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TinTin and Samby

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Posts posted by TinTin and Samby

  1. Drakkar Noir, UGH! My fiance wears that.... I swear it makes me wanna eat him...

    note to self, buy a dozen bottles of Drakkar Noir...........

    Ummmm....ok. Possibly too much information....or maybe not! hehehehe!

    Warm Regards,


  2. There is no reason or requirement to provide 'immigration intent' when applying for a passport. Hence, my previous posting's point that there is no reason for CFO to create a dependancy on getting a passport issued.

    Warm Regards,


    Yes, but when you walk in with a new marriage certificate to a foreigner and ask to change your name, they sort of get the idea what's going on. ;)

    Certainly :) But that would be a Passport change/renewel. You would have already had a passport before in this situation. :)

    Warm Regards,


  3. the amnesty bill failed- get over it!

    The government is, as always, behind the curve. Once our economy is done doing what it does best, the economic integration of illegal immigrants with the rest of our economy will be fait accompli. It's inevitable and it's for the best.

    best for who? companies exploiting illegals & politicians pandering for their votes.

    Everybody. Remember, a rising tide lifts all boats :thumbs:

    So, if we follow this premise, we should all abandon the journey we are on, and instead, collectively hire a fleet of low flying, radar evading airplanes to ship our loved ones here asap. No need to worry about fee increasses, debate what is and is not adequate documentation, discuss the merits of Carrying or not Carrying your CG, etc, etc. Heck, we should all receive a Presidential Award for contributing to the "rising tide" that is (suppossedly) floating our collective economy!

    That is, of course, unless intellgent people refuse to beleive all the propaganda that somehow the net impact of deporting all illegally present persons would cause anything more than a mild ripple in the long run economic state of the US.

    Warm Regards,


  4. I think people who've been to third world countries like Vietnam understand why we help support our fiancee while she is there. I'm not saying anything bad about Vietnam. I'm actually very fond of Vietnam and always enjoy my time there with my fiancee's family. However, comparing the situation of a fiancee in a modern country and third world country is comparing apples and durian.



    Comparing apples and Durian!!! That's great!! Thanks for making me smile, John! :)

    Warm Regards,


  5. There's always other career choices. What frustrates me is when we are treated this way, meanwhile illegals are practically given an open door to abuse our systems.

    Please don't compare getting a ear bashing from a USCIS phone operator to the hardships illegal aliens have to endure. Although the press like to portray them as living in the lap of luxury off our tax dollars, that's far from the truth. Sure its their choice, but it was also your choice to come here and deal with USCIS!

    Respectfully, I couldn't disagree more with the underlying premise and sentiment here. IMO, US Citizens following processes made by their government that they indirectly funded should be entitled to competence and respect. IMO, Persons here in this country illegally (actually illegal, not simply being unjustly accussed of being illegal) should have no standing and therefore no expecation of anything other than an expectation of being deported.

    Warm Regards,


  6. Good topic, thanks to the OP. THis is something I have wondered about also.


    DATE Petitiioner MAILED (OR REMAILED - see example below) application - IRRELEVANT



    The above would also handle the real delays that occur when an incomplete application is RECEIVED by USCIS but returned to the petitioner, hence causing an extended NOA1 ISSUED DATE (subsequent to the second MAILED date after correction has occurred and application is resubmitted by petitioner, etc.).

    Warm Regards,


  7. forget touches; I just want a dang NOA1 so I feel like I actually exist to these people :blink:

    alien fiancee... alien spouse... weird non-existent creature dwelling in the dark underworld of the USCIS... you guys really know how to make a girl feel welcome ;)

    Welcome! Welcome! Welcome! Welcome! :dance::dance::star::star: and Welcome again!!!

    There ya go! Sometimes you gotta take the Welcomes from wherever you can get them! Hang in there! :)

    Warm Regards,


  8. Interesting read, especially how opportunities like home ownership seem to drive people to get ITINs.


    As long as they're here, it's in everyones best interests that they not be forced to live underground. Their participation in our economy is a good thing.

    Which dispels the myth that they're presence here is like that of a leech.

    If you keep them underground, then yes - they're more leachlike. But let them deposit their money in our financial institutions, let them take advantage of many of the fine financial products our economy has to offer, and they become contributors - not leeches. When one person produces and another consumes, both benefit.

    All this article is saying is, make it easier for them to produce and consume - iow, embrace them, don't vilify them.

    I do not embrace them. I do not villify them. I want our laws enforced. Send them home. Deportation is the answer.

    Warm Regards,


  9. If you are immigrating you HAVE to complete the CFO course before they will issue a passport, then after you receive your visa you have to go back and get the stamp.

    There is no reason or requirement to provide 'immigration intent' when applying for a passport. Hence, my previous posting's point that there is no reason for CFO to create a dependancy on getting a passport issued.

    Warm Regards,


  10. Acqua di Gio - Terrific all around choice. Great for daytime/business. and also great for evenings. This is my everyday choice for 5+ years. Get compliments on it nearly every day!

    Xeryus Rouge by Givenchy - My second favorite. A terrific 'heavier' choice for a nice romantic evening out. Personally, I find it too heavy for daytime/business. But love it for the evening.

    Warm Regards,


  11. Well, it would seem others have addressed the USCIS issues at hand here, and you did initially say you wnated to look at it from all angles, so here is my input here - and don't worry, I won't get nasty or anything! :)

    The issues you seem to be having are ones that would scare many, many people. That's normal - it really is. It's terribly frightening to find out that the person you've married has other facets than you knew - it's worrying because if you are the type of person who doesn't respond well to having the "goalposts changed" on them, you might feel like nothing is real, and that the woman you married is a fraud. However, it really doesn't have to be that black and white. Here's what I mean:

    Getting to know people, like your mother, your father, any other close member of your family, takes a very, very long time. You are probably still finding out things about your parents that you didn't know before - and I'm sure that will continue as well. That is normal. People are complicated things, and when we get to know another person, we don't expect them to reel off all the bad and good things that have ever happened to them like a big essay - I'm sure you don't do that, and I know I don't! Often times, I don't tell people certain facts about myself, for example, because I worry that they will be "scared off" and won't know what to say to me (for example, I was very depressed throughout my teens, an episode that culminated in a complete nervous breakdown, a suicide attempt and subsequent counselling - I don't tell many people that!). Do you think that in the normal course of dating, she would tell you that she had a terrible experience that ended in her drinking gasoline after a fight with her aunt? I don't think that's normal dinner conversation - what do you think?

    The question is this: and please, look beyond the fear you surely feel - do you love her? Do you love her, or are you looking for someone to love still - someone who will be "perfect" or "made to order"? I am most certinly not trying to be rude, so hopefully you didn't take it that way - but here's the thing: loving someone properly is very, very scary at times. People DO get mentally ill even years into a marriage. People get cancer as well; alcoholism returns and subsides; depression becomes apparant or flares up; people lose members of their families and become suicidal. The thing is, in a marriage, you have to be prepared, like a "grown up' (I wonder when we all grow up sometimes - I often feel like a kid still!) to work through the other's issues just like you would if the issues were inside you. That is scary - now you have two sets of issues, right? But there are bonuses as well.

    Loving someone else unconditionally - and I mean unconditionally - takes some hard work sometimes. It does include bailing them out when they are feeling lost, taking barrages of abuse during depression or addiction, battling through chemo when they get cancer. BUT in return, in a mutually loving marriage, YOU get it all back. If you ever fall off the wagon (and believe me, it could happen!) you have a partner there who will support you. If you have a child born to you with diffulties, you ahve a support system, as does you wife. Thing is, you have to be ready to do all of that - there aren't half measures in a marriage. There never are - not if you want it to be happy.

    So, are you ready to be a husband (I won't get into her part here - just know that I would say the same to you if you were a woman and a wife)? She is a lost woman right now - you've already said you know you were "mean" - so what are you going to do about it? I would seriously, seriously suggest a seperation and cooling off period for the "now" because you are much more likely to make a calm, informed decision when you really think about things in the light of day. I would after all, be a terribly sad thing if wrong decisions were made at this point. Could you forgive yourself if you made a mistake?

    It's obviously completely up to you - good luck, whatever you choose to do. :)(F)(F)

    I just wanted to send my compliments to you JayJay for such a nice, thoughtful, even tempered post. Clear sincere thoughts expressed in a way that allows the OP (and others) to digest the 'content' without immediately reacting negatively to the 'style' (and thereby missing the intent). We need more posts like this on VJ!

    Warm Regards,


  12. I think there is some confusion here. There are 2 seperate processes.


    #2: ACQUIRING A CFO "RELEASE" Certificate ('stamp') in the Passport.

    #1 has no dependancy on #2. As luvbugs4ever states, you should go to DFA and get your passport now. Don't wait for the CFO Course and/or completion certificate. People get passports all the time, not everyone getting a passport is doing so for or comtemplating a future use of that passport for emmigration purposes (hence - no CFO requirements)

    #2 has a partial dependancy on #1. You can go take the CFO course and get your yellow completion ticket without having your Passport (though you will need ID, visa information, etc to take CFO course). Then if you don't already have your passport, you will of course need to acquire it. Whether you had it before the CFO course or got it after, you then follow the steps in getting the USA Visa put into your passport. At that point, you can go to the CFO and have your passport stamped with the CFO approval.

    It's that final CFO stamp that is checked at the airport if you are leaving the country with emmigrantion intent. Remember, Many Filipinos depart the Phillipines without emmigrant intent or purposes. Of course, nothing related to CFO Certification applies in these cases.

    Warm Regards,


  13. I got a smaller credit card of mine put in my fiancé's name. That works very well. I get monthly statements and it is only $5 for her to get money. It is working out well

    My aunt is going back to Vietnam so I figured I would pass some money to her to give to my fiancé to help her out with bills, food and school. I just wanted to show financial support in helping her out. I know that giving cash is hard to provide. I also figured that there might be no way of showing proof when it comes to cash.

    Giving someone money is NOT proof of a relationship.

    I completely agree that giving someone money is not, in and of itself, proof of a relationship. I do wonder however, if demonstrating support of your fiance(e) would/could be one part of a total picture of an ongoing relationship. I have often wondered if this fact would be looked on favorably or unfavorably by the consulate officer (CO) during the visa interview.

    On the possible favorable side, the petitioner is demonstrating their comittment to support the beneficiary (loosely analagous to the support demostrations that will be required later at the approval phase via I-134, etc).

    On the possible unfavorable side, the consular officer may view this support in a negative light: ie that the beneficiary is somehow demonstrating a (financial) dependancy on the petitioner. Even if no such dependancy actually exists, could the Consular Officer latch on to a perception of one?

    Folks, please...No Flames...Please read the whole post...It's an honest question regarding perception of the CO at the visa interview.

    Nowhere here am I saying that one should or should not provide money or other financial support to their beneficiary. Everyone should do as their circumstances and heart dictate.

    Nowhere here am I saying that demonstration of support during the pre-interview timeline is asked for or required by any rule, form, law or any other such governmental vehicle.

    The question is what is your opinion regarding the disclosure of any financial support that you may have given in terms of its potential impact on the CO at the visa interview: Irrelevent?, Beneficial?, Negative?


    Warm Regards,


  14. yeah, I know but i was more commenting on the fact the Dr_LHA made it sound that giving up your old license would make you forgot how to drive or something :lol:

    Clearly I didn't mean that. ;) My point is that you if you don't get any benefit from giving up your drivers license, then don't give it up. The rules about people having to give in their old license stems from laws that state its illegal to hold 2 drivers licenses at the same time. These laws basically mean *from 2 different states in America*, and not for foriegners, but given that the laws were most likely written without foreigners in mind, and the DMV is run by morons, then you will get people who at the DMV who insist they have a right to confiscate your foreign license. They don't.

    Right on! :thumbs:



    CSC *






    Rick and Dixie-----07/27/07----**/**/**----**/**/**----**/**/**----**/**/**----**/**/**----**/**/**----**/**/**

    VSC *


    English Muffin-------07/05/07----07/10/07----**/**/**----**/**/**----**/**/**----**/**/**----**/**/**----**/**/**


    Mel and Rene -----07/17/07----07/20/07----**/**/**----**/**/**----**/**/**----**/**/**----**/**/**----**/**/**




    Bill y Bella ----------07/27/07----**/**/**----**/**/**----**/**/**----**/**/**----**/**/**----**/**/**----**/**/**

    Please Move To Correct Service Center


    * If your application was transferred, please enter your data in the section for the 2nd service center.

    * * Received date should be the date the application arrived at the service center where it will be adjudicated.

    * * * A NOA1 & NOA2 date should be the date it was issued, not the date that you received a hard copy.

    To add or update your data, simply reply to the latest post that contains the timelines and then edit the quote.

    Data should be sorted by service center, then by date received.


    s--Updated my entry to correct 'received date'. -Samby

  16. We use BPI (www.bpi.com.ph). I either go into a bpi office here in california in person or mail them a cashiers check/money order. They deposit it into my gal's bpi account and the funds are immediately available. Cost is onyl $8 USD per transaction. No fees on the other end for access/withdrawl.

    Warm Regards,


  17. Aloha,

    Yes... Very sensitive subject. But it's becoming more pertinent by the day. Many friends are imploring me to get one written, and I am so confused about what to do.

    Guys - how did you handle this touchy area??

    Pinays - What are your feelings on pre-nups?? You ok with them or find them insulting??



    You are either very rich or very stupid. Please tell us which?

    Lay off the insults, Epiphany. There is no call or excuse for your rude and attacking comment. Geez..the guy couldn't have been more honest and sensitive in the way he approached this delicate subject.


  18. EnglishMuffin-------07/05/07----07/10/07----**/**/**----**/**/**----**/**/**----**/**/**----**/**/**----**/**/**








    I added TinTin and me on the list. Thanks!

    Warm Regards,


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