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Posts posted by Hoberchee

  1. On 3/14/2021 at 5:03 PM, Electrichead64 said:

    There are over 7 billion people on this planet, and if you apply a formula to cover all of them, you are going to have a bad time.  Especially if you judge people from your personal experiences only, which is likely American.  

        I can only speak of women of whom I've had relationships with  These would include Italy, Mongolia, Vietnam ,Japan and the South American countries of Brazil, and Equator.     Of  course there are different personalities with everyone.  I can only speak from my personal experience.   I've traveled through most of the countries in south America.  I was  on the Venezuelan border with Columbia  last January (with my Brasilian fiance).   We met refugees from that country.  I stand by my advice to the over eager young man.  


  2.     Latin women want a strong man. They desire a man who can make tough decisions. Who'll say "no" to silly ideas.   Someone they can respect and be attracted to.  A man  who is grounded in reality.     Of course you are her ticket out of the worst living conditions  in south America.   Fair enough.    What would be her response be  if  you tell her you lost your job and money and  want to go live and work there?  

     Let's assume everything you say about her is true.  Once she's comfortably in America, how are you going to stack up against the other men she can get here?  Older wealthy men ?   Attractive co-workers  with swagger?  Even the best of people can forget and have a change of ideas when circumstances change. 

       If you go ahead with this thinking your relationship will ultimately fail.  Because quite frankly  you come across as desperate, and that's very unattractive to women.  She'll have the kid, who'll  take care of her emotional needs, be in America where she'll be rich (comparatively speaking), be young and have plenty of options for men more attractive than yourself. 

       I'm not saying this to be mean.  You seem like a responsible person in many regards.  You can improve your chances by taking charge of your emotions and slowing down. She's not going anywhere.   Improve your chances by saying  " amor let's wait on the baby, we need to spend time together first".    Travel there,  learn spanish and her culture.  Learn how to say "no" and "wait" .  You're going to need to learn to say those a lot ! Especially when you see her  entire family slowly dying of malnutrition and you're trying to decide between putting food on their table or gas in your car.       

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