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Posts posted by The_Dude

  1. Remember:

    "We're not blocking traffic, we are traffic!"

    I like that chant.


    You are blocking traffic if your riding at 18-20MPH in a 40 MPH main road in the left lane :P

    Using the left turn lane ensures that 1 bicycle will get through the intersection, while holding up 6-8 cars that could have comfortably made it through merely because a bike cannot accelerate fast enough.

    what bugs me about traffic in LA is some of the motorcycle drivers... they weave in out of traffic like they own the road and I have even seen a few using the carpool lane... :o

    In California, motorcycles are allowed to use the carpool lane. They are also allowed to ride in between lanes of traffic. It's not legal in all states, and i'm fairly sure its not legal in Ontario.

  2. The Critical Mass group here are A-Holes!!!! They refuse to ride in the bike lane, or even the right lane. They insist upon riding in the left or middle lanes, and use the left turn lane. When they have their monthly event here in Santa Monica, CA, they try to disrupt as much auto traffic as possible.

    Bikes belong in the bike lane, and crosswalks for turns. They are allowed to use crosswalks here.

  3. Warlord,

    Have you encountered a group called Critical Mass? Holy #######, they are like the ghestappo on bikes.

    I too have driven in most cities in the U.S. and find that Los Angeles and Boston are by far the worst. I live 23 miles away from my job...... which takes me 2 hours to get home :angry:

    It's annoying, but as my fiance tells me .... Nothing I can do about it....

  4. I'm from Los Angeles, birthplace of driveby shootings and road rage......

    Here, the car reigns supreme. In some cities around L.A., Jaywalking tickets are upwards of $180 :wacko: My personal pet peeve is bicyclists. They get their very own lane on most major streets here, but some of them feel that they need to use the left turn lane when they want to turn. Use the crosswalk, its faster for you and for people in cars. /rant

    I have tried to get my fiance to attempt driving around the city here in Los Angels, just to get used to it so it won't be such of a shock when she moves here, but thus far I have been unsuccessful. I can understand her apprehension completely. People here drive like its a Formula One raceday.

  5. Trailmix,

    Your analogy doesn't really pertain to the situation with the president. The repricussions of screwing up at a normal job if they had enabled a new manager is nothing in comparison to what a failed president could do. So, I think it's prudent to have more checks and balances. The current president has already stretched the authority of the president beyond its limit. Look at the use if signing statements. Congress passes a law, or overrides a presidential veto and is enacted as law despite the presidents objections. President Bush loves to attach signing statements that are the equivalent of a note telling the agencies that are responsible for enacting and carrying out the new law that they do not need to actually do it.

    Now, if Obama had a received a massive win in the election, a mandate, I would say that he should be given more latitude with congress to move things through. But with the stakes so high with a president, and a country still divided over ideology, I think it's a good thing that he will have to make his case, and some concessions in enacting laws.

  6. It's quite funny trying to explain the election to someone who doesn't know about U.S. politics. None the less, I found myself doing that this election cycle when my fiance (Melissa) would ask. And when you say it out loud, our system of electing a president, or virtually any political leader is quite preposterous. When did it become a bad thing to be an "Elite"? I mean, if i'm going to have surgery, i would want an elite doctor, and not some every day person who I can relate with. I think our leaders should be more intelligent than the general population.

    Personally, I'm a Libertarian, and my political views encompass a bit of both major parties. I was a supporter of Ron Paul, at first, but as it became aparent that his candidacy would not be viable, I started to take a harder look at Obama. Ultimately, it came down to Obama had substantive ideas as to what we should do with the our situation in Iraq, and the economy, while Senator McCain and Gov. Palin couldn't muster any real plan.

    Now, seeing the makeup of our congress, Obama will not have free reign to do what he wishes, which I think is a good thing. Look what happened to the U.S. when George Bush had a veto proof majority for 6 years........

  7. Thank you all!!!!

    It's been a very stressful 4 months for the both of us (me more so than him, but then again I've been cranky)...

    I just hope that the rest goes fast so that we can finally be together!

    It will be so nice to finally be able to see him for longer than a week at a time... :wub:

    And I'm sure Stewie (my chihuahua) will be really happy to get out of the snow! :rofl:

  8. Hey there!

    I know our package 3 is a ways off yet, but I was wondering what comes in it. I want to start getting everything ready for it now, so that when it does show up, I can get it sent back off as quickly as possible...

    Also I was wondering about the background check.... I was reading on the RCMP website, and they said that it could take up to 120 days for it to be processed, so I wanted to get that sent off as soon as possible.... Is it ok for me to have it sent off now, or will the USCIS care that it has been done a few months in advance???

    Any input on this would be helpful..


    Mel :star:

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