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Ahmed & Sue

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Posts posted by Ahmed & Sue

  1. Ok all.......

    Think whatever you want, but I need an answer. Ahmed has had his interview at the Cairo Embassy, and we are awaiting administrative processing, and I keep seeing posts about DOS. What is DOS, why do the papers end up there, and how do I find a number to contact them to see if our case has left the Cairo Embassy? Any information anyone could give me on this would be greatly appreciated. I write the embassy each week, and always get the same answer. It would be nice to have another place to contact to see if things are actually happening. And thank you for any responses you give me.

  2. Dear Wael,

    It looks like all of us going through the administrative processing feel this way. However, I am not sure it is lies we are getting ( at least not the case with Ahmed and I). It is just not the answers we want to hear. It would be better if we had some idea as to why the administrative process takes so long. However, if they told everyone what was going wrong with their case, can you imagine the upset this would create? Maybe they have the right idea, waiting until the cases are completely processed so we can rectify any mistakes all at once. I too think the whole process should be faster. But then I stop and think about it, and how many marriages end in divorice in the USA? There are alot. With time, we get to know our partners better.

    I am not saying this process makes things any easier. In fact, the administrative process is enough to drive anyone completely nuts! It wears on the nerves after a while. We should only be thankful we have the VJ site we can come to and vent our frustrations. Before this site, it felt like we were the only two trying to accomplish this, and we thought we were doing something wrong because we were not getting answers fast enough. At least now, with the VJ site we know it is nothing personal that the embassy ignores us. We are simply one in a line of people waiting day after day, week after week, month after month............

    Hang in there. We are all here for you.

    Never give up,


  3. How far into the AP process did everyone contact their senators? Or can someone direct me to another thread about that?? I searched for the word senator, but that gave me tons of threads. :help:

    I contacted my congressman, Jerry Weller at the very beginning of the I-129F filing. I wanted to make sure all the paperwork was filled out right, and was directed to his office for guidance. The lady that handles the immigration issues in his office has been outstanding. She answers all my calls and emails, and has helped immediately any time I have asked for it. She has contacted Cairo for us, but unfortunately, gotten the same reply as we have. I will say, she told us what was expected, and what paperwork we needed to submit for proof, and made the whole process easier than trying to figure it out ourselves. It has been a fantastic experience working with this woman.

    When I first went to visit her, she told me straight out that she has seen alot of people come through there that only want money from someone to bring them into the states. She stated that if that was the purpose of the marriage she would not have anything to do with helping me. After sitting down and talking to her awhile about her experiences, I can tell you, I know why the USA is so picky about who they let into the country. Many people come in only for greed. I know many of you get disgusted because it feels like the senators and congressmen are not doing anything to help you. I am sorry it feels this way. I honestly can say, that has not been the case for Ahmed and I. The congressman's office has helped ALOT! I also asked her about help once he comes to make sure we get all the necessary things done, and she said anytime I need it to pick up the phone and let her know. Truthfully, I have only good things to say about this congressman's office. I wish the rest of the congressmen's offices responded to peoples needs like this one does. Maybe there would not be so many unhappy campers.

    Well, I hope our journey is coming to an end, and we all get our loved ones united with us soon.

    Take care,


  4. Hello All,

    Just wanted to let everyone know, I emailed Cairo embassy Aug 13th, 2007, and asked for news of Ahmed's visa status. They answered back today with this response........

    Dear Madam,

    Thank you for your e-mail message.

    Mr. Syam’s case is still pending necessary administrative processing. We expect that this process be completed shortly. Once the process is completed, the consular officer will process the case accordingly.


    Consular Staff

    They are answering emails. And might I add, this is the first time they have ever said they expect this process will be completed shortly. Could it possibly be that maybe things are going to start moving along? I sure hope so. Anyway, if any of you are getting actual answers of acceptance or refusal, please let us know. I would like to know if any visa's have been issued recently from the Cairo, Egypt embassy. Thanks for taking the time to answer.

    Keep Your Dreams Strong,


  5. Don't know if true or not, but when I call DOS they have told me the case was not requested there in Washington for clearance, but was done in Cairo and just shows still pending AP. What's up with them not responding to government official's inquiries?? The girl I spoke to today said sometimes it is really difficult to get the embassies to respond, but usually they will after a couple of emails.

    AP is only the beginning. Tonight I just told my bf we are in AP so we can save some more money and be prepared for things once he comes here. Of course, Ramadan is coming, and that will be better celebrated in Egypt than in the USA. I know this is hard, but there is a reason for everything, we simply don't know what it is yet.....lol. Maybe once we finally get the approvals we will realize why we waited so long, and appreciate the wait. For us, I think it is all a matter of timing, and finances. This has definately given us both time to get our lives and finances in order better.


  6. well finally the embassy writes back... i got the generic one too that says we r still in AP and they will call us when finished... :angry:

    i called dos today and the woman said that its finished in washington now and its AP at post in cairo and he should be getting a call soon... i wonder if this is true or im going to be let down AGAIN by hearing that line before...

    we will see !

    Hey All,

    When Ahmed calls now, they always tell him they can not answer any visa questions over the phone, to send an email. We do this every week. He sends one, I send one. I used to get a response every week, however, the responses have become slower and slower. I can however say the last two times they have responeded every other week with the administrative processing line. I asked in one email if we could please know what was holding up the visa and why we were put on administrative processing, and they told me that they did not discuss cases when they are in administrative processing and when there is a decision on the case we will be notified.

    Needless to say, today Ahmed was really down about it. He thought maybe they have refused him and do not want to tell him. I can not blame him for thinking this way. Fortunately thanks to all of you, I realize this is the norm, and it has nothing to do with him personally. I explained this to him. I dont think he was happy about, but at least he accepted it.

    May I say, here is why it is taking us so long............

    Where my son works, there is a woman in her 50's that married an Egyptian gentleman. It took her 2 years to get him into the USA. All this time, he was the perfect man, attentive and respectful. He loved her so much. Needless to say, once he was here, the day after he received his greencard, he disappeared in the middle of the night, and she has not seen or heard from him since. She has finally admitted to herself that she was used, and has contacted an attorney about a divorice. It is people like this that make it hard for the rest of us. Unfortunately, this is the SECOND case like this I have heard of from people around me. It is more common than we think. I hate to think bad of anyone, but I have to say now I understand why it takes so long.

    Hang in there everyone. Our day is coming. We just have to have faith.


  7. Thanks! Do you go to the meetings or just do it online? I'm just an online member but I love how it helps me track what I eat each day and keeps tabs on how my weight is coming along. :)

    Haven't done WW in years, but I have been doing www.kimkins.com, it is low fat and low carb, and it has been working for me. I have been doing it since June 3rd, and I have lost 45lbs. The site was $60 to join for a lifetime membership, but so far it has been well worth it. WW is a great balanced program, I just never have enough time to get to meetings. Best of luck to you Doodle with the weight loss. It has always been an issue with me, and I know how hard it can be. Let me know if you would like a diet buddy to check in with. This sure helps me alot. Knowing someone else holds me accountable makes me think twice about what I put into my mouth.


  8. Dee,

    I am so sorry you have had to go through all this. Seeing that you and the children are safe is a big relief. Please, do whatever you have to do to keep yourself and your children safe. I read through all 12 pages of this topic, and it was unfathomable. I would not treat my dog as poorly as he has treated you, much less treat another human being. Whatever you do, do not feel guilty about what you have to do for your own safety. Just do it. You and your kids safety should be the number one priority. You will be in my prayers.


  9. Dee,

    I really feel for you. When I went to Egypt last year, I took my 13 and 10 year old with me. I wanted to see how Ahmed would interact with them. The 10 days we were there, the three of them got along great. This was a high priority for me, although I never voiced it. If the kids and Ahmed had not gotten along, the relationship would have been done then. I am a mother first. I can see why you are so concerned.

    My fiancee is not here yet, however, I have started taking care of my 86 year old father who is now constant care, and ornery as all get out. I felt totally frustrated and worthless because he constantly said it was me doing everything wrong, and me who was causeing all the problems. I was ready to put him in a nursing home. For whatever reason, as I walked through Wal-Mart 2 weeks ago, I saw a book and it kept calling my name.

    14 Ways to Make Your Tomorrow Better by H. Norman Wright

    This is a christian based book. I read it, and am on my second time reading it. All I can say is it's working for me. It is based on being positive and consentrating on the positive instead of the negative. I had already called to see about putting my father in a home because things had gotten so bad and we could not speak to one another without fighting. I am following the advice of the book, and the past 4 days has turned around. We are actually getting along most of the time, and when we don't I walk away for a while until I am under control. I know this is not the same situation as your husband, but the fighting is similar. I really think the principles of the book could help you.

    Dee, when Ahmed and I talked about marriage, I talked to my pastor about it. She told me now is the easy stuff, once he gets here I better put my seat belt on and get ready for the ride of my life. This is not going to be easy, and I know it. Maybe if he had some male friends here he could talk with it would help. My pastor has contacted the muslim families in the community and asked them about their religious practices here, and has told them about Ahmed and asked if it is ok that she introduces Ahmed when he comes. All have been highly receptive to the request and are waiting him to come so they can meet him. She has also talked to the superintendent of schools and asked about introducing him so he can find out what he has to do to be able to teach (Ahmed is a teacher now) when all his papers go through. My friend at work that immigrated from Tunisia, just west of Egypt, years ago has asked if he could meet him and take us to the muslim section in Chicago where there are stores and shops and food places that will have things he is used to. I have also asked another VJ member who lives close to me to keep in contact because I would like the opportunity for us to visit with her and her husband(who is also from Egypt) once he arrives. I am not sure how close you are to your community, but I would ask a lot of questions and see if you can find some support within it. I have been really worried about the adjustment thing, and I am hopeing if Ahmed has some people around him that he can talk to and relate with about life and how they handled it when they first came, maybe it will help make the transition easier. Pastors are a great source of information. Mine is fantastic.

    I apologize for being so long winded, but I really feel for you dear. Hang in there. I sat my father down and explained to him that I was not going to go through every day feeling miserable all the time. I told him if the comments he made to me were negative, I was not going to talk to him until he could make positive ones. My neighbor said to me.....Sue, imagine being able to do what you wanted, and suddenly you can not do anything. Everything is taken from you and you are dependant on someone else for everything. How would you feel? It would really have to suck. Remember what your father is going through. It has to be really terrible to have this happen and have to accept it. Well, Dee, this statement could sum up the whole immigration process. Daily activities they are used to are taken away, and they rely on someone else for everything. It would have to be the most frustrating thing ever. Just make sure you lay down some rules and tell him you will not fight in front of the children. Maybe it would help to ask him what his feelings are and how he thinks things should be handled. He may have some ideas that will help.

    I really hope things get better for you. You will be in my prayers.

    Take care,


  10. I read all your posts with interest. When people tell me my fiancee is using me for a green card, I tell them that might be, who knows. I also tell them that I have MANY friends here in the USA that were married to Americans, and are divorced after just a few years of marriage, and are raising kids by themselves because the American father has no interest in the children. It is like this to me...my fiancee treats me like I am the most precious thing in the world to him. He makes me feel good about me and who I am. Reguardless of whatever happens, this could never be a bad thing. If I get a few years of happiness out of this, great. If I get a lifetime of happiness out of this, fantastic. For 20 years I was married to a fantastic American man who thought the world of me. I worked, I cooked, I cleaned, I raised his kids. I am ready to do it again. He passed away 22 months ago. Life is way too short, and it is only what you make it. Let it drag you down and it will. Look for the positive in things, and you win. Use your experiences to learn and move on.

    Now, I am not putting anyone down. My statement here simply is my observation. When I first considered applying for a fiancee visa, my pastor told me, "Sue, put your seatbelt on and get ready for the ride of your life. And remember, it is only starting, when he gets here it will be more intense." Words of wisdom. My seatbelt is on.

  11. I laughed as I read your stories. Mine is a work-aholic at the moment and constantly tells me when he gets here he needs to find something to do right away. Well, a year ago, I purchased a second home that is a fixer upper. It needs plenty of work which I can do, if I had the time. I started it, but have not gotten far. I have had it on the market, with no luck selling it. Needless to say, we have talked and he agrees to learn how to do the things necessary to work with me to fix it up. He will be plenty busy and then some. Even though he knows nothing about carpentry, he is willing to learn. Sounds crazy, but I am hopeing this formerly unsuccessful venture will eventually pay off for both of us. Good luck ladies. Remember, this is the life they know. Ahmed thinks nothing of working 8 hours in the classroom teaching, and then going home and giving private lessons another 4 to 6 hours. Even now during his vacation, he is working the fields and then doing private lessons in the evenings. It is simply a way of life. Just go with it.

  12. Hey doodlebug,

    How I envy you. I wish it were me. Enjoy yourself and make sure to take in plenty of scenery. Wouldn't it be nice if we could just go and bring them back with us? What I wouldn't give for that. At least you get to go see him in person. What if this wasn't even possible? Then it would really suck! Just think.....we actually do have alot of good things going on for us. Count your blessings. You will be in my prayers. And I really do envy you. Talking with Ahmed every day is not the same as spending time together and talking in person. It is so much better when you can see every expression on their face as you talk. Everyone treated me so good when I was in Cairo last September. I wish you the same.

  13. Ginger Snaps,

    Just so you know....this is a long process with plenty of waiting. First, make sure you know your love well, and you are both ready to wait this out. As far as the paperwork required, I contacted my local US Representatives office, and there is a lady there that deals with nothing but immigration issues. She has helped me obtain all the paperwork I needed, and she explained the things I did not understand. But it all takes time and money. Ahmed and I have been in the process of a fiancee visa since June of 2006. He has had his interview in Cairo, and we are waiting the administrative review process. There is a website the government sponsors that details all the information you will need to apply. Try www.uscis.gov and look under fiance visas. You can obtain all the information and costs as well as the forms you need from this site. I hope I pointed you in the right direction.

  14. I completely trust my man or I would not be in this relationship. However, I will say, he has been online talking with my lady friend instead of me, and although I know there is nothing there, I was extremely jealous that she got to talk to him and I did not. Go figure. I think it is a time thing. I never get enough of it with him.

  15. We filed June of 2006, and Ahmed had the visa interview April 18th, 2007. We are still in administrative processing. We have worked with a lady from our congressman's office from the beginning. She has been extremely helpful with information and helping us get things done right. However, as far as the processing, she has emailed Cairo reguarding our case, and it has made no difference. We still have to wait like everyone else. Not sure this helps, and I feel your frustration, I have it too. Hopefully you will hear something soon.

  16. micky_sabry (Egypt, K-1 but should have been CR-1) Interviewed 7/26/06 Awaiting AR

    AshkiA (Egypt, CR-1) Interviewed 8/17/06 Awaiting AR

    gotmeahunk (Egypt, K-3/CR-1/IR-1) Interviewed 11/19/06 Awaiting AR

    CairoBound (Egypt, K-3) Interviewed 11/21/06 Awaiting AR

    angeljan (Egypt, K-3) Interviewed 1/25/07 Awaiting AR

    nouna (Egypt, K-1) Interviewed 2/1/07 Awaiting AR

    Becky&Sam (Egypt, K-3) Interviewed 2/5/07 Awaiting AR

    Cheryl & Medo (Egypt, K-3) Interviewed 2/7/07 Awaiting AR

    Picatue (Egypt, K-3) Interviewed 2/12/07 Awaiting AR - (VISA! 06/18/07)

    aj1 (Egypt, K-1) Interviewed 3/12/07 Awaiting AR

    just waiting for my habebe (Egypt, K-1) Interviewed 4/2/07 Awaiting AR

    Fouad (Egypt, K-1) Interviewed 4/29/07 Awaiting AR

    JODO (Egypt, K-1) Interviewed 5/01/01 Awaiting AR - (VISA! 06/13/07)

    Water is Wide (Egypt, K-1) Interviewed 5/03/2007 Awaiting AR

    m&n (Egypt, CR-1/IR-1) Interviewed 5/6/07 Awaiting AR

    TamaraLovesAdam (Egypt, K-3) Interviewed 5/9/07 Awaiting AR

    Wael253 (Egypt, CR-1/IR-1) Interviewed 5/23/07 Awaiting AR

    deemabrouk (Egypt, K-3) Interviewed 5/23/07 Awaiting AR - (VISA! 06/27/07)

    Jo and Re (Egypt, K-1) Interviewed 6/6/07 Awaiting AR

    Legasus (Egypt, K-1) Interviewed 6/11/07 Awaiting AR - (VISA! 06/19/07)

    Ahmed and Sue (Egypt, K-1) Interviewed 04/18/07 Add us to the list. Still awaiting AP.

  17. I filed through VSC in the beginning of April, good luck. We got stuck but the people who filed in March didn't, so hopefully you'll be like them and not us :)

    I am not sure if this will help you or not, but when I filed my I-129f, I worked with a lady from my congressman's office. I called my local representative, and asked for help to get my fiancee into the US. They directed me to a fantastic lady that has helped and answered all my questions, as well as contacted the embassy to find out what is going on. I felt so much better knowing I was filling out the forms properly, and she also told me what I needed to provide for proof or the relationship. When the I-129f was denied the first time, she helped me get the information I needed to refile. I hope in some way this helps you. There was no charge for this. Needless to say, Ahmed has had his interview, and we are waiting an answer from the embassy. And whoever said stay on top of things was right. Make sure once you get as far as the interview you email and call weekly to check on the status. Email me if I can answer any questions for you. Good luck. It is VERY FRUSTRATING!!!!!

  18. awwww yes many of us wished we could be there for our SO's interview, I mean being a few feet away is much better than waiting for a phone call at 2am! yay great to hear!

    Then you can enjoy the rest of your time together without having to worry about the interview :)

    Oh LOVE the shirt, my fiance's name was/is a direct hit hehe...

    yeah but it'll majorly blow the week if they deny him for whatever reason!!! :blink::blink:




    I wish you the best of luck. Just don't let any negative thoughts like this one cross your mind!

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