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Posts posted by stupidoss

  1. 2 hours ago, Suze1 said:

    Depends on household family size (including how many dependents in the household), and not all assets are equal (they have to be liquid, and can't include certain categories).

    I am an American citizen that got a job offer in the US. I am currently living in France with my husband and children. I want to apply for my husband's green card to be able to get back to the US on time to start my job this is why I want to apply via DCF. So I am not applying for a visa for myself as I am American but I am applying for a Green Card for my husband.

  2. 6 hours ago, Guillaryi said:

    1. That’s all you need to be approved for DCF

    2. They won’t be contacted as far as I know

    3. The green card is not dependent on you holding a job, once you’re both in the US you’re good.


    Note: For I-864, if you don’t have a joint sponsor in the US, you will need to show >65k of assets or your husband will need to show >110k (you two can combine your assets too). Your job offer in the future does not count as current income. Foreign income also does not count.

    Thank you so much for your reply, it is a relief to know they won't contact my future employer. It has already been challenging to get an offer while overseas and they have agreed to wait for me to arrive so I would hate to put extra pressure by having immigration call them!


    Thank you for the note on the I-864 :)

  3. I currently live in France with my husband and children. I would like to apply for DCF under exceptional circumstances to be able to get the green card of my husband to be able to get a job once we arrive in the US. It looks like I am going to receive an official job offer this week. I have been interviewing with a company in Houston, Texas and I got the job. My questions are:

    1. Other than the offer letter what else do I need to provide as evidence that I need to be in the US for a start date of June 30?
    2. The US company knows I am currently in France and would like to know if they will be contacted by immigration to confirm this offer is legit?
    3. Once we are in the US am I required to keep this job for a certain amount of time or can I right away quit and start looking for another one?


    Thank you for your help, I am so excited to have gotten a job in the US but want to make sure I provide all the required information so our DCF doesn’t get denied.

  4. @aaron2020 thank you for your reply. My husband's employer is an american company and they plan on transferring him to the US under an L1 visa towards the end of the summer. My more specific question is...Is his employer going to have problems getting the L1 visa issued due to Trump's new proclamation or once his employer knows he is the spouse of a US citizen they will be able to apply the exemption?

  5. I am a US citizen married to a European citizen. We have been married for more than 7 years and have two children who are also US citizens.

    We are currently in Europe and we want to go back to the US.

    Is my husband eligible for L1 visa (through his employer) considering the recent proclamations from Trump in April and June?

    While the L1 visa are suspended according to Sec. 2 (Proclamation June 22), it seems that any alien who is the spouse of a US citizen is exempt in Sec 3. b) iii.

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