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    mona_ralph_2020 reacted to Ela G. in Has Anyone Left Europe's Schengen Area for 14 Days to Then Enter USA?   
    So I’m going to tell how the whole check-in, boarding and Immigration went. When I arrived to the KLM check-in desks in Madrid airport the lady asked me what I was going to do in Mexico City. I said I was going to visit a friend (which is true I guess because I’m staying with a family friend) and she said I can’t travel because that’s a “leisure” trip. I told her the borders in Mexico were open to tourism and she didn’t believe me and she kept saying “Well that could change in a day or even hours”. When I explained to her that I was traveling to the US from Mexico City she had me show her my K1 visa and the confirmation email for my flight to the US. She had me waiting about 20 minutes while she asked like 5 colleagues and researched it online because she clearly was clueless about the borders in Mexico (great professionalism). Finally after 20 minutes of literally thinking I was going to have to Uber back home she came back and told me I can go and gave me my boarding pass. I had to fill in a health questionnaire as well during check-in. When it was time to board there was again people asking everyone what they were doing in Mexico. This man didn’t want to let me board because (AGAIN) he was saying Mexico isn’t open for tourism. I then told him I wasn’t going for tourism and showed him my K1 visa on my passport and that I was just flying to the US from Mexico. I had to show him my flight to the US for him to let me board. When I finally sat on the plane I truly couldn’t believe it ahahah. When I landed in Amsterdam for my layover that was a breeze compared to Madrid. I got no questions asked during passport control besides “Where are you headed?”. Once I landed in Mexico City that was a whole different story. I waited in line for Immigration and I got sent for a secondary check. I told them what I was going to do this trip and it seemed like they knew about the “2 week” quarantine for europeans because I was actually not the only one coming for that purpose in my flight. He asked me if I intended to adjust status once I got to the US with my visa and I said “Uuhh.. I guess? but months later”. After all these questions I got sent into a room full of what seemed to be all the foreigners that were in my flight... We were mostly all from Europe. And I met this other Irish girl and British guy who were doing exactly like me. They both had work visas and were just traveling to Mexico to quarantine. We weren’t allowed to have our phones out and they made us fill a really long form about what we were going to do in Mexico and who we were staying with and what activities we were planning on doing. People from that room were getting called into an even smaller room for a short interview. And this wasn’t based on who arrived into the room first... This was based on how complex your case was... So I was freaking out a little because I was called in about 2 hours later. Once I went in I got told to sit down and this lady came and started asking me (again) what I was going to do here in Mexico so I explained to her that I was just staying at a friends house to quarantine and be able to fly to the US. I also told her my fiancé was coming on the 18th. She looked at my visa and asked me to show her my flight to the US. She then told me I could go back to the waiting room. About 5 minutes later I got called and I left the waiting room back into the immigration desk outside and a man stamped my passport and told me “Welcome to Mexico” and I honestly couldn’t believe it because I saw quite a few people getting refused entry. After that I went to get my baggage and left without any other problem. This wasn’t a pleasant experience at all especially when you’ve been awake for 24h and all that is going through your head is “Am I gonna have to sleep at the airport until I can get a flight back home?”. I’m just glad this is all over. Still got the hardest part though... which is entering the US. But after going through all this I’m not even scared anymore...
    Note that the two other people who had work visas to enter the US were still in the waiting room when I left (and they actually arrived earlier than I did). I really hope they got into Mexico without a problem... I don’t know if having a K1 visa worked in my favor or not. That I will never know. But there shouldn’t be a difference hopefully.
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    mona_ralph_2020 reacted to Leah88 in Has Anyone Left Europe's Schengen Area for 14 Days to Then Enter USA?   
    Oh wow I reall really appreciate that input!!! Thanks so much!! I will follow your advise and check up on those websites and see, what I can do. I had no idea that turkey wasn’t restricted ?!! I would feel way more comfortable about turkey than mexico.. however, if your fiancé is planning her trip, id love to hear about her plans if you don’t mind sharing that info! I am pretty determined to go at this point!! 
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