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Posts posted by PetraPerson101

  1. This is about all I could find so maybe you could just sew the logo on


    Whoa ... those are so grossly overpriced. :blink: I don't see why a simple lycra style wouldn't work for that : http://www.alhannah.com/products/hi1335.html

    Isn't that what they make sports wear from ... and it's like what, less than 1/4 the price too. It's a shame, some people are tying to bring "designer" goods to the Islamic market & get rich from people who want to dress religiously. They slap their name on things - then charge 4-10 times what they should for the same kind of item you can get cheap. Haram alay-hom. They should be ashamed of themselves.

  2. Me. This is my 2nd time around.

    It's a long story - however - the first time around, I picked out (somewhat in a daze, somewhat misinformed ... ) the most dispicable, ugly, stupid, moronic, ignorant, uncivilized, ... well, you get the point.

    Well - this time around ... different. I don't like discussing *current* peronal things much - but I'll just say I've made a point to not even compare my wife to that other person. It's insulting to my wife - to even consider using her name in a sentence about that "person". :)

    Needless to say - I was very discouraged after the fact. I didn't even consider stepping *foot* in Jordan again for a looong time.

    I guess I learned a few thousand lessons c/o the first-time-around. Two things I picked up in my folly:

    - What a great person is.

    - What pure trash is.

    So - I keep in mind the old saying: "Good things come to those who wait." I just hope we don't need to wait too long ... :wacko: ... although I can tolerate it, doesn't mean it doesn't hurt.

    edited to add: lol hubster and I had a discussion about the meaning of the word dude in Arabic. No, I did not mean to call any foreigner a "#######" or anything that has to do with "nose yuckies" :lol: hehehehe

    LoL! Means something like worm or grub (and snot :P), yea? Arabic equivalent of english "dude" - maybe - would be "ya-zilim" ( Literally, "man" - as in the phrase "Hey man!"/"Sup man?"/etc )

  3. How can you say the qu'ran builds on the Bible? Yes the Bible builds on the Torah as the torah is part of the bible. The qu'ran changes most of the new testament, or makes the new testament a lie, in which case it would not have come from God.

    Pardon, I'm notorious for wording things wrong.

    Islamicity says it a bit better: http://www.islamicity.com/mosque/Muslim.htm

    Part of Islam is believing the 3 books of God - Torah, Bible, and the final word - the Quran. You should know, understand, and be familar with the first two, but the ultimate word is the last book.

    You will notice that some of the wisest people in the Islamic world ... are very familiar with the Bible. People who happened to learn the Bible first - can go far, as well : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamza_Yusuf

  4. It's a family thing. Muslim men can marry "women of the book".

    Ok thanks alot, especially for where in Koran it says it is allowed. Regarding the Christian/Islam debate, I could have a lot to say being a genuine "book person." Most importantly, we do not believe in three gods or idols but only one God.

    Christians, Jews, and Muslims. The book - is the books that God has sent down prior to the Quran. Old testament & New testament. The 3 books are said to build on eachother - with the Quran as the final & ultimate word.

    As for finding the direct quotations, I refer you to my brain: http://www.google.com :bonk: (<- you're the one with the hammer. :P )

  5. I can attest that e-mails occassionally get placed in the wrong mailbox by filters, killed by spamfilters, or just plain lost.

    It normally doesn't happen - but when it does, it's the important message you sent out.

    If you don't get a response within like 48-72 hours, you should just re-send the message.

    that's right but you know what .. that respond i got couple of minutes later after sending the second email , you can see that it was acutally a respond to my FIRST e-mail .

    Ahh ... so I see.

    I could tell you a secret about the e-mailing net-based workplace. When service e-mails pile up ... and there's 200 messages to respond to ... the person who emailed 5 times makes the workload go down by 5 with a single response. ;) Keep it to daily e-mails or twice a day (once early, once late). Just pressing the button multiple times doesn't look good.


    I can attest that e-mails occassionally get placed in the wrong mailbox by filters, killed by spamfilters, or just plain lost.

    It normally doesn't happen - but when it does, it's the important message you sent out. :P

    If you don't get a response within like 48-72 hours, you should just re-send the message.

  7. You should give them a call. When you're on the phone with them - they're a bit friendlier. At least - they were to me ... :whistle:

    I suppose there's a difference between:

    - An e-mail ( I could post a cartoon about the net & "anonymity" ... but the language is pretty crass ;) )

    - A room full of 20 people who have 1,000,000 questions each - and there's 1 hour for the lady at the window to cover them all. ( Take this form. Next. )

  8. I am a Hindu vegetarian and have known about this issue for a long time - if the package says 'rennet' I won't buy it. I am always looking for questionable ingredients on labels. In Great Britain I think some vegetarian group lobbied for clear package labeling and now I think most packaged foods without meat or slaughterhouse by-products(such as rennet) are marked 'suitable for vegetarians'. In India they have a red dot for non-veg and green dot for veg on packages. I hate when I buy something that looks veg but then look at the ingredients and it has beef flavoring or something like that...

    BTW Hindus avoid both beef and pork so Indian stores are another good source for packaged foods, soups, etc.

    Also are you aware that most commercial soaps made in the US are made of pig and/or beef fat?? I always buy soaps which are made of coconut or palm oil, or marked 'vegetable glycerine'. I told this to a Muslim friend and she was shocked - had no idea....

    So I think both Hindus and Muslims should come together on this issue and lobby for clear package labeling - if a product has any animal ingredients at all they should be clearly marked as what animal it comes from. If something is pure veg then it should be marked as such - it would save a lot of time in the market!!! :thumbs:

    There's plenty of people who watch what they consume and use. Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Vegetarians, end the list goes on. I've seen certain products read things like: "vegetable gelatin, porcine gelatin, fish gelatin" - which technically, should be the way it is.

    I'm certain the producers would see a difference in the consumption of their products.

    By the way, don't be upset that you've found out. :) I was somewhat upset that I found out - but very quickly - I was angry with the companies who decided to *decieve* me with putting these ingredients inside products that I thought may be good.

    Polly-o string cheese is halal, by the way ^^

    BTW - another thing to know : Kosher cheeses are great for everyone - vegetarians & muslims too - because kosher law doesn't allow the mixing of meat & dairy.

  9. By the way, in Nicaragua married women don’t use their husband’s last name.[/b][/sup]

    Different last name is fine too. You don't need to explain it.

    Keep this in mind: Too much information is sometimes just as bad or WORSE than not enough. This advice comes from a 17 year veteran Gov't worker who worked forms. ( Not me - ;) - I was told that for my Immigration forms. )

  10. I know the best fasting food ... ever. Too bad I'm the worst egg-cooker ever ... I'd give a recipe - but I don't know it.

    French Toast with this twist: made with whole grain bread. The "white-wheat" is really good. If you dare you can try the high-fiber whole grain real wheat.

    Eat 4-5 slices (or until you're full. The most I can handle is 5.) - and you'll end up full till 8-9:00pm. I'm not kidding - when Iftar was early (5:00pm) a few years back, I'd pass on the full meal and eat later - around 7:00.


  11. In my experience, even Arabs who have been living in the states for 20,30 years might not know this. I didn't know either ... I'm glad I'm not a big cheese eater. Here's the info from the Muslim halal marking authority :


    Now, that stinks doesn't it? But here's the good news:

    *Vegetarian and Kosher* marked cheeses have no animal stuff in them (well, except for the obvious, milk. )

    Two good brands are Polly-o and Cabot. Cabot's cheeses are marked *HALAL* right on the package - so that's extra good. ( Phew! Relief! That's been one of the only cheeses I'd eat - I'm not kidding - it was my *favorite* brand of all if I ever decided to have some cheese. )

    Unfortunately though, lots ... I mean LOTS of American foods have cheese on them. :(

    So - you'll have plenty of label reading ... even things that don't seem like they should have cheese - might have it. A sure-fire way to get something that's ok to eat, look for the K (kosher) or even better, the U (Orthodox Union) symbol on the package. Jewish Americans have gotten it right a long time ago - and made it easy for themselves. You can also look for vegetarian markings on the package - or "microbial enzymes" too. Health food stores (like Whole Foods) will normally have vegetarian cheeses. You can also visit Arabic/Pakistani import food stores if you have them nearby (All the cheese products with Arabic on them - even Kraft - and are made for the Middle East / Muslim market - they will NOT have pork/non-halal ingredients). All we need is a good census to show the *REAL* millions of Muslims here in the US, and let companies like KRAFT figure out - hey - there's a good market making Halal cheeses & products. :)

    Oh, and I wish I knew about this earlier. ;) I make it a point of telling people who I think may not have known - or letting at least one person in on the bad news.

  12. Warning...not a warm fuzzy....

    My husband does the same thing only because he can never remember my exact birthday or anniversary. He thinks he's being slick by wishing me a happy early. I'm so on to his tricks. B)

    A pretty thing my Panda Bear did last night was wish me a Happy Birthday though it's a week away.

    He said, "So I am the first to say it."

    LOL! I love him! (L)


    Well my b-day is tomorrow and so far nada. lol. Either he totally forgot or he really did remember. Time will tell..... :whistle:

    43? :)

    Now when I saw you were the last post here, I knew you couldn't possibly have had anything warm or fuzzy to say... :lol: unles it was directly to Nessa. sure enough... :whistle:

    i still say doodle looks way younger :luv:



    42!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sep 25, 1965 (right after Hogan's Heros according to my brother) thankyouverymuch!

    i coulda swore you said you was 42 earlier :blush:

    I probably was just thinkin' ahead. Quite honestly last year I forgot how old I am. rofl. Senility is setting in already!!! What's 2007 - 1965? It's 42 right? :unsure:

    we'll just make it simple and say 24 :yes:


    Hey check it out, it's the great pyramid of giza! :D ( Sorry, I couldn't help myself. )

  13. Jackie, I hate to disappoint you but seriously, I can't handle mansaf.


    *bangs fist on table*

    I protest this blasphemy! How can somebody not like mansaf? btw ... don't ever admit that in Jordan. ( Sounds like it's the soup you don't like ... but if it's the lamb - try it with chicken. )

    Monday ... :) ... when you work in a 24-7 industry, it doesn't matter what day it is.

    Think of all the socially awkward, foot-in-mouth people you've met in your life. Then picture one of them when you read the guy's posts. Trust me it will help. And it's a hell of a lot better than picturing him in his underwear. ;)

    Yeah, you probably don't want to picture someone who harasses people on the net ... in their underwear. You may end up scarred by the sight.

  14. NPR is real, unbiased news. It's one of the only sources I'll trust.


    and npr has a left slant to it ;)

    maybe, but they had one of the largest drums beating in support for hte war in Iraq. Anne Gerrels was one of the hugest supporters of the war on NPR. Not sounding so lefty to me.

    maybe so, i don't listen to npr anymore. did once or twice, it pissed me off.


    I never said they didn't have some annoying programs on npr. :)

    But, they're the closest I've heard to real balance. They have the backbone to report unpopular stuff - and take unpopular positions. I give em credit.

    But anyways, back to the point. When you take a very hard bias in your articles/opinions/writings - you discredit yourself.

  15. Re-read that article because I thought I missed something. Now then. Let me point something out I gleaned from my re-reading.

    In the article, you see this at the very end: "While in the previous section, the men had quoted over and over again sura from the Quran calling for violent jihad, the women's session focused on the "gentler" side of Islam."

    This is an important point, literally, a key to her argument. Why didn't she mention it in the beginning of the report - where she is in this imaginary session? Why? Because most likely it never happened. She didn't even proofread her article! OMG! I put more effort into my e-mails and forum posts than that! IF I missed an important point (like these last 3 sentences) I'd edit and put them in!!!

    If you're an Arab/Muslim - and you're in the USA - you're as much of an *enemy* to those whacked-out people ... as any old American - wether they're Jewish, Christian, Buddhist, pagan, or atheist. They make no differentation. If they can kill Muslim Iraqis with the ease that they do - then they most certainly have no problem with killing an American Muslim.


    Plus, for the Iraq issue ... Saddam was fighting with Saudi Arabia. He called the monarchy invalid.

    Why did the United States need to get involved in Saudi Arabia's affairs? This gassing of Kurds & Iraqi villages wasn't a problem when it happened. Why was it such a problem after Saddam threatened the Saudi royals? Search for "bush and saudi royal family" on google image search. You'll see why the USA fought with Saudi Arabia's enemy (Saddam).

    I'll close my argument with this statement:

    If you can find this same news story by Laura Mansfield covered by NPR ( www.npr.org ), then I will believe it - no questions asked.

    NPR is real, unbiased news. It's one of the only sources I'll trust.

  16. i'm just trying to figure out why those links are labeled "trash" and it appears that it's just due to you disagreeing with what she said because it was negative.

    so next question - do you think the story in that one link happened or not?

    Sorry bout my delay there - I've been uberbusy.

    But, here's my reasoning. First, I'd like to think that I've got a somewhat "unbiased" view of things. I like to look at all sides, understand what's going on ... then make my conclusions. I don't hop on the bandwagon.

    For the whole civil liberty things going on, truly, I don't think it's Anti-Islam at all. I'd go into detail -but- that's for another time, another place.

    What my basis is, is this lady's some kind of neocon person. Not even a Republican, but one of these loons who've been, sadly, dominating Washington for the past 7 years.

    Next off, the article details harassment & racism + some people who decided to "have fun with it" rather than get upset. What they did was mean, but they didn't do anything wrong - cause harm - or express hatred towards decent Americans. They expressed their discontent with racists.

    For crying out loud .. maybe someone got sick on the plane and doesn't want to upset the passengers with the sound of his vomiting? I've heard plenty of stories about Hispanic men with beards getting thrown off the plane for looking Arab. If I did the same thing that those guys did, nobody would think twice. Why? Anyone know what a Syrian or a Turk looks like? Completely European looking - light skin & caucasian features. Ooh, Laura Mansfield can say "OH MY GOD THEY LOOK LIKE US!" ( A friend of my family's was *TOLD THAT* "Wow, you look like us." by a TSA person. That's pure racism. )

    Lastly, I know WND (World net daily). That's a conservative ultra-right-wing biased publication, thus, totally unreliable. I'd take FOX NEWS' word before I trusted WND for the time of day.

    Ann Coulter ads? No reputable publication would have that.

    Last off - the same page has "Gas and Oil for Israel" on it. That is potentially offensive or inflamatory towards the majority of Arabs, due to what is going on with Lebanon and the Palestinans.

    But - this is what you want it to be. You can be paranoid about things, and never have a day of peace, or you can go about with your life. I could say in Jordan, "Hey look! All of the wooden doors have crosses on them! The christians are trying to convert us all! EVERYBODY PANIC!" - but, I know better. I'd like to think & hope people know better too.

    Present real proof, not paranoia. That lady's just some paranoid freak who happens to know some Arabic.

  17. One more thing...Arab men are extremely jealous creatures....usually that jealousy comes out at the most unlikely of places...smile at the guy bagging your groceries and the fight could be on....mention a guys name that you ran into and had a chat with that day with and the fireworks might fly...seriously you never know what sets off the jealousy radar....and to make it even more rediculous...you are not allowed to be jealous of him because he is a man and can do as he pleases.....you probably think this a bitter ex speaking(and to some extent your right) but Im also speaking from the experience of other women speaking to me over a span of 20 years...always the same stories....always the same kind of beginning and same miserable outcome.


    Gah, you talk about us like we're monsters. Maybe it's because I grew up in the USA. :)

    Sure, I want some changes out of my wife. Let me list them:

    - cook with olive oil instead of corn oil

    - trim the fat off the chicken

    - I cook the beef. The grill's mine.

    - Wh00t! You've got to finish learning English anyways, why not just get a degree in English?

    - Um ... you know, wear pants & boots. They're better for hiking. :P (She was a real sport in Petra ^_^ we made it to the monestary - even though I offered to literally carry her back down the mountain! :D )

    I'd be skeptical of uber-jealous people. I was married to one. She was still seeing her boyfriend of 4 years ... for a year *after* she "married" me. (married = "opened a bank account".)

    I could toss in a word about Arab guys who are drinking disrespectful hypocrites and all that, if you'd like. I know one - and I'm going to punch him next time I see 'em. :)

    I'm reminded of this thread today because I mentioned the kids thing and it brought up red flags for some.

    Yeah, that would be something to avoid saying in front of a consular officer ... it's not - how can I say - culturally correct.

    Although you'll be speaking to a US government employee - they know the local culture inside & out.

  18. You can hardly call her a hack. She apparently worked for several embassies and actually spends every day pouring through islamist websites. Did you take a look at her site? She is fluent in arabic and does translations of al qaeda releases.

    Anyone can translate those releases, observe:

    "We're coming to get you. Ha ha ha, the Democrats are helping us. We're going to make Burger King fat free. We eat babies."


    ( If you understand Arabic - you'll hear the translations are BOGUS when they translate Arabic. Even in the regular news - when they translate Iraqis talking about daily life. That's why they mute the sound and *never* provide easy access to the raw audio. I catch the first few raw Arabic seconds of these so-called "translations" - and do a real translation of what was said. I almost *NEVER* hear what the person said in any part of the so-called "translation". S

    Notice the government is still hurting for translators ... even though all of these "prodigies" came out of college touting their non-existant "Arabic skills".

  19. not one single camel pic we can use for hump day :(

    I've got pictures of camels ... but no server to post :(

    ( Arrrg. Me don't dos ye free hosting. It's shameful. [especially when you administer servers T_T ] )

    Now, where's that cool Williamsburg of Egypt ... I've got to see that. ( And Giza, and Luxor, and Palmyra, and Jerash, and Petra [for a third & longer time] ... phew, lots to do ^_^ )

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