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Everything posted by Varna

  1. How long after submitting medicals for 485 has it been approved from your experience?
  2. Hi @sandranj Yes in comparision we can call it in normal processing time. I filed in 2020 when the processing time was around 14 months or so, lets say tomorrow USCIS updates the website says "Processing time is 36 months", means waiting another 1 year is still normal. How is this metrics being measured? In that case how are people from late 2020 and few cases from early 2021 being approved?
  3. I today learnt many things about mandamus after several consultations with various attorneys, I filed VAWA in 2020 when the processing times were only 11-14 months and later increased to around 21 months in 2021 and now 26 months. Means I dont wait 26months and that USCIS processing times are never accurate. They have merely increased these processing times closer to 2 yrs to avoid such law suits against them. With all due respect I waited for more than 2 years, now I fear looking at other cases and dont find a definitive timeline for decision. I have suffered enough, waited enough and been through a lot and I was this trauma to end. I took many chances in life and survived this far, I am going to take my final chance with this case and file mandamus. I am positive I will hear back soemthing by end of year and keep you posted. Hope my path gives guidance to others who need the relief too. Thanks to @shiva3 who first put this thought into me
  4. Hi, Did you file mandamus for VAWA(1-360) decision? Like how much of delay is "delay" enough to file for mandamus? Can you please give your attorney details as well
  5. @shiva32 I reached congressman a few weeks ago and said its 2 years but they responded back saying that USCIS is 26 months and your case is under normal processing. I know I must wait another month may be, but wanted to check if there is a certain timeline to wait before we reach senator/congressman. And I do not know how mandamus works, when am I eligible to apply? Any grounds/criteria required for it?
  6. Hi VAWA Family, I am 25 months into this journey, USCIS processing time says 26 months. Can I do a senator enquiry right after I cross 26 months or should I wait longer? Because USCIS website has a thing called "get enquiry date" based on our receipt date, and as per USCIS I cannot enquire until May 2023, which is 32 months. I dont understand this calculation, but when can I ask my congressman to enquire? I am really really tired of checking my app every single day for a decision
  7. I know many of us are waiting here for approvals.... But now I feel so frustrated and hopeless. I am from Aug 2020 and I know my case is under normal processing may be. But I see people getting approvals filed way after me... Have we not suffered enough that this waiting is making it even worse? Why does USCIS not process it in the order atleast? My life is so stuck at this point and I am tired of looking into case status every day.
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