth.

  11. Ack, has a whole month REALLY passed since I last posted in here?! :o

    Time is passing bizarrely slowly and yet really quickly at the same time! Each individual day seems to drag, but the weeks are flying by!

    Tracy, sorry to hear about your job situation! I can't believe that *one* job is not working out and that as a result you are seen as a job-hopper! How was the meeting with the surgeon?

    Mad-Ag really is so cute. I enjoy the photos of her, too!

    Anyway - I am fine; usual back-ache and not-wanting-to-be-at-work, but when I hear of what other women in their third trimester suffer, I am really very, very fortunate!

    Alex and I are already in a split-sleep routine thanks to his job. He picks me up at 4 pm, we go home, sleep from 5 pm - 7 pm, he goes to work, comes back at midnight and then we sleep 2 am - 6 am. Perhaps (just perhaps!) this'll help prepare us for when the baby's here. ;)

    I could've sworn I posted photos of the finished baby/spare room in here but apparently I did not?! It took a few evenings of staying up until past midnight, but I eventually managed to finish it:


    (the day bed on the right pulls out to turn into a king-size bed)

    spare_room_06.jpg spare_room_07.jpg

    (She'll be sleeping in our bedroom for the first few months, but I really needed to finish the room as my mother'll be staying in there for the month of May!)

    I actually have much nicer pictures to hang up, but I lack strong enough picture nails - will have to try and find some soon. :) I just had these framed:


    Anyway, I simultaneously can't believe I only have five weeks left and yet oh no, I still have five whole weeks left! I had my baby shower yesterday which was lovely, so now it's a matter of sorting through everything I received and getting the last few things ready. I need to stock up on all the boring things, like diapers and wipes, wash and organise the clothes, and pack my hospital bag!

  12. I got some beautiful plates/glasses from TJ/TK Maxx (the glasses were actually from TK Maxx in the UK, when I used to work in one of their stores, and they survived the transatlantic crossing!), but as for searching through their clothes... no way!

  13. You know you can buy clothes from the US portal of Next and the Top Shop right? I've bought a few things from the US side of Next. Being a rather slim and tall individual, UK sizes fit better.

    It'd be better if Top Shop prices weren't just doubled and then a $ sign parked on the front! Sites like ASOS have a much better exchange ratio.

    There seems to be a real stigma here attached to having large boobs - if anyone claims to be above a D cup, they're either assumed to be boasting or obese (not entirely my own observation; I've had a few American women tell me this). I know at least three women who clearly have much larger busts than me who claim to only be a D-cup... I'm just afraid they're squeezing into far too small bras! I've given up even trying to find bras here; I just budget $200 for bras on my trips back to the UK and buy a year's supply at once.

    As for men's clothes... I feel sorry for any slim men in the US! Pretty much all of Alex's clothes from Japanese and Korean stores.

    ceresa - ASOS is pretty fabulous, they carry an enormous selection, have very frequent sales, and have a good return policy (necessary as they're an online store, so you can't try things on except by buying first). I have had the occasional problem in the past, but they've always resolved things pretty quickly.

  14. The whole 'huge waist' has to stop!

    I'm not THAT hourglass-y, and I wouldn't say my waist is tiny, but... I have tried on dresses where the waist is actually bigger than the bust. And last year I ordered a dress from ASOS - looked beautiful on the screen - and it was tight across the shoulders, about 5 inches too small in the v-neck bust, far too tight in the hips and yet... I managed to do the waist up. I should've taken a photo of it just to show how ridiculous it looked!

    It says something that I'm pregnant, with a reasonably large bump, and can still squeeze into some non-maternity clothes...

    The best fit I have had comes from two vintage 40s dresses my vintage-mad friend found for me. :) She's actually a petite and curvy lady herself, and pretty much her entire wardrobe is vintage; from the 30s to the 70s.

  15. I agree whole-heartedly with Jewel! Sorry to hear you're having such problems, Tracy. Hopefully if things don't improve at your current job, this new possibility will turn out to be far less stressful!

    I haven't been around much mainly due to third trimester fatigue! It's not quite as bad as the first trimester, but still...

  16. Honey Crumpet - I'm quite surprised, seeing as you're in California! I live in San Jose and it seems so many of the local clothing stores cater to the petite crowd. There are a huge number of quite short and slender Asian ladies here - I feel like an absolute giant at times (I'm 5'7). I've seen a cute dress in a window and gone on to try it on (in the largest size, naturally) only to have the hem barely cover my backside, and the bust to be up around my armpits!

    I actually quite like Target for cheap shopping; it also appeals to my vanity, as I'm a size smaller in everything there. ;) But the majority of my clothes still come from UK stores - most of my shopping is done at ASOS and H&M. All of my shoes come from the UK, too!

    Also, I've ordered things from US sites before (i.e. ModCloth), only to find the dresses come from a UK designer! So even when I'm not trying, I end up gravitating towards UK fashions.

  17. Yeah, I've seen Dysons on Woot from time to time. I think we'll be in the market for a new vacuum pretty soon. People seem to love them. What do you think of your Dyson? Is it the best vacuum ever?

    I bought an Ergo carrier from babysteals too! I didn't use it that much because Madeleine was never that much of a carrier/sling kinda baby, and the Ergo was a bit warm for this climate (Phoenix). But it's a great product, and I sold it on eBay for almost as much as I paid for it! :star:

    Tracy, any developments with your idiotic team leader?

    It's certainly a very good vacuum! Mine is RRP $500, but on woot it was $180. It was refurbished but arrived as-new; and I've heard that Dyson refurbished ARE as good as new, no complaints from anyone that a google search could provide me!

    I do like that it's a very weighty machine - it does feel as if it's doing its job. ;) Plus, gives your arms a bit of a work-out! But that may be a negative point if you have a lot of stairs or floorspace to clean. It's certainly solid - it may be made out of plastic, but I've knocked it around a few times (I'm pretty clumsy) and nothing has ever snapped or broken.

    I'm no vacuum connoisseur, but I do have two longish-haired cats and it seems pretty effective at sucking up their hairs. I use it 2-3 times a week in our small apartment and am always amazed at how much it picks up! It has a lifetime-guaranteed HEPA filter which I do really like.

    The two complaints are: The hose attachment on mine is a little short, and so you have to get quite close to vacuum the corners of ceilings, etc. Also, some people find using the hose and hose attachments complicated, although this hasn't been a problem for me. The other complaint is it's a wee bit difficult to clean - and you do need to clean it. I suppose it's a testament to exactly how much hair/dirt it's able to suck up. ;) Oh man, just before we moved I didn't think it was cleaning so effectively, and I turned it upside down to find the roller FULL of my hair. It was gross! I also had no idea I shed that much! I nearly had enough for a whole new wig. :) It took a good ten minutes with a pair of scissors and a comb to get it all clean again.

    For $180 though? Totally best vacuum ever!

    Yeah, I have no idea if this baby is going to be a baby-carrying-friendly baby, although I sure hope she is! There are so many pretty wraps and carriers available. :) I actually have a Beco Butterfly II, too, which I found for half-price on another site. As you say, baby carriers resell pretty well. I've actually seen a few wraps go for higher prices used, because some are supposed to be difficult to 'break in'! So I'm going to build up a little collection and then find out what my daughter likes.

    The Ergo is definitely more husband-friendly, but the Beco is really pretty:


    Tracy - good for you! Hopefully things improve soon, and your boss grows to really like you. :)

  18. Dizzy & Rachel, I meant to point out a couple of great sites, if you're not already familiar with them:




    Babysteals has two deals a day, and Woot has one. The Woot site has a lot of kids' stuff too, but some great baby stuff occasionally. I've bought several useful things from Babysteals, including cloth diapers.


    I just bought an Ergo from babysteals the other week, and I check it constantly now! I love all the stuff they have, even if I don't really need it. :) When I'm next paid I'm tempted to buy a couple of the things sitting in their archive.

    And I haven't looked at kids woot yet, but I certainly love woot; got my Dyson there for under $200. :)

    Tracy - ugh, that really sucks. My whole office is full of passive-aggressive cc'ing emailers, and it's awful! Luckily I've not been on the receiving end of anything yet, but my coworker has, and I've seen how much trouble it can cause. Hopefully your boss is on your side!

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