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Posts posted by Bforbarree

  1. I haven't been to either, but Molokai or Lanai would not be as commercial as the bigger Hawaiian islands. I just read an article about Molokai that almost made me want to go there for my honeymoon. Another option is taking the honeymoon sometime after the wedding. I know many people who have done this even without immigration issues just because they had more time for it later on.


  2. :ot:

    Hey Can I ask a question...are any of you to the point, where if you logon to the USCIS information page and you see your NOA1 date ONE MORE TIME...you feel like you're going to SCREAM!!

    I think I'm at THAT POINT!!! IF I SEE AUGUST 7, 2007 ONE-MORE-TIME!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!! :angry:

    Ok, that's it...just wondering if I'm alone on this one!!



    I am at the point where I enter the wac number, get a different page, my (L) jumps because I think something has happened...and it just that I transposed the numbers.... :(

    But yes, when I put in the correct numbers and just see the noa1 date....I want to scream. :o

    Then I get paranoid and can't help but wonder if USCIS has a counter so that they can see how often petitioners have checked in on there case.....maybe they have a secret sweepstakes?

  3. I read an article, I think it was a link from a post on VJ but I can not find it now....perhaps someone else will post a link for you.

    The delay was down to several factor including the fee increase in July and there is a lot of controversy because of the upcoming election and new citizens being unable to register to vote. And I remember something about AOS cases taking 18 months....but I am unsure of the context....hopfully someone else can direct you to the article.


    Other VJ members that also filed in July are just starting to get approvals over the last couple of weeks, it seems to be averaging about 130 days or so from the NOA1 date. If you have not found the July Filers post yet there is a link below. There is also a spreadsheet where they are keeping track of members progress thru USCIS, so you can see where you stand.


    Hang in there, it seems that a lot of July filers should be getting news in the next couple of weeks.

  4. hi everybody

    we mailed uscis in 7/29/2007 and we received ona1 have the case number and from this 20 aug 2007 we check the web site uscis everyday and no news same date no touched and we scared maybe they refouse after this time i want know what i can do any one can help me really i am very tired from waiting my fiance call them in uscis and they say it is process

    why they do that for us i need only to be with my love and the uscis make my life is very hard i did'nt know what will happend to me if they not approve this case i hope this not happend

    all my best wishes for all ppl

    mohamed masry

    Other VJ members that also filed in July are just starting to get approvals over the last couple of weeks, it seems to be averaging about 130 days or so from the NOA1 date.

    If you have not found the July Filers post yet there is a link below. There is also a spreadsheet where they are keeping track of members progress thru USCIS, so you can see where you stand.


    :star: Hang in there, it seems that a lot of July filers should be getting news in the next couple of weeks.

    And as suggested above, please fill in your timeline, by filling in your Visa Journey timeline you will get an aprox date of adjudication, and you will add to the statistic and information that help all members. :thumbs:

  5. I am in the UK with my fiance, we petitioned in July (whilst I was home) and I returned to the UK in early October, I plan on staying until he gets his visa...so I will have said GAP in my employment record. One (perhaps obvious) pro is that it takes a lot of the misery out of the wait! One serious con; in the UK, with the exchange rate being so bad (from an American point of view) and not being able to work we are taking a financial hit.

    This is the conclusion we have come to based on our situation.

    Every persons financial situation is different. In this process employment history is not the only factor, there are University students and retired people petitioning and getting approvals. While I am sure that being employed at this stage (as the USC) could only be helpful when it comes to the affidavit of support part of the process, I expect that, as long as I have a qualified co-sponsor things should be fine. I think the main concern for the US government is the point that the beneficiary not become a burden on the system, any co-sponsor is entering into the same legal obligation as am I to ensure that this does not happen.....so if I do not meet the requirements and my co-sponsor does then I do not see it being a problem. I do plan to return to work as soon as we return to the US and I expect this will help when it comes to the AOS part of the process, but I think the Embassy will be fine with granting the K-1 based on mine and my co-sponsors I-134.

    That being said I have heard of petitioners that are on public assistance being denied, even though they have a qualified co-sponsor. But I do not feel that this has any bearing to our particular situation.

  6. Current Status: Approval notice sent.

    On November 21, 2007, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E). Please follow any instructions on the notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service.

    ME and Curt really happy that we got an approval just read now

    Congratulations to everyone that has been approved over the HOLIDAY weekend!!!! Extra great news! I really expected this to be a demoralizing long weekend....glad to know that everything did not grind to a hault!


  7. No approval yet for me. I'm just looking for some information from those with OH's in the Philippines.

    I have not heard from Charry in the past few days. She has not come online and I can not contact her on her cell "subscriber cannot be reached." And she does not have a landline.

    I'm a little worried as the last time we spoke she said they were expecting 2 super typhoons.

    Has anyone heard anything from their OH's in Phil? How bad is or was it and where was the hardest hit?

    I could be overreacting, they could be without power or the lines are down and the cell tower is out. But I'm worried.


    Thinking good thoughts for you, hopefully someone has some info for you and that you are in touch with your SO sooooon!!

  8. Another question-how do we file the papers for sponsorship?when?what form do we need?

    For the K-1 visa your fiance petitions for you the I-129F (look at the guides they are very thorough), after your petition is approved by USCIS (this will take plenty of time!), you take an I-134 (affidavit of support) that he has filled out and had notarized to the embassy interview....if he does not meet the financial requirements you'd need a co-sponsor that would provide you with the same I-134 forms for your interview.

    This is potentially months down the line, while you want to be sure he meets the requirements, I think this is something to deal with after he submits the petition.

    Again, look at the guides for the K-1 and the time lines, this information is very helpful.


    I know this was very overwhelming for us, and sometimes it still is! But just take it one step at a time and you will get there.

  9. I do not know about your other issues with asylum etc, but (at the moment) for people filing K-1 visa it seems to run an average of between 5-8 month from filing to visa/visa interview, but I would assume these are straight forward cases. And it really varies depending on the service center as well as by the fact that they had a huge number of applications over summer because of the fee increases that took effect in July. People filing in December may have better results?

    I think we are all overwhelmed and made a bit sick when we realize that our lives and plans will have to be put on hold while we await approval by a process that puts our fate and emotional wellbeing in some anonymous fastidious bureaucrats hands. But realize you are not alone here, there must be at least a few people here on VJ that have been through your specific situation. Do as much research and reading as you can!

    You've made a really good start by finding this site and I wish you the best of luck on your journey.

  10. Lol! happy Thanksgiving and gratzies on the approval :D

    NOthing on USCIS website and projected date back on Dec 26th :(

    Didn't someone say something about mass updates about 5pm EST somewhere though? Will check case status again later... just in case...

    Twas me a while ago. I found out that CSC (and VSC) to 2-3 smaller server updates during the working day (generally around usual breaktimes) but their biggest one is around 1.30-2.00am as no-one working. Updating servers the size that they have and with the volume of data processed daily will be very resource hungry.

    Yeah, I read that a while back....and now I check at 10:00am (GMT) then again at 11:00......then I sigh.....

  11. Laura and I touched down in the US about 5pm Tuesday! :dance:

    It all seemed very surreal actually. But we're both happy.

    The POE process was no problem, though we had to wait about 2 hours because it was quite busy. And no posted instructions or directions were a pain in the #######. But once they had her packet and passport in hand, it only took about 10 min.

    What a relief.

    WOW! It must be surreal after all these months!


    I can't wait for surreal! :D

  12. Well, I'm still waiting for news on our status.

    I sent the forms in on July 26, but didn't get a NOA until August 28. They had received it on July 28, but I guess it sat on a desk. Anyway, I'm still wating for NOA2.

    That said, I really wish they did a better job of keeping the website up to date. I go to check the status and nothing has changed. I call and get a message saying the same thing. It sure is annoying.

    I'm hoping to get married in April. It's so hard to try to plan a wedding on 3 months notice.

    Sorry about the random rambling. How's everyone else doing?

    Some of the people that got their NOA1 in July are starting to get their NOA2 from USCIS (some with a NOA1 dates of July 26th!)....weeks earlier then the VJ estimate, which is encouraging. Try the "Attention July Filers thread", the approvals started coming in at around page 165 and they have a spreadsheet that notes the service centers and the number of days between NOA1 and NOA2. There is probably a thread for August Filers too, if you have a look.

    Hang in there!

  13. I agree, be honest, BE HONEST!!!

    Believe me, for the first year or so I struggled to tell people that we met on the Internet, but I do not care anymore, and it is easier to be honest!!!! Loads of people meet on the Internet these days, it IS actually NORMAL. It should not make any difference to them at all, and in my case it has not (not that I am aware of anyway). What will throw up a red flag for them :huh: is the length of her stay, anything over 2 weeks and you are very likely in for a grilling.

    My experience......

    I've been questioned for 15+ minutes on one occasion, halfway thru they walked away for a few minutes then came back. This was on my second trip, we were not in the K-1 process yet and I said I was here to see my boyfriend (apparently a red flag).

    I have been asked....

    What is the purpose of your trip to the UK? (VISIT)

    How long are you staying? (they will want a date of your return)

    Do you have a return ticket?

    May I see your ticket?

    How you met?

    How long have you known each other?

    Has your Fiance been to the US?

    Has your Fiance met your family and friends?

    What does you Fiance do?

    Where does your Fiance live?

    Where does your Fiance work?

    How long has your Fiance worked there?

    What does your Fiance earn?

    Where are you staying?

    What will you be doing while you Fiance is working?

    What will you be doing while you are here?

    How are you financing your stay?

    Where do you live (in the US)?

    Do you rent or own?

    What do you do?

    Where do you work?

    How comes you got so much time off work?

    How much is in your savings?

    Who paid for your ticket?

    Do you have any cash?

    How much?

    Who is picking you up at the airport?

    What will you do if the K-1 is not approved? ( :yes: YES, they asked!)

    Are you planning to seek any employment in the UK? :no:


    Unless you have a work visa, which can be very difficult to get if you are an American.

    Although I seem to remember reading a thread which mentioned something called Mountbatten (sp?)

    Exchange Program...something one could look into if interested?

    Information she should have ready (in my case I printed it out and just handed it over).

    UK Fiance's full name

    UK Fiance's home phone number

    UK Fiance's work phone number

    UK Fiance's cell phone number

    UK Fiance's home address

    UK Fiance's employer and the address

    I have been warned......

    That I can not legally get married in the UK without a UK Fiance visa.

    That I am not "visiting" the UK, that I am here to live with my boyfriend.

    They are not convinced that I am not living here.

    That if I over stay (my 6 months) that I can be denied entry in the future, even if I am married to UK citizen.

    They have scrutinized my passport, checking the stitching and counting the pages.

    but I have always been admitted to the UK.

    I am in the UK now, over the last two years I have come on extended stays four times. 3 weeks, 5 months, 4 months, and 5 months (or until the K-1 arrives!) respectively and I have NEVER been turned away but I always dread immigration!!! I have been thru both Heathrow and Gatwick, they can be rude, miserable and intimidating; they make you feel like a criminal (I know they have a serious job but I think some of them really enjoy it :devil: )! I have never regretted being honest :innocent: , they make and keep notes (that they can and will refer to later) and it is there job to notice any inconsistencies in your story.

    Immigration can be a horrible welcome after such a long flight :wacko: not to mention the emotional state your in, just wanting to see your loved one! But afterwards you just have to shake it off, collect your baggage and leap into the arms of your sweetheart! (F)(F)(F)(F)(F)(F)

    In my opinion you guys should be fine, just answer the questions they ask, as they them, and don't VOLUNTEER B) .

    All they want really to "know" is that she is going to leave the country before her visa expires and that she is not going to get a job or use public funds while she is in the UK. They are looking for indications that that may not be the case.

    This is more or less your story, correct?

    She is coming for 3 months to be with you. You are 4+ months into the K-1 visa process and you are USCIS approved, you just have to make your appointment at the US Embassy as soon as they receive your paperwork. If she already has a return ticket that would be best (in the view of the IO) but if not she can just explain that you will be buying your ticket(s) and that she will be returning after the visa is approved. The visa should be in hand in the next two to three months and the embassy recommends that you do not make travel plans until after you receive your visa.

    It seems pretty solid to me.

    As a USC I have always been given a 6 months visa when entering the UK, I expect this is standard, so IF she decides to stay longer then 3 months it should not be a problem, just DO NOT stay longer then 6 months!

    I really hope all that is helpful! I know it was long winded but I suspect most of us are VJ chronic because we hate being in the dark!

    Congratulations on your NOA2! :dance:

    Glad that you will be together soon! (L)

  14. Current Status: Approval notice sent.

    On November 20, 2007, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E). Please follow any instructions on the notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service.

    :dance::dance::dance: Approved!!! Thank You God!! Thanks Everybody. The Approvals are coming people :dance::dance::dance:




    oOPS! LEARNING HERE! :whistle:

  15. They accepted the ones I got done at Max Spielmanns who are owned my Klick here in England the same ones I used for my new passport.

    Thanks for posting!

    :reading: I am really glad to know this because after reading the above I double checked in our "exact copy of the I 129F packet" and that is exactly what we sent in ......the UK (not US) passport size photo of my (L) (35mm x 45mm)....eeegghhhh!

    I was so freaked out about the petition and assembling the packet I did not even notice that our photos were a two different sizes :wacko:

    Since yours went thru fine, maybe it is ok? Or may they did not notice? If the later is the case I hope we get as lucky....hate to have a delay over something so silly!

    Whether you get an RFE or not seems to depend on which adjudicator you get. Some people are lucky and others are not. I would get a correct size photo done so that if you do get an RFE you can turn it around quickly. Here's hoping that you won't :thumbs:

    I have to say, this has been driving me nuts, how did I miss it.....I was so careful....triple checking everthing!

    Again, nothing I could do about it at this point....but........I DON'T WANT A RFE!!!!!! :girlwerewolf2xn:

    So.....I re-read the instructions for the I-129F and while it does ask for specifics in regards to the photo (I quoted it below), nowhere is 2"x2" specified..

    That being said; If I was just getting ready to send in my I-129F and read this post, I would certainly go with the 2"x2" just to be safe...but in my case that did not happen and being that I did follow what they specified in the instructions, I am just not going to think about it further...... :blush:

    "B. Give USCIS a passport-style color photograph ofyourself and a passport-style color photograph of yourfiancé(e), with both photos taken within 30 days of thedate of filing this petition. The photos must have awhite background, be glossy, un-retouched and notmounted. The dimension of the full frontal facialimage of you and your fiancé(e) in separate photosshould be about one inch from your chin to the top ofyour hair. Using a pencil or felt pen, lightly print thename (and Alien Registration Number, if known) onthe back of each photograph."

  16. Just found out the nearest Snappy Snaps is Aberdeen which is 220 miles away. Oh dear. Need to find someone else.

    Being that you are so far out......

    I have not tried this yet, perhaps some other members have and can advise???

    See link below, they have settings for USA passport photos (2x2), it looks like you can print them yourself for free using their website, or they will print them for a small cost to you. If they print them you may be able to have them sent directly to your USC (L) if they are in the US getting ready to submit your petition. Maybe do both and see which gets there faster.


  17. They accepted the ones I got done at Max Spielmanns who are owned my Klick here in England the same ones I used for my new passport.

    Thanks for posting!

    :reading: I am really glad to know this because after reading the above I double checked in our "exact copy of the I 129F packet" and that is exactly what we sent in ......the UK (not US) passport size photo of my (L) (35mm x 45mm)....eeegghhhh!

    I was so freaked out about the petition and assembling the packet I did not even notice that our photos were a two different sizes :wacko:

    Since yours went thru fine, maybe it is ok? Or may they did not notice? If the later is the case I hope we get as lucky....hate to have a delay over something so silly!

    Whether you get an RFE or not seems to depend on which adjudicator you get. Some people are lucky and others are not. I would get a correct size photo done so that if you do get an RFE you can turn it around quickly. Here's hoping that you won't :thumbs:

    Yeah, we will do that....best to be prepared....we need to get more pictures for the embassy anyway.

    So you've come across other members that have been RFE'D because of this then? Uuuugghhh! What a pain!

    Nothing more to do except hope that they do NOT notice!!!!! :bonk:

  18. They accepted the ones I got done at Max Spielmanns who are owned my Klick here in England the same ones I used for my new passport.

    Thanks for posting!

    :reading: I am really glad to know this because after reading the above I double checked in our "exact copy of the I 129F packet" and that is exactly what we sent in ......the UK (not US) passport size photo of my (L) (35mm x 45mm)....eeegghhhh!

    I was so freaked out about the petition and assembling the packet I did not even notice that our photos were a two different sizes :wacko:

    Since yours went thru fine, maybe it is ok? Or may they did not notice? If the later is the case I hope we get as lucky....hate to have a delay over something so silly!

  19. Nice post, thanks for sharing. Congratulations :thumbs:

    Hi there,

    Was wondering what the letter of intent is supposed to say exactly?

    Nice post, thanks for sharing. Congratulations :thumbs:

    Below is a link to the VJ sample letter from the K-1 guide. Basically it is the same letter you sent with the I-129F, it is just addressed to the Embassy as opposed to USCIS and the date on the letter needs to be closer to your interview date.


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