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Posts posted by mnieto

  1. I'm thinking about becoming a real estate agent and was hoping that somebody on VJ has already walked that path and can give some insight, like how long does it take to be successful,how difficult is it to get employed by the agencies, what should you watch out for when you look for possible employers ....etc

    Any ideas,opinions,suggestions are appreciated! :)

  2. Sorry but this young adult that you welcomed into your life is not a disposable asset, No mater what he does and everything you have mentioned is usual teanage behavoir, does not give you the right to try and dispose of him just because he has chosen to not live by your rules. What happened to unconditional love? Most parents have to sit back and allow their teanagers to make their own mistakes, but they are still there for them when the teanager needs them. That is what being a parent is all about.

    He is a LPR and there is nothing you can do to get him deported. Thank God.

    I really hope u get the same son in your life what is going on with them , yes some teenagers are a***h**** they do nothing but creating problems and he is right if he wants to deport him coz he is creating trouble for his own parents and guess what if he didn't love him in the first place why would be sponsor him , he beard his ####### for long time , thats why he has made this decesion and for sure is not easy decision but some time u need to take hard decision for betterment of the child ,

    now u stop acting like an a*******h**********

    Thank you for your opinion. Yes I have been there with a child who is hell bent on destroying everything that his parents have worked hard to provide, A young adult who thinks the world revolves around them, A young adult who appears not to care about their family and chooses to follow their so called friends, A young adult who gets into trouble with the police and ends up in court.

    The diffrence is that I the parent never turned my back on him for one second. Yes its hard to stand by and see someone you love make the biggist mistakes of their life, Waiting for them to see the light and return to the person you thought you knew so well.

    But to want to get rid of them because they no longer fit in with your life! well what can I say. The world is full of abandoned people after all we live in a throw away world. If it dont fit in then just get rid of it.

    I'm glad that there are people with your kind of attitude....it shows that we,after all, don't live in a throw away world,as long as there are folks like you! :thumbs:

  3. CONGRATS!!!! :thumbs:

    But I guess I can even top that !

    I received the same notification today


    The last processing action taken on your case...


    Current Status: Card production ordered.

    On January 26, 2009, we ordered production of your new card.......etc

    But, here's the weird part: :blink:

    as I was pregnant when I filed for AOS I wasn't able to get all the required vaccinations.

    So I sent out my package on its merry way anyway, w/o the vaccination supplement and was expecting a nice RFE.

    Now I get this email. Ok, no interview. But : no RFE due to missing vaccination supplement?!? :unsure: How can that be?

  4. Teens are moody and unpredictable.

    When my first wife left me with the kids, we were all okay, but my 10 year old daughter wanted to be with here mother. My son, 12 was cool with me. For 2 years we were actually one nice happy unit, and eventually the idea of moving with here mother left my daughters mind.

    Then Nicole comes and my son suddenly decides he wants to move with his mother, so he does. But while he moves he goes into a metamorphasis from 14 to 15 and he is uncontrollable with her. He starts failing all classes, getting suspended, drunk in school, bad attitude towards everyone, especially my new wife. Eventually he calmed down and moved back with me, got back in school, and graduated early.

    Then, my daughter decides she wants to move away to be with mom. *sigh*. Difference is she has a great attitude with everyone. She just wanted change and to be closer to her boyfriend who moved in that area. They broke up but she will probably finish high school there.

    Now my son actually gets along great with my new wife, but clearly he was NOT okay with it in the beginning. It took 2 years for the affects of our divorce to start with him- it was only final in his mind when the new wife arrived.

    I can only be thankful its over really. What was that Paul Giamatti said in Planet of the apes "get rid of it by puberty,.. The one thing you don't want in your house is a human teenager"

    Oh my gosh, Dale - we could share stories. From what I've seen, the kids will be into their early adulthood before they really start to sort it out. It's the most regrettable part of my divorce - knowing the amount of emotional turmoil and anguish my kids went through.

    I have to tell you I look back a lot now, seeing how things turned out and wonder if I should have tried harder to keep their mother. Honestly, I didn't really love her, but we were good friends. I actually left her once, but we reconciled. When she said she wanted to leave I was actually thrilled- once I realized I could actually support

    the kids on my own. Somehow I had it in my mind that everything would go on normally as long as they visited their mother regularly- and it did for the first couple years. After the trouble with my son I started to question my lack of action. Maybe I should have tried to convince her mother to stay- for them- even though I personally was glad she was gone. I believe both of my kids would have been better off if we had stayed together. Well, what can you do..

    :huh: you shouldn't let your wife know that...it would make her feel pretty bad

  5. I also said to him that if she didn't pack something and she forgot it, that's on her. And his response was, you could at least help her,...This is coming from the same man, that refused to pack anything of theirs when they came to live with me 3 years ago.

    I don't have kids (yet) so maybe my advice is worthless.

    If she packs little to nothing, then that's all that goes with her. Everything else is sold. given to charity or thrown out, Sounds harsh but I've done to myself to reduce the clutter after many moves. Your daughter may not respect you or things she owns but their are repercussions for doing things for yourself. The sooner she learns that the better. The lesson would be worth more than what she owns unless, of course, you're rich and have huge amount of expensive things.

    No offense, but that's terrible advice. Teenagers that are dealing with divorced parents can have an extremely difficult time with it. She's trying cope with a lot of conflicting emotions. She'll pack everything she wants to take, but is probably going to wait until the last minute. Whatever she leaves behind, her mom can ship it to her...and the daughter will feel both humbled and appreciative.

    I agree....

    My guess is that there are a lot of unresolved issues and secret grudge from her side, for whatever reason. Maybe she has some kind of "Mom dragged me all the way here, now she's shipping me back home" anger. Maybe she has the kind of idea in her head that she came to the US just because of you, only to make you happy, and that you haven't shown her enough appreciation for that?

    And,now, the reward for all the sacrifice is being shipped back home....?

    All kinds of crazy motives can be the reason for her behavior.

    Who knows, teenagers can be very complicated,but you shouldn't doubt her love for you.

    Have you asked her directly about her feelings, about how she has felt in the past and how she feels about her future and going back home?

    I'm not talking about the practical aspects like her packing her sh!it...I'm talking about the feelings and emotions on her part

  6. Its emaculate........................Its a miracle.............................I cant catch my breath...............................I think im gonnnnaaaaa .......................Lights a cigarette.

    WOW that was the BEST!

    Cool, I knew you'd be able to handle today without a lot of anxiety and sarcasm :thumbs:

    I was doing my best to emulate you! Glad to see your able to relate to my comments.

    Roguester, I know exactly how you feel.

    I felt that way for the last 8 years. :thumbs:

    :rofl: :rofl: :thumbs:

  7. this might not go over well but here is something i found one time and it took alot of thinking before i realized it hits home real close

    Top Ten Reasons Why American Women Suck

    1) Selfish - to the point where they don't know the difference between love of self and plain downright greed--and drilled into believing that whatever happens is the fault of whatever man is in their life because of the feminist crud drilled into them by the cadre of asexual closet cases called "therapists" who appear on "Ricki", "Oprah" or other such electronic drivel

    2) Deluded - into thinking they "deserve" a rich, model-handsome husband who will "take them away from all of this"--whatever the "this" might be--and leading to resentment when they discover that the universe does NOT revolve around them

    3) Angry - ALL the damn time about things which are so far out of their control as to be nonsensical--and constantly wanting to "discuss" this mind numbing drivel ad nauseam

    4) Psychotic - multiple personalities in the same woman - as "Nomad" put it in the "Star Trek" episode: "Woman...a mass of inconsistencies...", and also when the feminist voices in their heads start with the regrets and victim acculturation

    5) Worthless - anything that does not immediately resolve itself in her favor or to her benefit is meaningless to her, especially husband and family

    6) Lazy - drilled into their head that they "deserve" a maid, nanny and personal slave to take care of every detail - and that their husband/boyfriend is REQUIRED to cater to their each and every mindless whim

    7) Resentful - especially of other women who have things that they do not, in material, spiritual and esoteric senses

    8) Greedy - to them, "housekeeping" means getting the house in the divorce (thanks to Zsa Zsa for that immortal line) and sucking the guy for every last cent, even if they had nothing to do with the building of the nest egg

    9) Mindless - constant, irritating, idle prattle about topics they read about in some women's magazine and then become instant experts--particularly pop psychology and the latest ####### they see on "Oprah" or "Ricki"

    10) Vain - believing that they are irresistible to everything in pants and therefore are allowed to behave sluttish and without any honor.

    It is hard enough to find somebody you can love - for the person they are.

    The geographical region somebody comes from shouldn't be a criteria when you find your "other half",no matter whether they are from America, the Philippines or Jupiter

  8. I freaked out when I realized that our out-of-pocket expense for my one filling was 122$...#######?!?

    Now I'll have us switch the dentist.

    The one my husband has used until now (until I came along and found out how expensive a filling is) is not a member in the insurance network. I went through the statements our insurance sent us and compared the prices.Had we used a dentist who's in the network we would have paid 62$ for the filling.

    I know that dentist will hate me for that :blush:

  9. I came to the US on a K1 being 7 month pregnant,and had my interview at the embassy carrying a more than visible baby-belly around and nobody at the embassy asked any questions about my pregnancy. I don't know though if this was because Frankfurt is a fairly easy embassy, but anyway.

    In regards to the health insurance: my husband added me to his health insurance without any problems (Optimum Choice), they didn't consider my pregnancy as a precondition.

    You definitely want to make sure that your health insurance can add your wife without any problems, though. I've seen the bills the Hospital charged for the delivery, it almost knocked me off my feet when I saw the numbers.

    You really don't want to be stuck with a bill like that, so be sure that your HI will add your wife without asking questions.

    Good luck!

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