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Posts posted by GeordieWife

  1. On November 5, 2010, we ordered production of your new card without INTERVIEW( waiver)

    On November 5, 2010, we ordered production of your new card without INTERVIEW( waiver)

    On November 5, 2010, we ordered production of your new card without INTERVIEW( waiver)

    On November 5, 2010, we ordered production of your new card without INTERVIEW( waiver)

    YAHHHHH ITS ON IT'S WAY :thumbs::dance: :dance: 3 MONTHS & 10 DAYS

    Please update time line :yes:

    Congratulations Andres!

    My dh had his bio on thursday, we're hoping for a speedy approval too.

  2. Bullwinkle,

    Sorry to confuse you with that time line, that green card was the conditional one we received good for two years after the adjustment of status. I do appreciate knowing that I'm not the only one waiting like this. Sorry for your wait too.


    I think that the congressman thing may be an option if we get too close to the year mark.

    I just want this process done...and I do admit, I am a little compulsive about getting this process wrapped up. I don't mind waiting, I just get a little paranoid that our file is lost, or something is wrong.

    I really appreciate everyone's input.

  3. Wow Eric,

    I'd never dream of making such a rude post to someone just because we are concerned about our immigration status. I don't believe I'm over reacting because on the July filers thread nearly everyone has had a bio and many have already gotten their green cards. Perhaps you should read your replies before you post to avoid sounding so rude. This website here is for support and help and that's exactly what I was seeking....my intent was not to annoy you.

    Thanks to everyone else who has been helpful, it's very reassuring.

  4. Hi everyone. I'm feeling so frustrated. We got our receipt notice on 7/2/2010 from VSC. No bio letter as of now. We have not moved or changed anything. I called twice and the second time I called they told us we should get one within 30 days (27 days ago), and were issued a service inquiry number. What should I do now...no word from them yet. Is an infopass appointment appropriate? Is the Dallas biometrics office just that backlogged? Help! I want to cry!

    Thanks again.

  5. Like andres, I still have not received our bio letter either. I called about three weeks ago and spoke to an immigration officer and was reassured it could take up to 60 days to get a letter. I'm getting very discouraged at this point and am wondering what our next step should be if we don't get a letter. Should I wait a little longer since we already spoke with an officer?

    *sigh* still waiting.....


  6. Thank you all very much. I called USCIS and spoke with an immigration officer. The good news is we didn't miss the letter, it has not been issued yet. We did not move or change our mailing address at all. I saw that the people here that filed when we did got their appointments already and that's what prompted my concern. So, they gave me a new receipt number too and we will wait patiently. Thanks for adding me to the list.

  7. Hi Everyone!

    I mailed our ROC packet 6/28/10 and we got our NOA1 on 7/2/10...but still no biometrics letter. I've tried to check the status online, but the website states it does not recognize our receipt number. Is it too soon to panic? Should I call USCIS...or should I make an infopass appointment at this point?

    It's been so long since I've posted on VJ...living happily and I was miss smartypants thinking I could do it all without help *smile*.

    Thank you!

  8. Well, I have been scarce to say the least. BUT, with our one year anniversary approaching next week I thought I'd pop in and see how everyone else is doing. As for us....Peter got his insurance finally the first of May. What a worry of our shoulders! He's had the same job since Thanksgiving working for our apartments as maintenance...so we get a break on our rent. He'll get a promotion in June and a raise as the Lead Maintenance person is moving out of the country. What a blessing this has been for our lives for now!

    What has everyone else been up to? It's amazing how my real life has taken over and we've been working to nurture our relationship in r/l and not online anymore. It's kept me off the computer so much! It's wonderful having him here now and knowing we'll never be apart again is wonderful. I hope everyone else is well and happy. It's tougher than I thought it would be...but we are happy just the same!

  9. Peter received his green card in the mail today. WOO HOO!

    Something sort of interesting...if you look VERY carefully on the back of it....there are pictures of all the U.S. presidents on it...I think that's what they are anyway. Along with his photo, thumbprint, a picture of the statue of liberty, the United States, and the seal of the Department of Homeland Security. Lots of other stuff and I can't quite make out what they are. SERIOUSLY security enhancing features I think. Just thought it was interesting!

    :star: :star: :dance::star: :star:

  10. This year, the Flonaze wasn't doing a thing for me. I had severe allergies. So, the doctor prescribed Prednisone and within 2 days, I was breathing normally, no allergies, no snoring, nothing. 1 month after using the medication, my allergies returned, but they were no longer severe enough that I felt like I was being suffocated.

    The nasal/sinus irrigations are good to prevent allergies too. It washes away pollen and irritants and can bring relief. Also if you check pollen counts in your area daily you'll soon see what outdoor triggers may set your allergies off. That way you can start antihistimines a few weeks before 'your pollen' blooms. Living in DFW area we have pollen year round from different trees weeds and grasses. Right now ragweed and Elm are up so I know the end of August start the Allegra daily.

    The steroid treatments are the last resort for infections. They are powerful anti-inflamatories but taken for too long actually diminish your immune system....so use those with caution! (Plus they give you mood swings and elevate your heart rate). The long term affects are really bad so use caution.

  11. I myself am a survivor of frequent sinus infections and had sinus surgery 6 years ago. I have a regimen when I know I will be at risk for one. I irrigate my sinus vigorously with saline with a kit...see www.neilmed.com . Also, I use a steroid nasal spray like NasacortAQ in conjunction with an antihistimine like allegra or claritan (allegra works best for me). When I'm in full force infection, it usually takes something like augmentin in conjunction with a shot of steroid or medrol pack...or prednisone for a couple of weeks.

    I really truly empathize with you on this. I'd also work on boosting your immune system with natural antioxidants like blueberries and green tea to help prevent problems in the future. Also make sure you get plenty of sleep.

    For some people, sinus issues are huge and all consuming. I've finally managed to get it under control. It seems my body manifests STRESS in the sinuses so I try to keep the stress in my life under control as well.

    I hope you feel better soon!

  12. Julez - we should compare notes sometime - I bet Jeremy's family are more dysfunctional than yours!!! :lol:

    Hey all...don't feel bad! We have a motto in my family 'Our family puts the 'fun' in dysFUNctional!'

    I hope everyone is doing fine. Peter is done with his temporary work (permit expires tomorrow), so we'll have the rest of the summer to get on eachother's nerves. Hey...did you guys know that he constantly talks to me during the news??? Dang that gets on my nerves! hehe...isn't this cute!!! We've spent enough time together to get pet peeves! Aint it great! I never thought we'd ever get to that point. But other than that..we really are sooo happy to be together. We spent the 4th of July quizzing eachother over civics questions for the naturalization exam. He's gonna be READY to be a citizen.

    Well all for now, just wanted you all to know I'm still alive and I lurk here from time to time.

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