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Posts posted by Titoblackspecv

  1. Hello good morning I wanted to ask a question


    My fiancée is from Venezuela but lives in Colombia with a two year permission only. I want to submit the k1 paperwork with a lawyer but a bunch of lawyers keep telling me that there is a travel ban from President Trumps law. One lawyer even told me that there is a 5% chance she can get accepted as a k1. Some lawyers don't even call me back. My question is do you know anyone that has had a recent case after President Trump's law that have either been rejected or approved with a k1 visa? Thank you and God Bless!! I really need help. My fiancée and I are really depressed because everything seems so difficult and almost impossible. PLEASE HELP!!!!



    Hola Buenos dias. Queria preguntarle algo. 

    Mi comprometida es de Venezuela pero vive en Colombia solo con permiso. Yo quiero meter los papeles igual a ustedes del k1 visa. Varios abogados me dicen que pueda que la niegen por el travel ban osea Venezuela esta en una lista negra de Estados Unidos. Han escuchados otros casos recientes de que los acepten a los Venezolanos o los niegan?



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